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sguevar ago

You realize that the suggestion you claim to love is counterproductive to your nation?

  • Democrats will spread the illegals to other districts for voter fraud purposes.
  • More criminals will spread to your country
  • Are you really that naive that the illegals will stay in those sanctuary cities?

What a stupid suggestion.

GodsAngell ago

I'm not saying open the borders. I'm saying the ones that are already in this country and being bused to places, bus them to the Heart and Center of Demoncraps: San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Let them put their money where their mouth is.

4,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border last Tuesday, and only 60 were deported. These criminals are being bused some place, cuz the border towns have had it.

HouseHawkwood ago

Let Demoncraps put their money where their mouth is. Let these homeless law breakers squat on the Demoncraps front lawns.

They are just going to register them to vote...

GodsAngell ago

Got news for you, that is already going on, and has been for years.

HouseHawkwood ago

Hence my comment.