benjitsu ago

I really would love to see a verifiable source on this one. To be honest I don't think there is one although I don't disqualify the idea. I have said it a dozen times here and will say it again...Israel is too smart to just print these dudes off a passport;instead Israel has a system whereby certain people (usually jews) can essentially show up at the airport and claim citizenship then, can anyone provide source to prove me wrong or right?

E_W86 ago

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

E_W86 ago

How misleading. Every person who has given their heart to Jesus Christ is a citizen of the New Jerusalem - the one that will come down from heaven one day as described in the last book of Revelation. No Jews, no Christians, no racial or religious differences. God hates religion anyway, it's not about religion, it's about a personal relationship with His son and being indwelled by the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit.

Those of us who know Jesus are just passing through and our American citizenship is secondary. Ponder that.

divine_human ago

this post is NOT an attack on jews and in no way intended to support the instilled division between religions and races. its about dual citizenship of politicians.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey shut this down right now!!

Veggiehead ago

Boot every single one out of congress and the country.

Dragon40 ago

It is deeply racist to claim dual citizens hold allegiance to two nations - particularly when one of those two nations is Israel. It has nothing to do - at all - with "criticizing Israel." It has everything to do with demonizing Jews.

divine_human ago

interesting, thanks for the link, great write up, i learned something. will update the post with this link.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks. I'm only interested in the truth.

divine_human ago

so am i, always eager to learn.

kneo24 ago

Do you buy their response? I certainly don't. How hard is it to fact check something this simple?

divine_human ago

i am not american so i learn certain things only with you guys here. trial and error. not being fully educated is no sign of stupidity. thanks for the friendly education.

Crikes ago

Their oaths to the Constitution is supposed to establish their one master. They're public hanging should they violate that oath is what is supposed to keep the oath takers from joining the oath keepers in public office.

There must be consequences. We need justice.

hildberht ago

The founding fathers did an amazing job re your constitution, they saw so many possible problems when they drafted it but they really dropped the ball on this one. Maybe it was because immigration was such a huge part of the country or the concept of citizenship did not exist as it does today?

Anyway, the Australian constitution is a very dry, limited document but it does ban dual citizens from being members of parliament. And over the last year or so it saw a number of members of parliament have to resign. It was pretty stupid stuff, kids born in the UK etc. But the High Court ruled they could not hold their positions.

To see so many with dual citizenship to one country has to be a concern. They are meant to act in the USA's interest, how can they do so when it comes to making decisions re Israel and the middle east, one of the most volatile regions in the world?

How do you fix this?

conofgov ago

The thing that bothers me about dual citizenship is we don't allow US citizens to hold foreign office, or serve in foreign military, but we allow them to hold our political offices, and military that should be fixed. Dual citizenship advice the bigotry keeps us from having real conversations.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago


divine_human ago

some folks seem to make it their days fun to downvoat the shit out of my comments on this post.

let me say it like this: even if the information isnt new, and even if not every detail of it is true (possible numbers), there ARE quite a lot of politicians in power positions that have a dual citizenship.

and, from my pov, it totally doesnt matter how many, even ONE is too much. if you want to serve the country, decide which country. simple as that.

BroncoBill ago

In Australia, we have legislation banning dual citizens from the House of Reps and the Senate under Section 44 of the Constitution. Recently 7 Reps and 3 Senators were expelled from Parliament for breaching the section. You are absolutely right. No one with dual citizenship should hold public office.

LostName ago

No dual citizenship period. Renounce one or the other. You are America or you are not.

DTrumplican ago

Part of Teddy Roosevelt speech: There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

fuckingmockies ago

And how many are ethnically Jewish serving Jewish interests but aren't overtly dual citizens?

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

All 100% anti-abortion for Israel!? Pro abortion for America, figure it out yet???

NellerBean ago

No dual citizens serving in government, nor in our legal system (no lawyers) nor positions of influence in media. They also need to choose which country they vote in, not both.

