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srayzie ago

Because I’m sending group messages trying to brigade Zyklon_b and Gabara. Yeah I’m making a bigger issue out of this.

My group message was trying to brigade? Is that why I included @Puttitout? Where did I ask Putt and the rest of the group to go brigade anyone?

No, I’m tired of the drama. But shit like this is what sparks it. You’re insinuating that I wanted people to go brigade them, when what I did was provide proof, screenshots, and archived links of Zyklon encouraging gore and porn on QRV and threatening me and Shizy.

Me and @Gabara are good now too. You are the one spreading disinformation and saying us mods are acting exactly the way that someone engineering drama would want.

What you or anyone thinks about Q or QRV is not the point. Loli Porn and gore shouldn’t be posted. That’s what Q followers have to see. Just because we have free speech, doesn’t make that right. It’s not stopping and their mods aren’t doing anything about it. It’s in Putt’s hands now. I’ve done what I could do.

I think that’s what Putt is hinting at when he made this post soon after...

I thought you would support that because you and I talked before about someone from a loli sub that you were disgusted by in the past.

I’ve let it be known for a long time that I don’t judge SBBH the same way as many others. I judge by the individual. @Kevdude @Sandhog and @HeyGeorge are some of my closest friends. I could name several. I thought you and I were cool too. I even said it in my post. I explained to HeyGeorge that I didn’t mean for the title to look like I meant the whole group. I couldn’t change the Title at that point.

My main problem is Zyklon and that’s what my private message focused on. Several people are witnesses to what I said. I, in no way shape or form, was asking anyone, including Putt, to go brigade anyone. I just want the porn to stop and us be left alone.

srayzie ago

See parent @Shizy @Crensch @Kevdude

srayzie ago

I’ll ping you too @Empress since you added “Well said” to Triggly’s reply. No need to reply. I’m not asking you to take sides. Just want you to see that is not what I said.

18664185? ago

My position is this: I want what is best for Voat. The Q subs brings many new people to Voat which makes me very happy. I only want Voat to succeed and that means I want to see all healthy subs succeed.


That being said, I disagree with your methods and believe that @Trigglypuff is exactly right regarding the trolls. If you feed them, they will come; ban and move on. Otherwise, (intentional or not) you addressing trolls will be seen as fanning the flames and giving them fuel- they are quite literally fed with more energy to screw with you and your sub more.


Ignore them. Ban. Remove porn/gore. AND MOVE ON. No need to address it further. Do these things and your problems will end.