ExpertShitposter ago

Shes the biggest jew whore boomer on voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

Yes, @Lauraingalls is 60 years old. I guarantee it.

Lauraingalls ago

THANKS for the LAUGH!!!!

ExpertShitposter ago

Tell me your age. Don't lie on the internet now, be honest, how old are you?

Lauraingalls ago

You must be about 5 years old, don't lie.

ExpertShitposter ago

im a fokin 33yo doomer.


Lauraingalls ago

You have such a weird interest in me. Go bug someone else.

ExpertShitposter ago

No matter what, i will not tell you my age. go bug someone else.

60yo boomer confirmed.

NorthernFront ago

We were flying back from spring break in Florida and seated next to a new mother with a week old baby. We noticed the love and affection the mother gave the child as she swaddled it. This week old baby was perfectly content, never a cry or a peep because of the love this mother was giving this child.

Come to find out this woman was from Wisconsin and adopted this child that was born in Orlando the week before. This was her third child she and her husband adopted.

Absolutely beautiful.

Shizy ago

What a sweet story!

solo7 ago

no child should be aborted regardless of skin color, although I get your point. When a child is aborted, it's not just 1 human that dies but the generation that would follow had that child lived. So aborting 1 really means you could be killing off hundreds for the future of your country. Abortion kills off the country, it's heritage, it's culture so instead of importing people to fill the population sustainability, keep making your own. In other words, be good parents, raise your children well and raise America up.

Lauraingalls ago

Maybe you need to stay off the DRUGS or BOOZE. Decent people don't meet people like you on a REGULAR BASIS.

Lauraingalls ago

I have very little experience dealing with INSANITY.

MolochHunter ago

Kevdude, this is coming across like a specific directed threat of violence

kindly retract and refrain or clarify your genuine intentions

Lauraingalls ago

He just put a new one up and it wasn't "copy and pasted."

srayzie ago

I’m dealing with him and Laura both privately. It’s copy pasta.

Lauraingalls ago

He put a new one up and it's NOT "COPY AND PASTED."

srayzie ago

Just ignore it Laura. People on Voat are crazy.

Lauraingalls ago

Glad YOU admit it.

argosciv ago


What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me

My shit. I lost it. Halp.

Trousersnake1488 ago

what if its a nigger broodling. gross

Shizy ago

I wondered too. But could it be he's recently undergone chemo? Maybe that's why they can't have kids.

Titanbikes4ever ago

They look very Jewish

Lauraingalls ago


sguevar ago

Laura, are you a Christian?

ExpertShitposter ago

Jew whore.

Lauraingalls ago


SandHog ago

Rejecting what this guy is selling does not make a person a nazi.

Shizy ago

I think I'd become a nazi rather than allign with anything that asshole is spreading! That's infuriating!

SandHog ago

Yeah, it's almost as infuriating as the idiots who plug their ears and refuse to even examine the evidence that this is exactly what they are doing. The ones who actively seek to silence anyone who questions these things take the fucking cake though.

Shizy ago

Yeah, I can't stand people who are so incredibly rigid and unwilling to consider new information!

SandHog ago

They aren't called Useful Idiots for nothing!

Shizy ago

True 😆

Lauraingalls ago

"They look very Jewish"


SandHog ago

Did you even watch what I linked? It's only a minute or two.

Lauraingalls ago

I wasn't talking to you. What does looking JEWISH have to do with anything?

SandHog ago

Nice deflection. I knew you wouldn't watch it. If you had you would understand my point.

Lauraingalls ago


SandHog ago

Fine. If you find it acceptable to go around screaming nazi at everyone I think it's only fair that you wear one of these.jpg

Lauraingalls ago

OMG. Maybe you shouldn't butt into comments that weren't meant for you.

SandHog ago

Maybe you should stop acting like such a jew.

Lauraingalls ago


PatriotLady1 ago

Oy vey

Invicta ago

And that goes for beige children as well!

scoripowarrior ago

My son and daughter-in-law having been trying for so long to have a baby (several miscarriages), so I completely know how you feel! My heart breaks for all the couples that would welcome a child that someone else wants to "toss" away. Bless you, and I hope you receive the love of a baby soon.

sinclair ago

They look like they might be cultists. Maybe trafficking them would be better than aborting?

SolomonPapermaster ago

White Christian straight couples don't get to adopt children in this clown world.

Shizy ago

What? Yes they do!

truguy ago

“Especially if white”? Sorry, colored babies matter as much as white ones in the eyes of God.

Dauphin ago

Never did I say colored babied mattered any less... White are the largest minority on earth and the only race that does not have their own country. They are endangered. Wanting to protect the bald eagle DOES NOT MEAN you want all other eagles to die... it means you recognize the bald eagle is facing extinction and you wish the preserve this species... nothing wrong or evil with this at all!

truguy ago

“...especially if your child is white.”

InquisitorNyxos ago

Maybe to God, but not to humanity.

Daniel_Laixer ago

Fuck me, Reddit is a lost cause and Voat... is naziland... and a lost cause too.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes it is. Neo Nazi Holocauast deniers hang out here. Daniel_Laixer

Daniel_Laixer ago


Dauphin ago

I lock my front door, not because I hate the people outside, but because I love those who live inside...