SemperFortis99 ago

"We the People...", should rise up in the greatest numbers and demand the our Constitution be followed. Barry was not even a citizen let along a 'natural born citizen, which by definition, requires both parents to be citizens at the time of their offsprings birth. In general, a citizen is anyone, in which, at least one parent is at citizen, at the time of birth or a naturalized citizen, and show complete allegiance to the United States of America! No one who has dual citizenship is eligible for any office. Those that do committed fraud!

iwasthey ago

Let's roll. We have The Constitutional right to arrest, try and if found guilty, publicly execute the traitors.

SemperFortis99 ago

Yes, but we must win at the lower levels, to win overall!

Dragon40 ago

you cant serve two masters. The implication, of course, is that any dual citizen MUST be conflicted - which is utter horseshit. Usually, when I see this claptrap, it is entirely aimed at Jews; in other words, it's antisemitic bullshit promulgated by small-minded bigots.

divine_human ago

isnt it interesting that all criticism on criminal jews gets instantly labeled as antisemitism? if that isnt small-minded then what is?

Dragon40 ago

Isn't it interesting that antisemites cannot say "Jews" without an attached prejorative?

divine_human ago

isnt it interesting how you instantly jump to conclusions about who is an anti-semitist.

dude, i am a german national who sucked in holocaus guilt and anti-antisemitism with my mothers milk.

i ROFL when i read stupid brainwashed comments like 'you must be antisemitist because blah blah blah'. may i incite you to some critical thinking on your own accord?

meglomaniac ago

Honestly the same thing needs to happen to the senate/house that happens with the presidency.

Only citizens born in the USA, and add that they must hold only a singular citizenship to serve in the political class.

I think its shooting ourselves in the foot to make this about isreal/jews, because it comes off as being racist even tho its true. It will remove support for the position and will add extra ammunition to the detractors of the position.

We should be making this an American thing.

"Americans only get to decide what happens to America".

I don't think people holding Canadian-American citizenship should serve in the Senate either.

divine_human ago

totally agreed. dont make this a jewish thing, its about dual citizenship that doesnt work in high political positions.

archvile7 ago

...which are “conveniently” all kikes. So how is this not a Jewish thing?

divine_human ago

calling them 'kikes' shows that its YOU who is focused on the jewish thing.

Zadim ago

They DON'T serve to masters. They serve one - and the other is stuck paying their salary.

pizza_mine ago

They’re a cunning bunch. They’ll just come up with a rule that would allow them to give up their dual citizenship while in office and pickup where they left off after their term is over.

It would better to clarify it to where someone eligible for dual citizenship is ineligible to hold a government position or office. I doubt it could be done legally or in a way that would stand up in court unless you prevent them from being lawyers or judges as well...

Anon1492 ago

"You can't serve two masters." And they don't. It's what is good for Israel. ALWAYS. We need people who put our country and our people first. This is not a difficult concept.

Fateswebb ago

List of names?

Pollycracker ago

Control of the war machine.

Pollycracker ago

My fear: too many Muslim religious adherants, 2 billion, not willing to have a population conversation spells war in the Middle East.

E_W86 ago

Psalm 83, baby!!!

FatLadySings ago

I live in Mexico and have asked the American Embassy if it's legal for me to get a Mexican citizenship (for financial reasons, I am a proud Patriot) and retain my US Citizenship. I was told "NO". I had to renounce my US citizenship. What gives here. One law for congress and another for us peons?????

divine_human ago

i think, for jews, its different - heard something that all jews, no matter their nationality, are considered israeli citizens.

FatLadySings ago

well this is Schiffy!

GreyGears ago

The law of return, of some name like that.

Basically, any Jew get automatically & immediately Israeli citizenship whenever he ask for it. This way they can flee to Israel / get Israel diplomatic protection at any moment, without even having to officially get Israeli citizenship beforehand.

Sneaky, sneaky trick to bypass laws preventing dual citizenship.

