GodsAngell ago

Voat Policy no threats of violence




Kirbyrambo ago

It is about time!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

yeah... right after apprehending the militia actually getting shit donw. lets replace them with zog-friendly soldiers who probably wont even have ammo.

Octoclops ago

I'm sure they'll suddenly have plenty of ammo (and tanks with flamethrowers) if they need to shoot at Americans

Superb_Hitler ago

thats because those who see what must be done are too smart to do it

indeknow ago

I like to think it a diversion getting ready for the frog march!

allahead ago

We have satellites, planes, drones, and soldiers. He could have secured the entire border in one week after taking office. Fucking do it Trump. Then send the invaders packing. God damn it.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

carrot on a stick

sitrep ago

Deja vu

Titaniumman ago

We should be shooting these fuckers as soon as they illegally cross the border. Wouldn't have to kill to many before they would get the message.

AlternateSelection ago

Border security should be a military MOS.

buildingbetter ago

Tax the remittance payments illegals make. Mexico is not doing enough so hit them in the wallet! Instead of using border patrol suvs run the patrols in armored vehicles. Let them try and disarm our troops again...

GapingAnus ago

Let me guess, they're actually going to be there to prevent any home-grown militias from preventing the doctors and physicists from entering the country.

Niggardly_Jew ago

What, you thought the Israel owned military was going to be used for U.S. interests?

rickki6 ago

close the damn border

GloriousDestiny ago

Can't believe we live in a country where we can't even defend out border without people going insane about it. Any other country, you'd be shot on the spot trying to illegally enter. It really is a clown world.

goatsandbros ago

We member the Alamo, beaners.

d00danon ago

We do not advocate for violence, I don't like them either(Krankenstein)but lets not give them any ammo against us!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i advocate for violence. speak for yourself.

Rhondaher ago

Close the border

P80 ago

AMLO has declared peace with the Mexican drug cartels. One government down and one to go. Unless you count New Mexico's governor who is doing her part with the invasion. War with Latin America is not so far fetched.

drstrangegov ago

And they will be armed with the best equipment the central banks can buy from us.

Lurkerwastaken ago

Maybe armed civilians will no longer be required

bulrush ago

There are armed Mexican gangs protecting immigrants crossing into the US also.

NosebergShekelman ago

to stop militias from performing thier duties haha Shaloms™ and praise israel's🇮🇱 wall

ShaneE11183386 ago

We should invade 20 kilos inside Mexico at key points and establish buffer zones

Patriot74 ago

Hopefully they are given the green light. Mexico has never been our friend.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Man, I'd be fucking ecstatic if someone went and killed the Krassenstein faggots. You can't read a Trump tweet without one of those faggots chiming in like a little subversive bitch.

I hope someone finds them and assassinates them.

QPilledLib ago

We are going to win this revolution by using the law to jail people for their transgressions. We aren't going around as a mob killing people. That will accomplish nothing useful.

DawnPendraig ago

They aren't worth it. I wonder if this is even voluntary on their part. They were arrested and had their homes SWAT searched during Obama Admin for their Ponzi scheme crimes. What do you bet they got offered a pardon for service acting like idiots and harassing President Trump daily?

I am sure they enjoy their new job almost as much as ripping people off but I do think they were recruited.

GodsAngell ago

Voat Policy no threats of violence



AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

That wasn't a threat. Hoping something happens isn't a threat.

Learn to differentiate the two. We're in an information war, and knowing which words to use and how is critical.

i.e. Don't be a nigger faggot.

symantec ago

Oh neat, so this is why PuttItOut made the post he did. Keep up the good work lol.

NoBS ago

If I was on the Soros payroll I'd want to make an obvious Alt-Right user ID and make death threats.

No worried mate, the FBI will not investigate you because they protect their own. So you can do this with impunity for the optics

ADaniels ago

nah man, free speech is free speech. Let them make fools of themselves so their name is forever tarnished, they have no real power.

ArcAngel ago

or the gook. eugene goo,md... probly sells baby parts

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Him too.

bulrush ago

Pissing on everything is the only power liberals have since they are the ultimate losers.

user17 ago

Anything chambered below .308 isn't a weapon.. The M-4 pea shooter is a hopeless disgrace .. You shoot the guy with an M-4 and he laughs at you for bringing a Walmart pellet rifle to a war..

con77 ago

time to bomb mexshitco city

squataclops ago

If the cartels are ever designated as terrorists the army can actually do something.

Stopmotionhistory ago

Oh no We need a wall, 5 BILLION dollars is not enough, Who can FEAR the country into 20 Billion, boop boop beep boop boop, "Ya George , WE need more fear, send in the caravans., Will do Donny boy. When do people realize, this is a psy op. Trump is friends with Hillary, Epstein, Soros. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2004-10-28-0410280265-story.html ... https://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2015/jul/21/carlos-curbelo/clintons-really-did-attend-donald-trumps-2005-wedd/ ... https://thinkprogress.org/jeffrey-epstein-sex-offender-lawsuit-donald-trump-bill-clinton-lolita-express-98886e15c076/ ... So go about blaming religions, or other governments, Satanists are easy targets, You are all being sheep.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

so go about blaming religions

satanists are easy targets.

mate, im willing to bet you dont even know what "satanists" actually believe.

these people worship a god older than satan. as long as they are mislabeed, they will not be defeated.

Stopmotionhistory ago

You are amazing. You can no longer understand sarcasm. CONGRATS!!! your win the head up your ass award. You can now go submission to the next submission on voat caring whole heatedly until tomorrow when the MSM tells you what to fear next. Your opinion invalidates any future opinions you hold because you are a winner!!!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Satanists are easy targets, You are all being sheep.

i am jaded by christians here so i didnt expect the sarcasm to continue on through this sentence. bravo. satanism is a scapegoat.

MAIDENanon ago


QPilledLib ago

We aren't going to war with Mexico over that.

SkyeVeritas ago


derram ago

https://archive.ph/RYEVF :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Mexico’s Soldiers recently pulled guns on our National Guard Soldiers, probably as a diversionary tactic for drug smugglers on the Border. Better not happen again! We are now sending ARMED SOLDIERS to the Border. Mexico is not doing nearly enough in apprehending & returning!"

This has been an automated message.

Drkadrka ago

Sure, but are you going to change ROE or even issue live ammo?

white_eagle ago

Learn how gov’t works. It’s called Supreme Court that can overturn Roe v. Wade.

B-------D ago

Whew lad...

amarQ144 ago


Q_Watch ago

I think ROE means Rules of Engagement in this context.

Tiktanaboo ago

ROE= Rules Of Engagement

90SE ago

Maybe we can leave some xm193 and pmags laying around nearby

Zadim ago

My exact thoughts, being armed means nothing if your hands are tied behind your back and your magazine is empty!

suave200 ago

Armed to me means live ammo which is different than just carrying empty guns.

Zadim ago

Empty rifles are a walking stick with an expensive price tag

RoundWheel ago

In the military there is a difference. Armed does not mean ammo has been issued. Even if ammo has been issued it doesn't mean ROE allows you to defend yourself.