Justice Thomas: Supreme Court Needs to Confront Abortion Being Used as a 'Tool of Eugenic Manipulation' (theepochtimes.com)
submitted 5.8 years ago by Himfirst
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VoterinVegas 5.8 years ago
the Cabal must have lost control of the Supreme Court. They can now act for "We the people"
Moun1tain 5.8 years ago
That's why the corrupt Communist mental patients on the left threw everything the could at Kavanaugh last fall....they knew if he got in they were finished and Military Tribunals (For them) would become a reality!
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VoterinVegas ago
the Cabal must have lost control of the Supreme Court. They can now act for "We the people"
Moun1tain ago
That's why the corrupt Communist mental patients on the left threw everything the could at Kavanaugh last fall....they knew if he got in they were finished and Military Tribunals (For them) would become a reality!