Justice Thomas: Supreme Court Needs to Confront Abortion Being Used as a 'Tool of Eugenic Manipulation' (theepochtimes.com)
submitted 5.8 years ago by Himfirst
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Diggernicks 5.8 years ago
Margaret sangers organization is performing EXACTLY as intended.
It's helping to keep the fatherless niglet population down.
Shotinthedark 5.8 years ago
Most don't realize it was aimed at niggers.
Wazhappenin1 5.8 years ago
thats the interesting thing about this, its always been about the blacks. This virtue signaling is really beneath the christian opposition.
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Diggernicks ago
Margaret sangers organization is performing EXACTLY as intended.
It's helping to keep the fatherless niglet population down.
Shotinthedark ago
Most don't realize it was aimed at niggers.
Wazhappenin1 ago
thats the interesting thing about this, its always been about the blacks. This virtue signaling is really beneath the christian opposition.