moderator99 ago

that girl is sick. look at that pic of her with the two different sized pupils. one huge one tiny.

what causes that?

redtoe_skipper ago

The one picture where she is giving a side arm a blow job..... Looks like cheap Chinese plastic 1 bb shit.

That leaves staging/ artistic license as a cover to be exploited.

Take good note.of the responses. Very telling. These people are sick!

42WeAreInAMovie ago

sick puppy. If this doesn't prove demon possession, nothing does. The world is being run by these people. God Save Us All!

guru_meditation ago

People like these were taken in from a very young age, they took part in the sickest rituals where they had to kill animals, then later on humans, and learn to take pleasure in it. Totally messed up humans.

Zadim ago

Good candidate for the DNC 2020 poster girl.

She is one sick little puppy

comprametu ago


PacaGoat ago

One sick puppy. This is the anti Trump and constitution crowd. These people are worse than sick they are demented

srayzie ago

The things she would say in those Instagram posts.... you have to be SICK.

angelCole ago

I think many are demons walking in human form. Like the movie Constantine. I had never seen what I imagine hell and demons to look like as in that movie, very realistic.

ninjajunkie ago

The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No."

Lynnwiod ago


quick_and_dirty ago

Jesus that’s some fucked up shit

DawnPendraig ago

Indeed. I couldn't look through it all.

DammitMan ago

Me either.

Ardithla ago

Me either!

howdoyoumakeahormone ago

Interesting seeing Robert Deniro in there..

gamepwn ago

What a find! Extremely disturbing. There's no way someone could not look at these pictures and realize something is off. This girl is messed up in the head for sure and has most likely been through and committed SRA.

MolochHunter ago

yer this one really gives me the heebee jeebies

srayzie ago

Me too. Geez. Her eyes creep me out

i_scream_trucks ago

Pretty sure either she's got contacts or she's put a hand over one eye then taken a pic quickly


Stroke or epilepsy could do it. Both of which could potentially turn her batshit insane under the right circumstances.

Why do the hot ones have to be so fucked on the head...

ShaneE11183386 ago


digital_minuteman321 ago

It's so fucking creepy that one eye is dilated and the other is completely enlarged.

Hastur77 ago

Yeah the third pic in - fucked up demon shit these "people" must be removed

srayzie ago

I know! How the heck does that happen?

DawnPendraig ago

Concussion, nerve or eye damage, drugs, the eye doctor has drops that do it and she may have it for fun. Belladonna dilates but it does both whwn taken internally. She may be doing it on purpose cor creepy selfies.

MK Ultra and demonic possession I suspect. She needs a lot of prayers and probably to be locked in jail away from innocent people, kids and animals.

i_scream_trucks ago

Put one hand over an eye for 30 seconds, take the hand away, take pic quickly.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks @srayzie, got her tweet earlier in the PG sub.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I didn’t notice it was in there!

think- ago

Thank you.

srayzie ago
