BettyLiberty ago

PDJT twatted about prayer a dozen times yesterday, it must be important and needed, so I'll be saying extra prayers for him today.

akilyoung ago

Is there going to be an assass attempt tomorrow?

See below....all part of the plan?

70times7 ago

And why did ol' billy choose Sunday instead of the Sabbath day (of Gods 10 commandments) for this day of prayer?

Give ya 666 reasons why.

Revel4ti0n ago

I am a Swiss and I pray daily and include Trump and the patriots world wide. If you don’t believe in the Blood Jesus shed on the cross it’s like shouting in the forest and no one around.

Something I’ve never understood, why is a special day needed instead just do it right everyday?

369693936 ago

Sounds like something big is coming starting tomorrow, nothing wrong with as many of us as possible praying and interceding to stop what the enemy has planned. Whether you believe that enemy is human or the master those ritualists serve matters not.

Trfsrfr ago

This whole day of prayer thing has got me wondering that too. Why else would Trump be calling for a national day of prayer for him, if he weren't about to drop the hammer? I'm 1/2-way expecting it to be a big week, and month leading up to July 4th.

369693936 ago

I don't support corporate churches but will be praying all day for our president's safety as he restores our nation to its Constitution and for human sovereignty as Christ intended to prevail (over all AI, oppression and manipulation on all levels) on planet earth.

Omnicopy ago

People!! These are all fake pastors. They are the ones doing the spells on us. Prayer is good, the fake pastors are not good.

99cobra ago

@JerryFalwelljr is not fake, i grew up in the same small town which his dad Jerry helped turn into s city steeped in history and religion. You will know them by thier fruits and the Falwell brothers have always been good and faithful servants. The chuch held 3000 in 1982, now has several million acres of schools churches and buisnesses. God is good. Shut up and pray for your president please.

Squalk ago

Matthew Chapter 24

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

369693936 ago

Just because the corporate church is corrupt and serves Lucifer, that doesn't mean that those of us with a personal relationship with Christ can't join in prayer for our president today.

Squalk ago

that doesn't mean that those of us with a personal relationship with Christ can't join in prayer


hitekhobo ago

It’s fag pride day 🤪 yeah I be praying alright 😂

rickki6 ago


Lauraingalls ago

Tomorrow is Sunday and a good day for ALL of us to pray for President Trump. I hope everyone here does.

KeepUrFork ago

I'm in!

Lauraingalls ago

Me too. We need to reverse those CURSES the witches put on him. Spiritual Warfare,

Omnicopy ago

These are all fake pastors

Q20191776 ago

I believe God is allknowing...omniscient. Therefore he knows the motives, hearts and minds of all of us as we pray and all the time, everywhere we pray, publicly and privately, as an Anon or a witness.