6chthomps ago

Is that cunt in the red dress the whore in that new sex show...?

catchtwentytwo ago

Yep. Her name is Karley Sciortino. Founder of Slutever. Here's the wiki...


Fancy451 ago

inbred jew face with a nose job.

sammyg2087 ago

It's time for the corrupt house of cards to FALL. Fuck these sick politicians, make-believe actors, CEOs. They really do think we are sheep..as they steal kids and profit from it. They need to be publicly hanged.

catchtwentytwo ago

Digging on Rachel Chandler led me to a connection to the movie Godfather III. It might be a stretch, but anyone around her seems suspect to me. Here's the link the photos were sourced from. You have to click "Read Caption" to see the photo credits.


Oracle64 ago
