Skirmish ago

sorry folks, I can't take pompeo seriously. he's either smitten or can't hide his autism. and why does everyone have to "held" when they touch the cement?

Deusgest ago

Fuck Israel. I want america to be american priority.

Phantom42 ago

Fuck Israel and Iran. I hope both nations burn.

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

It is worry some that policy is being driven by religious beliefs. I’m a bible believing Christian and it bothers me. Whatever is going to happen is going to be on God’s time, not driven by man. So, basically they are trying to be god by forcing God’s hand. Good luck with that - it’s just going to start more wars and create new terrorists.

PacaGoat ago

The article reads as an outsider and skeptic with quotes from some who say Pompeo is nutso. But its not nutso to kill and rape children, flood our borders with gangs and jihadist who want to behead everyone that doesnt bow to their false god. Do sexual dances in front of a 2 year old to entice into homosexual sex.

Diggernicks ago

God doesnt exist, so no

xxxnerdxxx ago

God exists even if you don’t believe in him...

Skirmish ago

no telepathic jews using telekinesis to move a rock and float above people...

or wait... I could be wro-

Diggernicks ago

Proof or gtfo

xxxnerdxxx ago

  1. Which is more believable - a spec of literally nothing exploded for no reason and created the entire universe, or that an intelligent designer created this complex world?
  2. Which is more believable - that a soup of chemicals randomly arranged themselves into a massively complex self reproducing system in less than 500 million years (a mathematical impossibility) or that an intelligent designer created a complex system?

The fact that we are here discussing this is more than proof enough that an intelligent designer was the root cause of all we see. Mathematically nothing else makes sense. The odds of this complex system we call life arriving by chance in the mere 13 billion years or so that scientists postulate the universe has existed is so small as to be laughable...