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Crensch ago

Accounts calling into question the “Holohoax” (Zyklon-B is a desert topping, no, it’s a floor polish) are pure Nazi propaganda tactics.

Who is claiming those two things about Zyklon-B? Source?

Zyklon-B WAS used for delousing, and nobody disputes that.

While many details are open to debate, it is clear that a genocide occurred at the hands of the Nazi regime. The first-person accounts are overwhelming.

If you'd read through my comment, you'd see the following:

A JEWISH historian by the name of Hannah Arendt wrote that the "eyewitnesses", who testified in 1961 in Jerusalem against Adolf Eichmann were only rarely able to distinguish between what actually happened to them years earlier, and what they had read, heard, or imagined in the meantime.

Source: H. Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, pp. 224.

Lucy Dawidowicz confirms this, stating that "the survivor's memory is often distorted by hate, sentimentality, and the passage of time. His perspective on external events is often skewed by the limits of his personal experience."

Source: L. Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader pp. 11.

ANOTHER Jewish Holocaust historian, Gitta Sereny complained of those who "invented Holocaust events."

Source: G. Sereny, New Statesman pp. 17.

... among myriad other complete refutations of that claim, including the fact that German soldiers were tortured for their testimony:

Austrian officer, Emil Lachout, part of the postwar Allied War Crimes Commission testified under oath in 1988 that German officials had been tortured until they furnished fraudulent statements about alleged killings of Jews in German death camp gas chambers. He provided a copy of a 1948 document confirming this.

--Source: Robert Lenski, Holocaust on Trial, pp. 274, 278.

I've seen Rudolf Höss' confession rather often as a cornerstone document of Holocaust extermination. It's certainly one of the most widely known pieces of "evidence" by anyone that has dipped their toes into this subject.

--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 235-239

Rudolph Hoess was tortured for his testimony. After a beating, "It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him, but once he started talking, there was no holding him."

--Source: Rupert Butler, Legions of Death, pp. 236-237

You were pinged to these sourced claims. What you're claiming now is dishonest, as you have no only refused to address a single point, but are now pre-empting my response here by creating a strawman with the Zyklon-B, and linking it to the words "Nazi Propaganda Tactics."

You're dishonest. A real man would feel shame over such a thing.