Daniel_Laixer ago

Yeah, I know how to copy and paste comments too

Lauraingalls ago

GLAD YOU NOTICED. I was torn to sheds because of the Neo Nazi Holocaust deniers here, and I was sent this comment This is ONE of many.

"Lauraingalls, your mother jerks off pigs. She gets down on her knees and crawls through the pigpiss mud slop and snuggles up to the pig, her fingers tracing along it’s belly until she finds it’s cock. She begins tugging and stroking as her twat moistens, her breasts swelling and her nipples begin to stick out like erasers on a fresh #2 pencil. She grunts with satisfaction as the pig begins eagerly thrusting into her hand, her grip now tightening to maintain control of the pig’s greasy corkscrew cock. She lowers her head to watch the cock work in her hand, groans with satisfaction and begins working her clit with her other muddy hand, her hips gyrating with the rhythm of the pig’s thrusting. “Oh fucking jesus god yes..” she gasps. She changes positions, still maintaining control of the feverishly thrusting cock as the pig’s squealing intensifies. She leans forward and with her lips almost touching the pig’s ear, she whispers your name and begins to shudder. She turns her attention again to the pigs swollen member rocking in her hand. She presses it between her hand and her face, the pig thrusting it against her cheeks as she drools. With a massive grunt and a high pitched squeal, the pig’s balls explode, beginning a massive shower of hot, sour pig jizz. You mother cups one hand under the fountain of steaming genetic material gathering it in her hand as the thrusting comes to an end. The pig shudders and begins to walk to the trough of slop in the corner of it’s pen, but your mother tackles it to the ground. She lifts it’s tail and smears the handful of pig load into the pig’s own fetid butthole, turning flakes of crusty pig shit into a pigshit-pigjizz mud slop on the pigs ass. Now she tilts her head to the sky and screams your name, not once, not twice, but three times. She slams her face full force into the pig’s butthole amd works her tongue like a machine gun.Exhausted, she rolls over on her back and lights up.That’s your mom. Your mom does that."

srayzie ago

I don’t want you to leave. We need good Christians like you to put sickos in their place.

Lauraingalls ago

Thanks. You should have seen the stuff others sent. Those 2 strange people that created that post about me, and rambled on, and finally got deleted, for spite sent me very simillar posts. This has gone on for days. Kevdude isn't the only sick one. There are others.

srayzie ago

@Kevdude is a sick individual Laura. 🙄

Shizy ago

He's just one of many who are very sick. Very, very sick!

Lauraingalls ago

I can see that.

Daniel_Laixer ago


DaraChaos ago

Kudos to this couple for stepping up! I hope they get a beautiful baby.

hedgefundhog ago

How do I know whether or not my child is gonna be white?


I have to disagree, I see posts of parents turning their children into genetic abominations... I wish they had just aborted that poor child.

Betty_Liberty ago

My sister kept a 55 yr pregnancy/adoption secret! He found us thru a DNA test her other son took. We met our new family member in January. He's beautiful, white, and was wearing MAGA cufflinks!

redditbelowsme ago

What if your child was named Adam Schiff? Could we make an exception?

chocolatepatriot2 ago

This is a good message regardless of whether or you someone should give their baby to this couple. there are thousands of good people waiting in line to adopt. Wake up America

DontBeRacist ago

That'd be hilarious if they included: White Kids Only

Derpfroot ago

Well, we can easily shoop the sign and redistribute.

Dauphin ago


Dauphin ago


BaldMiscreant ago

Honestly thought about starting a nonprofit for this very purpose.

Dauphin ago

Please do.

BaldMiscreant ago

I'm about as qualified to start a nonprofit as John Podesta would be to open a preschool. I'll look into it, though.

Dauphin ago

You'd be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it... I wish more of us would step up to start non-profits, safe houses, gathering spots for like-minded patriots, or most importantly I would love to see some of us go into politics.

BaldMiscreant ago

My thought was to post people in front of clinics to recruit people to put their child up for adoption. No aggression, no bloody corpses on posterboard, just a friendly face. OK, maybe a cell phone video or two, should they get snotty, but for the most part just a mission to save children from the knife.

Dauphin ago


nevergiveup2them ago

You sure did. Good work! You know your over the target now! The "White Nationalism" is full swing now on the left. If your white, your a target for discrimination or worse.

TexasDeplorable ago

I am against abortion 100 %. However your comment, especially if the child will be white ?? REALLY ! Murder is murder no matter the color of the skin. Your ignorance is showing.

Dauphin ago

The white race is the largest minority on earth... White women make up less than 4% of the worldwide population. White race is in DECLINE. I VERY CLEARLY am against ALL abortion. VERY CLEAR. But as a white man, I MUST look out for my race above all... or my race will cease to exist. I LOCK MY FRONT DOOR NOT BECAUSE I HATE THE PEOPLE OUTSIDE... BUT BECAUSE I LOVE THOSE WHO ARE INSIDE.

Back to Israel you go shill.

