QDPie ago

A couple of things popped in that first video -- BOEING again. Has Boeing been a bad boy? First their planes and now this.

Then - blue light - DEW?

I spent this afternoon researching Henry Kissinger. Now there's a man who should be in jail for Treason. What a war criminal who is at war with all of humanity! He makes Soros look like a saint!

The reason I brought him up is how many of his conversations and quotes are about all the different ways to exterminate all of us. When I see things like this, it's like little pieces of a 1,000 piece puzzle falling into place.

For more fun and games on this nitwit and the plan to depopulate the earth - with incremental stuff like this, no less. https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/depopulation.html


Sallywuffs ago

Unrelated...probably...but the "Blue Rhino" caught my eye, and it is an attack on utilities. Wouldn't want people to be able to avoid a grid crisis with propane.


Sallywuffs ago

La Guardia airport. They love planes. Small test


numina18 ago

Directed Energy Weapons?? DEW??

DanijelStark ago

Exotic scalar weaponry in action ...

Happened last year in NY also . And on several places more ...

Lanse4257 ago

This is pretty common. One pole goes down and pulls several others with it. Usually to an anchored pole. I’ve seen several miles of transmission line go down like this.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Really? I'm interested in some details. I just saw a report on David Muir. Spokespeople from the power company(?) said they'd never seen anything like it. I saw a video with teens who were on a field day to to the Museum of Flight. I haven't found anything on youtube. I'm going to look on live leak and world star. There's audio of the emergency response radio traffic on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OA3y0HI4j0. There's a lot I'm missing in the jargon.

QuirkyFollowsQ ago

Wtf is up with the Puget Sound area?? It keeps showing up over and over, kinda like Broward county.

Sallywuffs ago

maybe this has something to dew with it

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump I’ve employed thousands of Electrical Workers. They will be voting for me! 9:44 AM - 5 Apr 2019

Text decode

emp D E W A T T E M P T S [G E]

“emp” is in “employed.”

DEW ATTEMPTS [GE] can be decoded from the tweet.

Interpretations: Tweet hints that Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) have been used in emp attacks And that the technology is GE

1MercyUponOurEarth ago

First, they reported 11 poles, then 24, then reported that only 1600 homes were without power, now down to a few hundred, and last night they reported on nightly news that the poles were back up, and power restored. something altogether wrong with this entire story. Also, showing a path right ifo the vehicle that the pole went through. They were escorting people on this path, a couple of feet ifo the vehicle. Again, something wrong with this entire thing. Today, only a couple of 1 or 2 minute reports on the entire thing.

Sallywuffs ago

OK who else has seen them ?

we got Seattle, North Carolina, and Michigan

Blue flash explosions low to the ground, tree level, went off like popcorn when I was out in the middle of the night in NC, foggy wet night in February

GodsAngell ago

Didn't this also happen in the New York City area within the past year? Big Blue lights and the poof, a huge power outage.

Sallywuffs ago

Thanks, That's what I am trying to find out,, people should pipe up about what they have seen.

So now we have Seattle, NC, Michigan, and NYC. No plausible explanations offered.

Except mine: weapons tests

Fullmetal ago

This could possibly be an act of intelligent terrorism.

Attack the infrastructure, and get the public all riled up at the local authorities for not restoring service quickly. Don't try to take credit for anything, and keep your mouth shut. Trigger the proles properly and they'll tear down the establishment for you.

One dipshit taking potshots at transformers could knock out power to a large area for weeks. Disabling a water tower could make an entire town unlivable. Cutting an underground cable in the right place, or taking out the right above ground junction box, could disable communications for a long time. Disable a WalMart, and you can effectively fuck an entire community for months of years.

Start a meme, and you could even inspire the more impressionable morons to help destroy their own town. The police will say each incident is an isolated act of vandalism, and just won't be able to respond effectively. By the time they figure out what's going on the damage will have been done.

The powers that be fear the masses "waking up," but that's never going to actually happen. The masses are sheep to be led around. It's all about the bread and circuses. Attacking the infrastructure forces the proles to be mindful of their own survival needs, sometimes for the first time in their lives, and that'll do more to get them off their asses than any slogan or noble philosophy.