TheRealAmalek ago

A fifth of our congress is Israeli Nationals and should be arrested and executed for Treason

Vibratron ago

.....and I'd like to add, that no one who belongs to a "secret society" should be allowed to hold elected office

divine_human ago

lol, they all belong to one or the other secret society. and truth told, not all secret societies are evil.

new4now ago

I don't think we should have anyone with duel citizenship

Either your American or you not

To become a citizen of the US, you give up your old Country to become American

LongyyBearr ago

Not even fucking Jon Snow did this shit. Why the fuck is it ok now?

goatsandbros ago

They're not even trying to serve both.

muffalettadiver ago

Need to sign an executive order for no duel citizenship. Why the fuck not?

foxyfux ago

thats funny you think they have 2 masters.

2fast4u92 ago

Haha yeah. We all know which the master is

Slim_Jackson ago

more of this please. I also liked posts from users that shows things like Chuck Schumer voting against the wall in America but supporting the wall in Israel.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

More unsupported circlejerking?

Slim_Jackson ago


You're right. I been researching for a few hours and couldn't find anything close to what I was talking about. The best thing that I could find was this

But I would lean more on the side of fake news. So thanks for setting me straight.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No problem.

I'm good at quick abrasiveness that occasionally results in somebody learning a thing.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

You have no source because you're full of shit, Ivan.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Oh look unsubstantiated nonsense from a subhuman Slav.

2fast4u92 ago

And Slavs aren't subhuman, what a Jewish "hate the other goyim please" thing to say.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Slavs are subhuman, thats a biological FACT!

FatLadySings ago


2fast4u92 ago

Look them up one by one then. I smell a Jewish prove it loop coming on...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do you have proof of their citizenship?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

A list of names citing a reddit post?

Get out of here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That's the exact same thing, with the same image of a list of names, as your first fake citation.

Do you not have any evidence? Why are all three links the same thing copypasted?

divine_human ago

thats whats going around now. can you prove that its NOT legit?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Most people only have citizenship in one country. Thus it follows that most of congress has citizenship in one country.

Do you have anything showing why the math is different for them?

kneo24 ago

It's even more retarded and subversive than that. Due to the Law of Return, all a Jew has to do is claim their birthright status for Israel and they're typically allowed in. That's the subversive part.

BUT, that doesn't excuse the shit tier accusation of 89 members of congress, when the list only shows 40, while the rest are in other branches of government, which makes this the stupid part. This list has been passed around more than a $5 hooker at this point. It's the same one, every single time. It's time to take note of the accounts constantly pushing this narrative.

Yes, dual citizenship is a problem, not it's not an issue of 89 people in congress, yes 40 people in congress are 40 people too many.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


People act like some policy of Israel means Congress has dual citizenship. That's a bullshit lie meant to undermine objections to Jews.

We're not going to let them spread BS to discredit us.

kneo24 ago

Please source this. Every time I've seen the source for a similar claim, it includes all members of government instead of members of only the house and senate.

Don't get me wrong, any dual citizen shouldn't be allowed to serve, but the cause isn't helped by inaccurate numbers.

FuckingInsaneGoat ago

And some are just not true. I've seen Sanders on the list and he is not a dual citizen, he's actually spoken about the rumor before.

Is there anyway to verify this?

kneo24 ago

The Law of Return for Israel makes it a murky issue. The law pretty much states that if you're a Jew, you more or less have citizenship, though you do need to apply for it. There have been a few instances in the past where they didn't outright grant citizenship, but more or less, Sanders has it if he wants to. for more reading.

FuckingInsaneGoat ago

Interesting, I didn't know that.

divine_human ago

ok, congress AND senate.

kneo24 ago

The senate is part of congress. The house and the senate make up "congress".

As such not only does your reply NOT provide a source, it also indicates you don't know what you're talking about.

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter One of you could mark this as disinfo if you wanted to at this point. No source, OP doesn't know what they're even talking about.

Shizy ago

Thanks @kneo24, I flaired it unverified since there's no source.

kneo24 ago

The other interesting part to point out is that you already posted a more accurate assessment of the Jewishness of Congress a while back. - The part to look for is this: After midterms, Congress is now three times as Jewish as is the entire US

You literally post so much crap, that it starts to contradict itself. Then you cry when people call you out on being a disinfo source.

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter

kneo24 ago

And that's not an accurate source. How many accounts are you going to come in here with and post the same link?

