moderator99 ago

springmeir knows it's the joos behind it all. he knows that the catholic church was infiltrated by crypto-joos in order to destroy christian values and principles.

springmeir is necessary readuing.

WhisperingPine ago

Great post thank you, I had most of these but did not have about 4 of them !!

Vindicator ago

I’m putting together collections. Let me know if you guys have Collections to add!

How about Steve Pieczcenik?

I've been curious about him ever since he came out in support of Pizzagate. He said a lot of the same stuff as QAnon way back in November 2016.

srayzie ago

Ok! Let’s gather links. See if he’s got books and stuff. I’ll work on it today too.

Vindicator ago

A couple of questions:

  1. Who is Fritz Springmeier?
  2. What are his sources?
  3. How do we know he's not part of the disinfo racket?

(Not trying to ruffle any feathers with the question...just seems to me that a compilation like this would be most useful if it included a "review" of his reliablity. Genuinely interested.) :-)

ZombiClown ago

Now your making it too easy,all the info in one place.Shame on you!

srayzie ago

Haha. Terrible!

ZombiClown ago

Ya think some of these younger folks are getting the idea that some of us been doin this research thing, a tick or two? I archived, Curious tho, I got stumped on wayback search with those keywords awhile back, Did you search for it? or saved web address?

srayzie ago

I searched.

You can go here...

There you can search by keyword, media type, title, etc...

This is the link for searching Fritz Springmeier

Once you are here, on the left, you can narrow the results down even more.

ZombiClown ago

T/Y for all you do. hat tip

srayzie ago

Thanks Zombi!

pby1000 ago

Another great source.

kestrel9 ago

Great resource thank you!!