Dauphin ago

"Preaching to the choir"... my hope is some asshole on here might actually share this.

Dauphin ago

Must be a bad picture. 100% a STRAIGHT white couple... They have TONS of pictures.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

My first thought...

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Looks female.

Dauphin ago

Back to israel you fucking kike... only a kike would call a young man who risked his LIFE for your freedom a "female." This dude has more BALLS in his pinky fingernail that you have in your entire jewish bloodline.

You what to know the truth? You THINK you are the chosen people but how pathetic is THIS fact... The white man does NOT need the jew... in fact he FLOURISHES without the jew... but the jew CANNOT survive without the white man... How does that feel to know you think you are so powerful but at the end of the day you are a PARASITE leeching off of the whiteman. YOU ARE PATHETIC. You will ALWAYS fail. You might win a battle, but you will NEVER win the war. You are a pussy and you couldn't last 30 days without the whiteman's hand out.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I take it you are the trans-man in the picture?

Dauphin ago

Nope, much older and never served... just think its pathetic to attack a serviceman who is trying to do some good in this world.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

What good? You mean fight wars for Israel?


White genocide is real but there is hope

You didn't realize there was a white pill hidden in #WhiteGenocide did you? Neither did the Jews. They did this to themselves.

White genocide white pill

Far right conservative whites exhibit k-selection and therefore are more loyal, protective, and supportive of offspring, family and racial group.

We work much harder

And are much smarter and more inventive

Our women are also THE most racially loyal despite constant Jewish propoganda.

The extreme far right is the only group with positive population replacement rates. Which means the white world will be ours

Whites are the fiercest and most capable warriors. Do not fuck with us.

We also own the largest amount of guns for a single homogenous civilian group. 46 million white, right wing adults own 125 million firearms. For context, this is 21 times larger than the world's largest army of 2.1 million soldiers in China and 31 times larger than the U.S. Army.

We are objectively the most beautiful and most diverse.

And despite all the Jewish brainwashing and trickery, we are waking up unlike never before and realizing we are part of a much larger group. IT IS OK TO BE WHITE.

The Jews hate to see a group superior to theirs create the wonders of the world.

This is why they throw everything they have at us. Through all their media outlets, they try to convince us being white is a curse and is detrimental to the world.

Make no mistake, their media reach is vast and powerful

They tell the lie that whites don't have any culture when they know our culture is the most desirable. Some say it is even divinely inspired.

The reality is that there will come a time in the very near future when the white man wakes up and decides he's done taking shit. The world will change forever.


madhatter67 ago

It's fucking amazing to be white

Cowery ago

Piece of art this is.

FuckredditKenobi ago

I wish there were videos of this.

Words next to a face don't really do anything.

WolfShepherd ago

Dumb comment so I can save this post. Brilliantly laid out thank you.

shifty_pete ago

You can click the ellipses (…) next to the post and then click save if you want to keep track of a post.

hg74rhyd9 ago

Mindblown! Thanks.

Dauphin ago

Thank you for sharing!

NosebergShekelman ago

I'd like to see the look on their face when 320lb Shaquida pulls up and tries to hand them her baby mutant thing

Dauphin ago

You really think 320lb Shaquida is really going to give up the money PP would give her for having an abortion and just hand her baby over to a WHITE couple?

Yuke ago

Looks like a trannie lesbian couple to me, so if you do, be fucking careful about who gets the baby!

Dauphin ago


Yuke ago

Why are you kike alerting everyone that questions if someone looks like a dude or not. You do realize what that makes you look like, right?

Dauphin ago

Shared MULTIPLE photos, 3 of which show the dude in uniform and they continued to be disrespectful.

Yuke ago

Maybe that's because there's probably one photo out of all of them where it looks like it could be a dude, all the rest are very much questionable. Do female soldiers not where the same uniform in America?

Dauphin ago

why do white people trigger you so badly schlomo... your tricks don't work any longer ;)

Yuke ago

I'm Whiter than you'll ever be, and you're also really fucking obvious.

Dauphin ago

Straight white couple... they have TONS of pictures. Here's another.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Are those lesbians? They look like lesbians. Jesus-worshipping lesbians. Nom nom nom....

Dauphin ago

No, straight white couple.

sicntrd ago

Make sure this is legit before you give your baby away.

Delacourt ago

There is actually a large waiting list of people who want to adopt babies. There aren't nearly enough babies being born and adopted out to satisfy the demand.

Shizy ago

100% true!

Dauphin ago

100% ALWAYS look to where the child will go. NEVER trust a story just because it pulls at your heart. You are 100% correct. I share this with the hope to help this family, but ultimately whoever follow this advice must do their due diligence research.

chester_fields ago

I can't read whether you are positively or negatively mentioning the guns.

Dauphin ago

would I be here if I didn't support guns?

chester_fields ago

I have been surprised by some of the attitudes when I spread further out here but I would have to guess you would. Thank goodness.

Dauphin ago

I believe man has a God given right to protect himself and his family/tribe. That includes owning a gun :). The moment you leave your safety in someone else's hands is the moment you can lose it all.