ThisIsMyNightmare ago

It’s not literal. It’s referring to them being “distant ideological allies”, like distant relatives but on the same family tree. A second cousin is actually not that distant, in my view of family. I know all of my second cousins, first cousins once removed, second cousins once removed . . . I know I’m blessed with an especially close Catholic family. Anyway, the literal familial relationship would be too close to be a secret casually unveiled in an article like this. It’s not that they’re literal blood relatives, but that their ideologies resemble one another in that way extended relatives do.

Blacksmith21 ago

I would agree that paragraph could be read that way, but the wording, IMO, would have been a little different if the statement was meant to be metaphorical. Of course, Assange and John Trump being almost identical in appearance adds to it.

ThisIsMyNightmare ago

I disagree.

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting, some people see resemblances, some people don't.

GodsAngell ago

Where is the Evidence/Proof that Assange and DJTrump are 2nd Cousins?

Blacksmith21 ago

Read the last paragraph in the Atlantic article. Did you look at the photo comparison of John Trump and Assange? It's a pretty thinly sourced claim, but the image comparison is an astounding comparison. All of this is interconnected through Tesla. There is something here.

late2thegame ago

Nope. Nothing there. Not even a hint. I do agree that Trump's uncle and Assange look uncannily similar, but this doesn't make them related, maybe dopplegangers. Need proof. Trump's maternal ancestors born Scotland, paternal ancestors born Germany. Assange's ancestors born Australia. Highly unlikely that any of their gr-grandparents were siblings, but if you have names, I'll be glad to update their genealogy pedigree files.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's quite the doppleganger coincidence.

RockmanRaiden ago

The resemblance is uncanny and looking into John G. Trump makes this interesting.

Blacksmith21 ago

It could be BS, but we've run out of coincidences. Now is time to consider "impossibilities".

RockmanRaiden ago

I certainly don't think it's impossible. Especially after this conference talking about 5G. The timing of this is very strange as well.

Blacksmith21 ago

I just heard a clip from POTUS talking about 5G changing the world. I've been land shopping and I won't even entertain a plot within 500 yds of high tension lines.

solo7 ago

No they are not......sheeesh.

B-------D ago

Wwhhaaattt? Really? Fug

Blacksmith21 ago

No coincidences.

amarQ144 ago

they have the crono

Blacksmith21 ago


amarQ144 ago

^^^ _____visor

derram ago :

In Trump’s America, Bullying Is the New Norm - The Atlantic

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