pby ago

When SB2's decodes have been inaccurate so many times that failed serious matter predictions about DECLAS and Deep State arrests are traded for unverifiable, National Enquirer tabloid-type garbage...

bamadeplorable420 ago

LORD HAVE MERCY.......things are surely not as they seem....thank you SB2.

Maga2004 ago

Oh CerealBrain you've done it again!

maga1234 ago

Haven't read it all yet, I will later when I have time. But I did notice here on Sunday that the skies were a nice clear blue all day until 6pm. Then the chemtrails started. Not a lot of them, but definitely a few. So maybe they timed it until most people would be inside eating dinner? Saw a few Monday morning as well.

Black_beauty7 ago

Still seeing lots of chemtrails here! Nothing has changed in that aspect.

Joe10jo ago

Read last night where some people ask SB2 who he is. Could SB2 be that kid fro one of the South American countries who’d gone apeshit with his dorm... connecting all these random dots, posting the results to the walls of his home, etc.... and then suddenly disappeared?

divine_human ago

meghan tranny? dont buy it.

inspiretk ago

Serial Brain 2 - You're a genius!!! Your decodes is amazing! The attention to details, very good. Thanks SB2

pby ago


Here is a partial listing of SB2's decode inaccuracies:

Gowdy Would Replace Sessions: These last two drops informed us as early as in January 2018 that the plan all along was to get Sessions to progress as far as his recusal allowed him to by stealthily coaching the sealed indictments, Huber and Horowitz while Gowdy (with Goodlatte) was taking the House investigations to the 10 yard line. Then, when it would be time to move from the investigation phase to the justice phase, Sessions would gracefully let Gowdy replace him while all the investigation paperwork would migrate to Grassley’s desk in the Senate. Brilliant.

DECLAS Would Occur Before January 2019: Do you now see the Mueller probe and subsequently Congress were the shiny objects? Do you see Trump can, should it pleases him, declassify FISA any time before January [2019] and Dems will never get to enjoy “their” Congress?

There Would Be No Blue Wave in Mid-Term Elections: They started claiming there would be a blue wave, then, Holder said “when they go low, we kick them”, then, the Witch said “no civility until we win”, then, the caravan. When Trump responded with a deadly “Democrats produce mobs, Republicans produce jobs”, they realized this was another “because you’d be in jail” moment. They knew right then and there they lost the Midterms. Then, to make things worse, the early vote numbers came in to confirm there would be no blue wave and that according to their own media, Republicans were outpacing Democrats in key states. It was time to start scratching and coughing. Hence the pipe bombs

DECLAS Will Occur September 2018: *Well, if you add 210 days to February 20 2018, you get Tuesday September 18 2018. That’s tomorrow! This [week of] is the week when the acting AAG cannot be acting anymore and the position becomes vacant. Now look at these drops:

Q1433 Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated. [RR] problems. What was RR's Senate Conf Vote? WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Q1470 When the info is released [RR] no more. When the info is released no more Russia investigation.

Do you see it? When the declassification occurs and that RRs implication in FISA is public, RR, occupying DOJ #2 position is gone, but the DOJ #3 position will also become vacant because of the 210 day rule. So? Almighty Sessions! Descending from the heavens, sitting on a throne with a Golden Hammer. Direct link with Wray. Direct oversight of Mueller if un-recused, controlled link with Mueller through #3 refill. Game over.*

DECLAS Will Occur in December 2018: *Q2478 Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

Many were asking why Q put that L in brackets in Q2478. Do you now see it? DEC[L]AS stands for DEC and [L]AS. DEC is December and [L]AS is Little Adam Schiff.

We are told the December declassification party is about to start and that Little Adam Schiff will be opening the dance.*

DECLAS Will Occur and Huber Will Open Pandora's Box on the Clinton Foundation Before Dems Take Control of the House: Can you feel the acceleration? Do you see we are inexorably moving towards declassification and that dominos will start falling before Dems can take over the House in January 2019? Rep. Meadows, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations plans to hold hearing into DOJ’s probe of Clinton’s foundation link on Dec. 5, which means Huber will open the Pandora box about the Clinton’s Foundation.

Deep State Players Will Be Sent To GITMO By Christmas 2018: *Next step? We go and listen to FLOTUS as she is interviewed by Hannity. The beginning of the interview is nuclear. Watch until 1:10YouTube. Did you catch it? Hannity says “because while we're enjoying Christmas many of them won't be with their families”. You know he’s talking about all those who would go to GITMO right? And FLOTUS responds: “it’s important to show them that the President, I and the country are behind them” which is, in Q language:

Q1897 They never thought they'd be hunted. Q

Do you have doubts? Continue until 2:03YouTube. Did you catch Hannity’s reference to the Empire State Building was about its height of 1250 Ft adding up to 12+5+0=17=Q? How about the 5k people capacity and 3k current? This is the connection to our 8 stockings! This whole conversation is about GITMO and Q’s riddle! FLOTUS says: “you see the ship, it’s very small and then when you approach, it’s really big” which is, in Q language:

Q1897 They never thought they'd be hunted.*

Schiff Outed And Data Drops on Deep State Crimes Occurring Prior to February 2019: *Q664 Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?

