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akilyoung ago


The 'Official Team Trump' Twitter tweeted the go code a couple hours ago.


I posted an extensive thread here a few days so about that number, and it's ties to today. And lo... they tweeted it.

Those posts you linked follow... what is a map?

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. I found it. You linked to it on my last delta post -

What are the odds? 144,000


Vindicator ago


Did you see a second NYPD offed himself today?

And also a second Republican politician turned up dead?

Blacksmith21 ago

I did. Body count is running high. More to follow...

Rizzo9000 ago

Assuming they are deceased, rather than renditioned to testify

akilyoung ago

Badass.. yup that's it!

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm a math dummy. I understand the why for codes, not the how. I see solutions visually, not mathematically. Watching POTUS tweets for caps and numbers now and usually it can refer to something relevant on Q posts.

What makes you think 144,000 is a "go" code? I'll give it to you that I have no way of calculating the odds that you pulled that number out of your ass 6 days ago and then it get's posted by @TeamTrump. It's a cypher. And a big one. Nautilus. Riddle within a riddle. I feel like a HS field trip to the NatCryptMus in MD most days.

Past proves future. When does Q go dark?

akilyoung ago

Lol.. great response.

Let's just say a mix of intuition and decoding. I did a breif splaining of the how in that post. Ill try to create a thread about it tomorrow when i get on pc. Let's just say that is not coincidence... ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

We are all lowly dudes.

M-C-G ago

Interesting that Q post 607 and 608 are UK and MI6 related

Blacksmith21 ago
