Trump Prepares For Epic Battle In Cataclysmic Showdown That Will Change America dismantling the Federal Reserve Bank!!! (GreatAwakening)
submitted 5.9 years ago by GodsAngell
Trump Prepares For Epic Battle In Cataclysmic Showdown That Will Change America dismantling the Federal Reserve Bank!!!
moderator99 5.9 years ago
another sorcha faal bs story.
adc1100 5.9 years ago
Trump brings back the gold standard, he will be seen (globally) as the GOAT.
FecalDemiurge6000 5.9 years ago
What's the name of the comic book this plotline is from?
ChiefMAGA 5.9 years ago
The goal all along was to tank the economy so Potus doesn't win 2020.
iontheball 5.9 years ago
Fascinating article.
Pollycracker 5.9 years ago
Better take heed, this scenario makes complete sense. Demo's tanking world economies to get Trump out in 2020, you betcha.
Whiteflighter 5.9 years ago
Dream on.
Diggernicks 5.9 years ago
Good joke
You're a funny guy
TurquoiseLover 5.9 years ago
So the democrats are at their conference getting trained to say F you more? How hilarious.
GodsAngell 5.9 years ago
Yes, it is funny, that they have to go to a training session to try to learn how to talk to people (voters).
moderator99 ago
another sorcha faal bs story.
adc1100 ago
Trump brings back the gold standard, he will be seen (globally) as the GOAT.
FecalDemiurge6000 ago
What's the name of the comic book this plotline is from?
ChiefMAGA ago
The goal all along was to tank the economy so Potus doesn't win 2020.
iontheball ago
Fascinating article.
Pollycracker ago
Better take heed, this scenario makes complete sense. Demo's tanking world economies to get Trump out in 2020, you betcha.
Whiteflighter ago
Dream on.
Diggernicks ago
Good joke
You're a funny guy
TurquoiseLover ago
So the democrats are at their conference getting trained to say F you more? How hilarious.
GodsAngell ago
Yes, it is funny, that they have to go to a training session to try to learn how to talk to people (voters).