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Enaashby ago

Justice Thomas is correct. Planned Parenthood (oh, the irony of its name) is in the business of infanticide. A majority of their abortion mills are in minority neighborhoods to encourage the abortion of brown and black babies in keeping with Sanger's eugenicist beliefs. New York has the most abortions of black babies. So far 60 million+ citizens of the US have been terminated. With the radical laws of NY, NH, VT, and VA just to name a few, abortion is to be available up to the exact time of a woman giving birth. Gov Northam even wants parents to have a few days to decide if they want their born child to live or not. Roe v Wade has always been considered to be a poorly written law which was rushed through. Abortion is NOT a federal issue; rather, it's a state issue. Hopefully, the SCOTUS will eventually decide to give the decision about abortion back to the states. The Demtard states will allow it up to birth and maybe even the Northam option; some other states will make it very rare, and the remainder will be in-between. Ideally, we should have NO abortion at all. The Puss- Hat brigade; Hollyweird harridans; Demtards and the whole lot of them can pay for those mothers who want to kill their babies and live in a restrictive or no- abortion state to go to Demtard states to fulfill their wish should abortion be returned to the states.