What do you think? Is the LIGHT about to shine on SCHIFF? Could it happen by the SOTU? BETS NOW!

Now that you see how the Maestro is coding these dates. What other date do you want to watch in February? Yes: BITS, which is 02/09/2019. It’s a Saturday. Data dump? The Servers? Emails? We’ll see. Set your alarm.*

Next Move Will Occur on Feb. 20 or 21st, 2019:

*On the other hand, if a satisfactory agreement is not reached with the Dems regarding transparent Government spending, we are told that the date to watch for the Maestro’s next move is February 20 2019 or February 21 2019.

inspiretk ago

Moves and counter moves! Funny how you don't put in any of the accurate ones!

Those who are the loudest…..

Shill, you're going to get owned. Q's coming for you.


Are you ready, shill?

Survival of the FITTEST.


pby ago

Which ones are the accurate ones?

pby ago


Counter moves???


Q is coming for me for pointing out that SB2 doesn't decode accurately, while the Deep State peddles children, drugs, coup attempts, spying ops., murder, political high-jinx, traitorous activities and human beings as dispensable false flag pawns in negotiations?


ZCitium ago

You lost me at man chin. That sort of connection-making-where-there-is-none makes us seem crazy.

Revel4ti0n ago

I salute for your great job! Never even think of taking a break or giving up!

Joe10jo ago

One of the best threads ever! Mind blown.

Free4ever ago

Hey SB2 your decodes are at least entertaining.

I doubt if POTUS has the time or inclination to go to all the trouble to hide these nuggets.

Just sayin.

Fishdo169 ago

Thanks SB2 👍 I recall reading on CDAN that Megan had already slept her way through Hollywood and was part of the hedonistic culture there but one titbit that did catch my eye was the comments about how she had changed a Royal custom of giving their attendance fees to a charity and that they never actually received the attendance money instead the people paying it would be allowed to pay that money directly to a local charity where the event was being held.... but Meghan has changed that for her and now all attendance money must be paid directly to her and she will decide which charity she wants to give it to..!!

SB2 ... talking of ‘letters’ did you read about how she used letters leaked to the Sun about her Father and trying to control that narrative....!? Fits in with the theme from your comments

freeredcaz ago

CDAN and Entys blinds have a wealth of knowledge/gossip on sparkles Meghan and her 'Prince' . It may be hard for some to associate Harry as a Nazi, but then you really don\t understand the hierarchy of the Royals. They regard themselves as way, way above any normal human. If you just scratch the surface of them you will find all the worst aspects of the elite, inc the Queen and all those missing Canadian kids, nit ti mention Andrew going to Epsteins island with underage girls, Charles best friend Saville. The elite in this country have been out of control for decades and its about time it was brought to a halt. This is why we love Trump over here. God bless all Patriots #WWG1WGA

KYanon ago

This was shocking to read!!! who's baby is it?! and I believe it. This is really sick!!

arbennett ago

check out the Beard Club

RockmanRaiden ago


FortuneTeller_69 ago

This definitely is one of your more controversial decodes SB2...got your readers caught in disbelief. That’s another reason I love reading your decodes-they’re always entertaining & always enlightening!

I do believe, based on size of nose, cheek bones, and that far away gaze in her(his) eyes, that there is a very high probability you nailed this(as always 😜)!!!

Q has stated from day 1 that these people are sick, and the ones who know the whole truth don’t sleep...I think this qualifies quite nicely along those lines.

Also, the excuse used for her(his) absence from a state dinner is a crock...women go back to work etc days after giving birth...that’s clearly a bogus excuse...so, based on your decode, I’m very glad the USSS is keeping her (his) hairy ass away from POTUS.

Thank you as always Serialbrain2! You really made us all do some real “soul searching” on this one...first gut reaction was “she’s too hot to be a dude”, which makes men question their own sexuality (for straight guys)...which creates the disbelief...

That’s what makes it such an amazing decode...you are incredible SB2!

inspiretk ago

Check this. Look at your ring finger, if you're male, it's longer than your index finger. Opposite for female, females ring finger is shorter than the index finger.

This is generally the case, check with your opposite sex. You can check out michael's finger, lots of videos on that on youtube.


From the same video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgvV0R1n1W8&feature=youtu.be

Joe10jo ago

Scientifically, I believe it has more to do with the position of the belly-button to the waistline, ie above or below.

