thislionsheart ago

Google moving information to hide it. Seeing as how they are under investigation I think that's highly plausible!

MetalThatMatters ago

I'm not tech-savy enough to know all the machinations with how it all works - or doesn't - but I know the internet has been slow for a week. Home, work. Doesn't matter. It's glitchy ... like it's being "worked on" in the background ... #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmm

USAMatters ago

POTUS & FLOTUS away having tea with the queen and the Q-team takes down google :)

Reminds me of when the Q-team took down snow white & the seven dwarfs.

I wonder if satanic Disney decides to stop using Georgia to make movies, if the Q-team could simply shut down Disney's reservation system. That would be fun!

PizzaGateExpress ago

Why did Amazon (among others) also have issues if it was just Google Cloud?

redstarkachina ago

cross-posting this here, seems relevant

standwithuQ ago

Right 'BLACKOUT NECESSARY" I definately think declass will happen this week as well BOOM

candtalan ago

Has the 'comb hair' thing been mentioned yet..? yesterday @realDonaldTrump combed his hair, and.. ?going live?

Boysrback07 ago

No Coincidences. Shot across the BOWS Im in control!!

GeneralDisposition ago


goatboy ago

The near omniscient computer systems have fail safes. The trick is getting them to fight one another.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

I note one of the server farms is in "Saint Ghislain, Belgium". I mention due to that name, Ghislain. Isn't that the name of Epstein's procurer lady? The Maxwell one?

lckypscs ago

YES! Good job Anon!

goatboy ago

And just like that 90s kids tell the youg'ns what life was like in the good'ol days.

iontheball ago

Wow, never occurred to me. Cool if true. No wonder we haven't heard from Q lately.

1scm ago

nice catch anon!

pby1000 ago

I don’t know if the patent office was down when this happened. I suspect they are using servers of such “agencies” for nefarious purposes.


It would be funny if true, but I doubt it.

It would be even funnier if Q team just reached into the servers, and yanked the data out by force, causing their servers to go into convulsions, causing widespread disruptions.

Phantom42 ago

Lol. So a GoogleLARP is talking about QLARP and you fucks just eat this shit up.

I used to think it was sad... Not anymore. You people deserve to be led astray and dealt with harshly.

pby1000 ago

And that is why you waste time here and at QRV. Shouldn’t you be browsing anime porn at 4chan?

Phantom42 ago

No, I frequent 8chan. Also, I don't go to QRV. I leave this unblocked for the lolz. At all of you.

threesevens ago

You embody the true spirit of freedom and American values!

22trilionAsecond ago

Its frustrating how far removed all this Q stuff is from reality. Or at least my reality. It will probably be years before we see proof that this is what actually happened.

fspu ago

If we see any evidence at all.

Assuming the anon is correct, both Google and the government would want to keep it quiet for as long as they exist.

Best thing we can hope for are the memoirs of a retired agent or employee 20 years down the line. Memoirs, of course, which will be dismissed as nonsense.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'm thinking that taking on a universally used behemoth like Google would require public support. This means their misdeeds would have to be exposed. If you launch anti-trust without such exposure, it will reek of politicization.

Hoppinmad ago

I saw that movie about an automated home when I was a kid. Scared me into never buying that technology. Give google control of your whole house and life? Good idea?

USAMatters ago

Also knows who is coming to your house and when. Any groups you host at your home, etc.

everlastingphelps ago

I've automated my lights. Worst that someone can do is fuck with my lights. I won't automate locks or anything that can be made dangerous, like an oven or a fridge. (Either one could be used to burn down the house if the designers were dumb enough to put the safety lockouts in software, and of course they are that stupid if they are making an IoT oven or fridge.)

If it has a motor, I won't put it on the internet (other than the AC -- which can't be jacked with too badly over the 5-wire -- and ceiling fans.)

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Probably based on the short story, There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury. One of my favorites of his.

Khemyst ago

yeah, bad enough when the power dies and you cannot open your garage door with your remote. Last thing I need is someone hacking into a piece of electronics in the home to use the garage door wifi to get the garage door or front door to open up, disable the alarm system, etc. Electronics has its place, and security has another place, and it is not at the expense of having appliances available to the internet and your home network, ready to be hacked because of inferior programming or intentional bad programming, ready to be hacked!

divine_human ago

wouldnt even buy a modern car that can be hacked.

anarchrypt ago

lol. Get a dog!

Qd4Action ago

Absolutely right. Corporations (and downstream, people) eat this shit up but what it really is is simply technology for the sake of something new. I find it hard to believe in this day and age when hackers can take control of cars being driven that someone would give up the authority and autonomy of running and managing the security and operation of a home's systems to a piece of technology that surely can be hacked. It's insane. It has little to do with convenience or effectiveness and a lot more to do with portraying one's home as cutting edge and cool. It's not cool to be locked out. It's not cool to be hacked. It's not cool to give someone a rather simple means to accessing your home's environmental systems, power systems, even appliances (like a refrigerator) that can be hacked and ruin your damn food.

Sorry, I'm not the uni-bomber that hates tech but I just see its superfluous integration into daily lives being destructive and leading to either dependency or the loss of privacy and control.

Turkeypotato ago

It's usually old people or hipsters that eat that up

threesevens ago

Google Cloud and Google services were having an issue with their networking yesterday.

At 3pmET, it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline.

An anon on the chans claims that Google attempted to move or destroy a massive amount of data because Trump and/or the Q team has been closing in on big tech companies, but google was prevented by a kill switch.

GodsAngell ago

This is from an anon at 8chan claiming to be a Google insider, concerning the Google outage yesterday. It could be a LARP. Presented for discernment. Original 8chan links provided.


I work at Google. What happened today was incredible and unprecedented. Well done Q, well done.

Google was attempting a massive move and archive of data in order to start an unheard of process of shutting down/destroying evidence. Team Q took down the entire IT OPs infrastructure. Google knows.

[in reponse to a post about the extent of Google's infrastructure] That's a much longer topic. This estimate isn't even estimating the correct things at this point. Yeah, no, not even close to true operations. People are legitimately panicked right now. Anyway that's all.

One more thing, I don't know a lot about Q but he was onto something about Google in North Korea. You have no idea.

People are going to prison.


cantaloupe6 ago

Lol - they forget they're a business.. not a country.

Karmy ago

I was having internet connection problems yesterday around noon MST. Especially noticed problems with Gmail. According to my internet provider the issues began at 9 am MST.

thislionsheart ago

You use gmail?

Karmy ago

Yes, unfortunately. What would you suggest otherwise. I am open to suggestions.

thislionsheart ago


Vyse777 ago

Some of us have gmail accounts from way back.