comprametu ago

Similar to the story in the book of Nehemiah- regular people worked to restore the walls in record time. God was with them.

StormWarning ago

They received rights to build a section in very hard terrain which even the Army Corp did not want to tackle. This plugged a short section of wall which was left uncompleted, and was being used for an entrance into the El Paso area. According to boarder patrol this was a critical area which tied up resources in order to prevent entry. Judging from the photos they were upgrading the existing useless barrier by installing the new barriers in it's place. There is a lot of run down barrier in heavily populated areas that really is a priority to upgrade. These are the types of projects that are being done now until the Old Guard dogs are retired.

Q20191776 ago

SpellFag here. Was going to correct your spelling of Border Patrol, but then, again, in its current state, your spelling of "Boarder Patrol" may be correct.

So, nevermind about my correction.

USAMatters ago

I have not used "gofundme" - does all the money go the project to be funded or does "gofundme" take a percentage of the funds?

hope4gaia ago

They beg for an extra donation for their costs - 3 bucks - but I just clicked 'other' and put in 0. Can you imagine how much they make if everyone gives them 3 bucks????

Q20191776 ago

Obama would say, "You didn't build that."

And those of We Build The Wall said, "Oh yes we can...and are...and did!"

Congrats to Brian and team...and keep going!

Lauraingalls ago

Nice to see!

buildingbetter ago

This is fantastic! My only concern is did they pour some deep concrete footings? Mexicans seem to love digging tunnels. I would agree though if there are no footings, this is far better than nothing. Footings could be poured later if need be.

pixelkitteh ago

I remember reading somewhere that the other sections of the wall go a fair way down. I know the traditional method is that whatever the height, there is 1/3 again beneath the ground, but I have a feeling they were purposely building the wall deeper than that to stop said tunnels.

buildingbetter ago

I hope you are right. Our border agents need some reprive from this insanity at the border.

pixelkitteh ago

They truly do.

hope4gaia ago

I heard that it would all be equipped with sensors and other technology so anyone digging anywhere near it would set off alarms. I didn't hear it about this bit - just about the wall in general. I think it was Q that said that. Not sure.

Sosacms ago

Trump needs to figure out how to fund local contractors. Hire contractors from every border town. Really build that wall quickly, really boost the economy, and really swim in the votes. A move like that is how we get Lord Emperors.

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Can we all take a moment to laugh at these D&C shills from a couple of weeks ago?

djaeveloplyse ago

I'm currently lording it over some of my buddies making the same dumb comments, lol.

aztlanshark ago

What a joke. Might as well fly out to your precious half mile and land in a jet in front of a banner saying “Mission Accomplished”.

german_bro ago

are you not able to watch a vid? they have closed a half mile gap.

aztlanshark ago

Actually no. Gateway Pundit videos never work on mobile for me.

Lovecymru ago

Thanks for the post.

Lovecymru ago


swimkin ago

Glad to see. Imagine what WE THE PEOPLE can do when we join together.

65Creedmoor ago

Got the tingles

hang_em_high ago

I may have missed it in the article but is this built on private land?

djaeveloplyse ago

In the video lower down, the guy says they got started putting up the wall in 57 days from finding the property. Doesn't explicitly says so of course, but that implies to me that they may even have bought the land they're putting the wall on.

feli00 ago

the wall is a Jewish distraction. It eliminates human slavery through money, it releases technologies, it reveals hidden knowledge, it publishes medical cures

TSE ago

Do you also have something against bagels?

hope4gaia ago

Wow! that's great! I donated and I admit I was having my doubts as time went by. For people who don't read it and make sarcastic comments - this half a mile of the wall was very strategically chosen to block drug traffickers and illegals who had been using it for years. The Corp of Engineers said a wall couldn't be build in this key section because of the terrain but free American determination and ingenuity did it!!! Yay!!!

pixelkitteh ago

I am so happy about this!! I too donated, and I am Australian. You NEED that wall!! God bless patriots!

the_magic_man ago

And it can all be beaten by a ladder or a 5 minute stroll

QdaPeeps ago

Not very intelligent are ya! But that's OK man, we got it covered, we protect Americans not willing or able to protect themselves.

pixelkitteh ago

Neither of which immigrants are smart enough to think of doing.

the_magic_man ago

Coming from a person who thinks its impossible to pass drugs through a fence

PeacefulAssassin ago

just another 1,899.5 miles to go

german_bro ago

right, and for sure you'll help build the rest

PeacefulAssassin ago

Tax dollars going to it. hope he keeps his word and builds and actual wall and not just in certain spots like he has backtracked on a few times.
1,900 miles of wall?
who needs 1,500 mile of wall.
1,000 miles is just too much.
Can't believe you are nagging me about 500 miles of wall!

Sosacms ago

Imagine this defeatist attitude when building the wall of China. Or society in general.

PeacefulAssassin ago

China didn't have a ZOG'ed leader.