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Wazhappenin1 ago

This was a great article. Thanks.

from the article:

Meanwhile, black women in the United States have an abortion at a rate three-and-a-half times higher than white women.

“And there are areas of New York City in which black children are more likely to be aborted than they are to be born alive—and are up to eight times more likely to be aborted than white children in the same area,” Thomas wrote.

“Whatever the reasons for these disparities, they suggest that, insofar as abortion is viewed as a method of ‘family planning,’ black people do indeed [take] the brunt of the ‘planning,’” the justice added.

There are those who already argue that abortion achieves the goals of eugenics. Thomas pointed to a book titled “Freakonomics,” in which the authors wrote that the legalization of abortion led to the biggest crime drop in the history of the United States. The authors argued that crime dropped because the children with the most propensity for crimes were no longer being born.

So in conclusion the more blacks are aborted the less crime we have. Probably the single best answer to the riddle on why crime went down across the country in the 90s.

This provides an imperfect and yes partial remedy to the race issue. Opposing abortion because some child isnt going to be born somewhere to someone you will never know.

Plus as despicable as mudsharks are, abortions help the horrible situation by preventing at least some of the mixed children from growing up to be criminals.

The moral of the story is if you are going to oppose abortion(and the majority of the opposers are white christians) do so quietly like Jesus would. Dont go blowing trumpets and praying outside to show how virtuous you are. do it is secret where only God knows what a good christian you are.

leave the relief valve operating. If god knows when a sparrow falls he also must know when a kid gets aborted and their souls will be saved!