DaraChaos ago

Bullshit! I am 100% female, possessing 2 X chromosomes, and my ring finger is longer than my index finger. 🙄

singlebrain1 ago

Not true. This is a fake story being circulated. When I heard it I started checking out my sister's hands.

freeredcaz ago

Yep, she is a tranny. Fake pregnancy, you'll see her surrogate hanging around in some of their royal duty photos. E.g. after the christening of Wills latest, you'll see the surrogate outside the church when sparkles receives flowers. This has been discussed many times on Entys blinds (crazydaysandnights.com) Thanks for a very prompt decode SB2

Karmy ago

In the Tostitos commercial Meghan has a mole above her lip but I don't see it on the girl in the Ivory soap video. Are they even the same girl?

USAMatters ago

I never gave much thought about Hollywood or their movies; however, since SB2 decodes I have become more aware of movie plots. Hollywood seems to get their movie plots directly from Satan. These movie scripts seem to play out daily. IMO, Harry’s life seems to be tracking with young Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. Anakin had a loving mother who had a difficult life – there was no father around. The evil emperor had Anakin’s mom horribly killed – which was instrumental in turning Anakin to the “dark side.” So, I think perhaps they are training (grooming) Harry to take over as the evil one. Look at his loving, but sad history with his mom, the coldness of his father’s family, the horrors of his mother’s death and now marrying a woman from Hollywood – and his wife comes from a family that is very dysfunctional.

Meghan also appears to belittle Harry in public – which will erode Harry’s confidence and she seems to be having altercations with Kate – this will drive William and Harry apart – leaving Harry to float without having his older brother’s support. Harry would then be open to Meghan’s manipulations and his/her jealousy. I think this was all planned. I know Satan is much worse than I can imagine – but Harry’s life just seems to come out of an evil plan. Diana’s life is worthy of a Shakespeare tragedy.

Thought it odd harry and meghan wanted to keep the baby's delivery private and far away from the other family members.

I worry for Kate Middleton, especially if her family was “normal’ (whatever that means these days). Let us assume her family does not worship satan, does not kill, torture or eat babies – while william’s family appears to be one of the top families of the satanic cabal.

Recently, there has been gossip william had an affair with a friend of Kate. Assuming Meghan feels she is raising (although not birthed) the prince of darkness – meghan will feel more important than any member of the royal family and IMO meghan feels she will displace and push Kate out of the picture.

Body language between william and kate seems a bit different lately. Kate seems to be losing weight – from her already thin frame.

tar_daddy1 ago

dave chapelles story about hollyweird trying to get him to dress as a black woman come to mind. he refused on set in his trailer then 20 minutes later said they brought him a script with it written out. He was like "how'd yall rewrite that so fast" planned...weird as shit

tar_daddy1 ago

oh yeah is b-yonc one too or for some odd reason faking with the bump?

GodsAngell ago

Judging by the video clip, the answer is a resounding yes.

TurquoiseLover ago

Princess dianna tranny

TurquoiseLover ago

Come to think of it, Elizabeth looks like a tranny too. And so does camella.

JackANorey ago

I believe they call Camilla, 'The Rotweiler'. She may or may not be German but she's definitely a dog! lol

USAMatters ago

Lots of dogs mentioned lately from the US cabal - comey and others.

redtoe_skipper ago

That insults the noble genus of dog and race of Rottweiler

rickki6 ago


Lindorinel ago

Our skies are NOT clear, the geoengineering of our weather patterns are still occurring. Maybe a SLIGHT reduction since the beginning of 18. We are still ingesting the aluminum.


hummingbird4 ago

Great Post SB2! yes I believe this. Megans eyes look like she is controlled. I don't want her any where near my President! THE Illuminati and deep state will go to any lengths to protect themselves. They groom people to fit in certain positions. LOOK AT TRAITOR OBAMA!

Qdini ago

Okay this blew my mind. I need to ask if/how Megan Markel gave birth recently.......

On the other hand, Trump thanked the Queen today for beautiful weather!! OMG, these evil people have controlled everything.

Qdini ago

Oh, and I think Pepsico is evil. Pepsico makes Pepsi that contains carcinogens and of course Tostidos, which MM was hawking in the commercial.

DawnPendraig ago

Pepsi used aborted human fetal cells to "test flavorings"...

mark7 ago

HEK 263

BadassBuddha22 ago

That last link is very disturbing. Only reason you'd need something like this if for movies, theatre, photoshoots. So then why those photos and what they depict. Lower on the page it also says it's for those who are adopting and/or are going through a surrogate mother. So then you are going to lie to all your friends and family by wearing this fake belly? What? This is satanic.

PatriotWoman4Q ago

This bakes my noodle. Honestly, it makes my skin crawl.

Lightrush ago

Sacramento California sky's are clear

suzanneQ58 ago

I noticed yesterday the sky here in Oregon was brilliant blue,I was able to work in my garden without wheezing and having my skin burn and itch.