Sallywuffs ago




No one has explained

I think it is a pulse weapon test

magamoo ago

It looks like the poles are not "exploded" but rather they are leaning/snapped. ??

Would love to see pics of the BOTTOM sections of the poles. Can't help but wonder if some tunnels aren't disturbing things 'rooted' from deep below. I gotta check earthquake monitors

ESOTERICshade ago

Blue beams of light also came out of the sky when California burned. It was caught on video.

DTrumplican ago

When President Trump was in California with Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom, he said "I think everybody's seen the light" . He says it here in the video, approx 2:40. He also tells Brown and Gavin the federal government is "behind you" . Long arm of the law? They were sure acting weird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2SxrmiuN0U

Sallywuffs ago

Ha ha. Trump has a sly sense of humor

GodsAngell ago

Yes, and Brown looked like a whipped puppy.

DTrumplican ago

Yes Brown and Newsom both acted really strange. Bet they were put on a leash. Warned. Promised...

Snailracer ago

It was quite windy. I was thinking it was caused by wind, and then domino effect. The poles looked top heavy with all the wires and transformers. This was near the Seattle Museum of Flight. There was an EF-2 tornado near Oak Harbor on Dec 18, 2018; but tornadoes in the Puget Sound area are quite rare.

Infinomnian_Messiah ago

I came to the thread to also point out its been windy around Seattle this weekend, so thats where my money lies.

Sallywuffs ago

It wasn't windy in NY or NC

You lose your bet

Infinomnian_Messiah ago


TrishaUK ago

I heard 3 years ago if all else fails the Deep State will have to use a fake alien invasion! I thought the beam was coming down not going up like @crazy_eyes suggests

MolochHunter ago

its true

i answered the craigslist ad and ive got the costume waiting for the go ahead

Lurkerwastaken ago

Why Space Force .................. I've been thinking about Aliens in terms of how we would currently treat an island of tribal people, do we take over? do we give them technology and modernize them? or do we leave them be and monitor them?

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

Return of the Annunaki?

dueces ago

Most interesting, it occurred right next to Boeing.


That picture in the tweat is the road that runs by the entrance of the Museum of Flight.

Blizzardpants ago

Just a thought here. See what's in the area or see if you can trace where the power line goes to. Maybe it's part of something bigger and the powerlines had strategic value. I could also be completely wrong.

PewterKey ago

It could easily be one guy cutting off power to a particular target, likely Boeing. It's not like people guard power poles. Rebels or terrorists attacking electricity, internet and water can easily have huge effects.

Blizzardpants ago

True it was just a wild thought I had

Sallywuffs ago

The POLITICAL landscape of the reported attacks seems to be significant. The suspected DEW attacks in CALIFORNIA. Blue lightning in NEW YORK CITY. Blue lightning in SEATTLE and NORTH CAROLINA.

Fullmetal ago

Don't forget transportation.

B-------D ago

This is Ayylmao's for sure.

rickki6 ago

Interesting. See something say it

DavidGoldstein ago

I've heard of many poles going down, but never a domino effect.

Oh, wait, Oy vey, I'm a Goldstein. Nothing to see here. Move right along. Some great stuff on TV right now. Get popcorn and soda.

ZombiClown ago

Make Orwel! Fiction again!

fuspezza ago

The great awakening has everything to do with true spirituality https://youtu.be/yq6tQ4nqCsQ

Floralei ago

Damnit, Jeebs, we've talked about this.

KueAnaan ago

Great, let's talk about it again.

gerberlyfe ago

Orbital directed energy weapons are unironically real.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

This was literally across the street from Boeing Field and the Boeing Military Delivery Center. Not that I'm contradicting you. Just adding to the available pool of info.

gerberlyfe ago

That’s even more suspicious. Boeing is obviously a major military industrial company and a prime target for terrorism. Is this a threat?

JodyOnTheBlock ago

It's a threat to somebody unless there is actually a mundane explanation for this. That's a tremendous amount of energy/force required to knock down those power poles.

RockmanRaiden ago

A friend of mine says some people were trapped in a car, and that it was on the news. He didn't see anything useful though.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Does your friend (or anyone in the area who might read this comment) know if "weird" aircraft are known/rumored to arrive/depart from Boeing Military Delivery Center?