Go ahead and tell me how many people in congress show up in that list? This is precisely what I was describing in my initial post.

@srayzie @shizy @molochhunter

Shizy ago

Yeah I'm not seeing from that source any "proof" that any of those people actually hold dual citizenship. @srayzie @MolochHunter. What do you know about all of this? I've heard this alleged multiple times but I've never seen any substantial proof.

MolochHunter ago

yer its not really my focus of interest so i never really went to verify

divine_human ago

you really seem to enjoy blaming + shaming people. may you have fun with it.

kneo24 ago

This is you crying about being called out for disinformation on multiple levels.

Revodude1 ago

That is a lot more than I would have ever guessed. This practice must go. Can only be a citizen of one country at a time.

eldorann ago

Israel is last. For a reason never mentioned.

fuckingmockies ago

Probably because most Boomers will cut their own heads off before they admit that Jews are our enemies.

KueAnaan ago

Christians, not boomers, you fucking moron.

divine_human ago

the head of the (visible) snake.

Apexbreed ago

Oh, don't worry, they are only serving one master. Israel.

RemoteView8 ago

I don't support dual citizenship.

Cloudrdr ago

You got any sauce to go with that? A list or link to one, perhaps?

Cloudrdr ago

Thank you

kneo24 ago

So 40 people, not 89. Do you even know how to count? The rest of the others are other branches of government that don't make up congress.

divine_human ago

thats true. therefore, i elaborated on the headline in the text with 'other political positions'.

kneo24 ago

You didn't elaborate on anything. You copy and paste a headline from a year old article and are now trying to backtrack.

divine_human ago

i took the intel from here which i found on this post

make of it what you want. prove the opposite if you think the intel is wrong. its sooooo simple.

kneo24 ago

I already proved the assertion wrong. Congress does not mean anyone serving in Government. Congress is house and Senate. The outdated list shows 40 Congress people. That number could be higher or lower at this point.

divine_human ago

even if the numbers arent current or right, this post is more about the fact that the US HAS people with dual citizenship in high offices. does it matter at this point of time whether its 89 or 40 or 20? even one is too much.

kneo24 ago

The point is, inaccurate statements do not help any cause. You yourself didn't verify the claims. You do a disservice when you try to discuss the issue in the normie sphere. When a normal person actually looks into a claim, they will see things like this and go, "gee that was easy to debunk" and simply ignore it.

divine_human ago

just received this link and updated the post on it - learned something, became aware of something within myself, will do it better next time

Cloudrdr ago

Thank you.

philomath ago

Anthony Weinar? I'd check your source.

Novusod ago

Every one of them is guilty of treason.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Agree 100%.

The dual citizenship problem in Congress isn't limited to only those holding an israeli passport. But the israeli dual agents are the most egregious traitors to our Republic & our Constitution.

America First! will never be part of their agenda, never. And we must always be vigilant towards these untrustworthy lice amongst us.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Thanks for the list.

If forced to choose, I'm willing to bet that nearly 100% of them would declare loyalty to israel over the USA.

kneo24 ago

I hope you take notice of a few things. For starters, it has people not in congress in it - people who work in other sectors of government, and secondly, it's a year old, mid term elections already happened. Dual citizenship is an issue, yes, but we should be cognizant of the actual impact.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Yeah. I noticed a need for an updating of the list, but chose to encourage the contributor rather than being nit-picky.

The impact of these dual citizens has been visible to many of us for decades. And the more who can be dialed in to those facts the better.

B-------D ago

Gas-em from the highest oven...

veteran88 ago

Time to kick out ZOG

RoBatten ago

We really need to ban this duality shit from government . . .

FatLadySings ago good vs evil. Slaughter evil!

fuckingmockies ago

The opposite of good is bad, and the opposite of evil is holy...but I knew what you meant. I just sometimes feel compelled to be that guy.

FatLadySings ago

you mean.....we've had it wrong this whole time? You are right!! I like HOLY better!

1234554321 ago

I like to use the word "Virtuous" because most people understand what that means as opposed to the polarizing/opinionated nature of "Good".

LurkMaster ago