1776Jimbo ago

Actually......this post is some weird shit. Sorry.

Joe10jo ago

It isn’t weird; it’s called “Thinking Outside the Box.” Most of us (here) are capable of doing that. Since you can’t, I’ll take it to mean that you’re one of the the other guys.

1776Jimbo ago

One man’s “ outside the box”..... is another man’s “batshit lunacy”. ( Don’t skip your meds, they’re vital). Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lunch meeting with JFK JR.

scoripowarrior ago

Yep, I don't buy into Markle being a tranny. Bitch....yes....tranny...no.

baccachew75 ago

Agreed. Beautiful bitch.

MotoshiBoy ago

Weather modification is still going on. Trump has not shut them down yet.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

when chemtrails are gone i will know the swamp has been drained. i wonder how much of this shenanigans is coming from the UN.

Double_D ago

Amazed anyone takes this seriously

CovfefeFan ago

One thing that bothers me. I was born an average female and these others are born a male and look absolutely beautiful... It's not fair.

inspiretk ago

Dont worry about looks. The grass is always greener on the other side. Enjoy what we have, and focus on ourselves.

PatriotWoman4Q ago

In addition to the well-researched comments below, it's an Art, passed down through the ages. I brokered natural health products for women before I retired. Folks from this website contacted me about a breast health/enhancement cream -which I sold to many of them. I got to 'know' (as much as one can know from phone conversations and consultations) quite a few over the years. To be a better woman that real women is their goals. @SB2 you may find this interesting, too.


GodsAngell ago

I didn't know that Meghan was not joining her husband Harry at these Royal functions with Trump & Melania, a bunch of conflicting articles about who insisted on the nonmeeting, but it seems clear Meghan is OUT:

But the lone American royal, Meghan Markle is noticeably absent from the itinerary.


Trump will not receive an audience with Meghan Markle during his U.K. state visit


MEGHAN Markle won't meet Donald Trump as the US President visits the UK next week.


Meghan Markle news: Is THIS why Meghan won’t meet Trump when he visits the UK?


Oh dear, this is interesting:

Earlier this year, reports surfaced that both Meghan Markle and Prince Harry planned to raise their baby "gender fluid" by avoiding common gender stereotypes.


GodsAngell ago

Nothing natural about Meghan at all. Look at the pictures of her when she was 11. The chin wasn't there, nor the big check bones, and she already has a good sized schnoz.

Meghan has had a lot of plastic surgery: chin implant, check implants and nose job.

Its interesting, there has been speculation for years that Kate Middleton has not born her own children, but had a surrogate do it. That is why when she is seen at 9 months pregnant she is wearing spiked heels. Most women who have endured 9 months of pregnancy, agree the spiked heels are odd indeed. Fake baby bumps don't weigh much at all, whereas carting around a real baby, weighs a lot. Likewise, immediately after the baby is born, Kate Middleton is slim as a rail......she just stops wearing the fake baby bump.

FreedBy45 ago

Thank you for all the great links!

29again ago

That is quite an interesting read. Thanks for the link.

DanaNordic ago

Don't recall ever seeing Duchess Kate wearing heels after her pregnancies began to show. Do recall thinking after seeing her during one of her pregnancies she definitely had the bloated pregnancy face - can't fake that. Will agree, Megs gave every indication of wearing a moon bump - from heels to crushing the "baby" as she bent over while sitting down. Believe me, some of the moves Megs made are not possible with a baby in the womb.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

every woman carries their children different in the womb. i dont know if this serialbrain story is true or false but i felt that meghan certainly had a thicker (or bloating as you called it) body, neck and face while pregnant. You cannot fake this. interesting though that there are so many fake pregnant hollywood women.

Tapatch ago

I also thought it strange "she" was constantly photographed caressing the baby bump--it was even commented on in the British press : https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1071985/Meghan-Markle-baby-bump-why-does-Meghan-hold-touch-royal-baby-bump Maybe there is something to this Moonbump info from SB2.

usmcProud1183 ago

No this is wrong, Mehgan isn't a tranny, I follow serial brain, but this one is off the charts...

Trfsrfr ago

Boy I'd have to agree with you here. If Mehgan is a male, it should be provable through other means, like her finger lengths, shoulder/head width, etc. I'll be looking at pics to compare.

But who the fuck knows these days. They probably created a genetically correct male that deletes all the male features by now. Probably underground at Dulce. But, just because I find her fairly attractive, it doesn't mean that I could be wrong and SB2 correct...but I doubt it.

DanaNordic ago

She's definitely Harry's beard. His flushed cheeks gave him away during the interview with Obama as he became more and more flustered. That interview was a seduction.

amarQ144 ago


onelson1 ago

Thank you. I will be watching the sky again.