RockmanRaiden ago

I'll have to get back to you tomorrow about that. He says he was on the other side of town from when it happened, so I doubt it.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Cool. There are some places (like Coronado Island/San Diego) where every local talks about seeing weird stuff. Just wondering if this is another one of those places.

1Bettiedidnt ago

We drove right by there today. Multiple new planes out on the tarmac. At least 5 fuselages on train cars waiting for transport and multiple brand new military aircraft visible.

love_light_truth ago

I get the feeling this is connected to the shadow war. 24! That's blatantly a message as well as a fight on something, related to 5G secretly being installed? (My speculation) Even 24 hours ultimatum?

This [enjoy the] "show" is getting crazier by the day.

candtalan ago

Bring one pole down, drag a number of others down with it. Sounds like an easy try. 'We know where you(r) power poles live'

magamoo ago

Lmao i want a bumper sticker that says that.


crazy_eyes ago

This happened in Escanaba Michigan a few years ago and took out the power plant for the whole city.

GodsAngell ago

I wonder if it was a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) hitting the plant from above?

magamoo ago

Damn scary stuff

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Wow. Thanks for sharing those videos. I have never seen that. Very strange.

i_scream_trucks ago

It's transformers arcing.

Sallywuffs ago

Why are they arcing

PygmyGoat ago

I’ve been around transformers arcing but none of them had a beam of light above them like that.

i_scream_trucks ago

oh fucksakes....

hurrrrrrr inever did seen dat so u r dumb lier.

Its a fucking transformer arcing.

Duckhunter1960 ago

LOL, arching straight up to those transformers in the sky. Retard.

magamoo ago

Why did it take them six monthes to repair a simple transformer blown? Do like... they NOT have a system in place for such an obvious and totally predictable problem?

Or maybe these transformers are the super speshul verjun that shoit puurdy beams out of their tops without FLASHING OR SPARKING LIKE THE ACTUAL BLOWN TRANSFORMER EXPLOSION INDICATES.

I'm just saying, if it is a prism effect causing the pillar, than said beaming from lights flashing should logically produce beams that flash as well? And not everlasting beams if consistency?

PygmyGoat ago

Actually you don’t know anything about me or what I’ve experienced. I know what I saw and experienced, and I’m ex-military so I do know something about weapons and how electricity works. I don’t give a shit what the fuck you think faggot. Go shill somewhere else.

DavidGoldstein ago

Ok, but how do you explain polds falling dominoes. I've heard of many poles going down, but never more than one at a time.

crazy_eyes ago

You're welcome

It has never been revealed what that beam of light was. The town was without power for nearly six months, if I remember correctly.

I think it was either an attack or a test of a directed energy weapon of some sort. What else would that beam of light be when the town is without power? Shining straight up like that. Possibly a satellite weapon. I dont know though

nonsense_guy ago

Crazy idea...a fucking power surge?

crazy_eyes ago

Would a power surge cause the power plant to explode?

JodyOnTheBlock ago

It reminded me of "light pillars" which I recently discovered are a thing. https://www.littlethings.com/light-pillars

crazy_eyes ago

I've never seen that before. And I live where its cold, those are crazy looking, I would freak if I saw that

Steve_OH ago

Or, crazy idea, but a beam from below?

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, could be shining up and not down

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Except that light diffused in a cloud does suddenly refocus once it leaves the cloud. It gets more diffuse as it goes up in the video.

SearchVoatBot ago

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theoldones ago

exotic weaponry?


Fullmetal ago

Naw, just one knucklehead with a chainsaw.

Sallywuffs ago

Yeah, running around the country. New York, Michigan, NC. After he started the California fires.

TrishaUK ago

Precisely what I thought

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Great questions! The most interesting thing that jumps out at me is Boeing Field and the Boeing Military Delivery Center. https://files.catbox.moe/v882wm.PNG

theoldones ago

i'd like to point that Dortex neglects to mention ive addressed his bullshit: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3142969

also he's an illegal spic in the US: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3144123/17878257

Dortex ago

I'd like to point out the guy you're talking to has spent days begging for child porn from several different people.