Kzintrooper2016 ago

My notes: Fucking hideous polka music! Decorated guns? What species of faggot decorates their gun with white paint? "14" prominently displayed on the primary gun in at least 2 places, indicating "I believe in the 14 words", but more curious is the triple row hash mark on the top of the sight (sight is never used). Why that? Looks like a sigil or maybe a video registration mark.

Why go all the way back out to car and get a second rifle?

The "shoot the windshield" part. What is going on with that.

People did die, but there are many many questions.

xolotltlaloc ago

search google for "livestream-video-deadly-shooting-attack-mosque-christchurch-new-zealand"

Birdbrain ago

It was an amateurish cluster fuck. They cannot afford for people to see it and analyze it. They are still operating on the assumption people are still dead asleep. They make their propaganda based on their old successes, and the numbers of people awake and debunking their bullshit is screwing them up.

benjitsu ago

What is up with people here thinking Duck Duck go is anything but a poorer, cheaper version of google?

Blacksmith21 ago

Here's a link to the full video:

I haven't had time to do a lot of analysis, but here are things I've noticed. I'm not convinced that the video was faked, but the shooting was. I do not believe this is a real shooting:

  • Shot counts: Assuming the shooter had 50 round Beta C-mags, shot counts still don't match the round capacity. (start at 07:15) Same with 30 round boxes. The 9 shots from the shotgun is probably from a MOssberg 930 SPX as best as I could tell.

  • Disappearing brass: I watched this more than anything. This occurs indoor as well, other than with the shotgun. No brass on green floor, even when he backtracks. Is it low-res video? I don't think so.

  • Where are the emergency vehicles? No sirens heard until 10 min (approx) after shooting began and shooter is fleeing the scene.

  • 10:59 the shooter goes back into the room where "vicitms" are hunkered down. First, why were they already hunkered down when he entered? At 10:59 he takes a headshot to a presumably deceased victim which blows his hat off. No blood spatter on the walls. In fact, there is no blood spatter on any of the walls. Given the amount of rounds he sent into the piles of people, there would have been a HUGE mess.

  • Shotgun in the car. I'm not buying this - the windows didn't blow out from either the report (unless window was down) and there is almost no smoke. Nor does it appear to blow out the windshield. I'm thinking these may have been dummy or dust loads.

He exited his vehicle playing polka music, which was audible until he was halfway up the walk to the entrance. He then returns to his vehicle and Fire by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown is playing. This makes no sense to me.

  • Women in gutter - she making noise but not moving. He shoots her in the head and you see a piece of skull fly. This is consistent, except, again, no blood.

This was a quick pass. I'm willing to dismiss the disappearing brass as low video quality, except it isn't that bad of quality. Human behaviors don't make a lot of sense in this video and the technical discrepancies make me go hmmm. I think this video was staged, as opposed to it being CGI. The lack of mass amounts of blood, blood spatter, etc. leads me to suspect this was a fake flag and no one died.


KyJane ago

There's yet another thing that just doesn't jive right, Blacksmith21. Go to abt 6:24 or so on the shooting video. See the two people standing RIGHT THERE outside the gate? He doesn't shoot at those, nor do they seem to even pay much attention to a man in camo armed with a rifle and holding it in a pointing position. He just passes them by like they aren't even there although they look to be muslim.

KyJane ago

The lack of blood spatter was one of the first things that stood out to me also. That and also the fact that there aren't even any holes or damage to the walls around them anywhere that I can see! That would be absolutely amazing if it were real, and virtually impossible.

Blacksmith21 ago

See the article I pinged you re blood spatter analysis. It's a real and complicated science.

KyJane ago

Thanks Blacksmith21. Will do.

2fat2move ago

All big events lile this are staged and probably prerecorded sometimes. Nobody dies, just like you said.

YugeDick ago

I can't find it even on

Duckduckgo is hosted in Israel. Soo... duh.

17171717171717QQQ ago

Its being taken down and the posters are being punished in some countries because seeing the footage will destroy their narrative. The bodies on the left were never shot at. Yet there are 15-20 "dead" bodies laying there. Not buying it for a second. When the chorus from the left is all the same and nobody wants you to see the video, you know something is up. These people are stupid.

Cloudrdr ago

DS scraping away any and all evidence. Next thing, they will knock down the mosque.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Move along.

58wise ago This is an Aussie who has inside video of staging. May be helpful

Revodude1 ago

If this is the real video (about 15 min worth) then the whole deal is fake. Now, there are probably plenty of dead people, but they didn't die there. Except for the one in the street gutter who was acting and probably got shot for real. Just for the effect. He had his shoes on the sidewalk for when his "scene" was over. But my two favorites are when he shoots the shotgun through the windshield, but it does not break. Blanks. The side window was not so lucky. Even a blank at that range would take it out. The second favorite is when he walks up to the mosque in military gear and two long guns and the two people at the entrance pay him no nevermind and he pays no nevermind to them.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

So according to you, blanks can shatter a window, but they won’t shatter a window. You’re fucking retarded

Revodude1 ago

Good try. I am not the shill. I had to come over when Reddit was shut down. And if you knew anything about side windows and windshields, you would know that one is way tougher than the other one.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

reddit wasn't shut down

it started censoring shit like 5 years ago

you stayed cuz you're a huge faggot

bulrush ago

Several links to it here.

Also, video showing "victims" up and walking around with fake blood.

Anti-Stupid ago

Not the same mosque

PeacefulAssassin ago


ShaneE11183386 ago

You should have downloaded


EyeOfHorus ago

.... and host in NZ ......

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

11 min 50 sec version of it is up on

This site is obviously NSFW.

Fateswebb ago

It is on torrents, if you don't want to fuck with torrents then use this search phrase, I have a local copy. 518a3baf6096388726e4e9ac7ca0336f

KyJane ago

https:/ /my.mixtape. moe/ksxjib. mp4
Remove spaces.

numina18 ago

Don't bother, it looks really fakey anyway.

VicariousJambi ago

Not sure if any of these are still up

Zadim ago

If you get a call from +64... it's New Zealand calling, twitt'r wants to send a pakistani shariah wet team to re-educate you but just need to verify your address.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Fuckin' bring it. My guns are better than that trash he used in the first place.

Zadim ago

I don't think they would be that foolish to try something like that in America (not a f/f but the retaliatory action). It would be like kicking a dozen hornet's nests while wearing only a speedo. Suicide.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I was uninterested in the video until they started arresting people for possessing it.

Now I downloaded it.

Come at me, thugs.

Zadim ago

1984 on steroids

user17 ago

Contact the Connecticut state police (little p) for a copy..

DrunqTanq ago

Top link if you use Yandex and search for "New Zealand shooting" - site named shockgore -

not_drunk ago

info dumb thread in v/news

GodBlessTrump ago

Thanks for that! Stored offline for safety.

courtjester1111 ago

NP Fren.

NosebergShekelman ago

fuck I watched it again and it just makes me feel great inside. Get mad IDC

Lonegunman65 ago

Possession of this video will get you 30 years in prison in NZ. What are they afraid of?

Mrs_Kravitz ago

They're afraid of us pointing out the blaring glaring discrepancies. No blood on walls or carpet. No holes in wallsor clothing. FF

eldorann ago

That's 30,000 years for me.

And 30 years for the 1000 people on my mailing list.

BirthTheGirth ago

Can we please get a list of all NZ politicians emails and start spamming the fuck out of em with the video stating the blood is on your hands?

courtjester1111 ago

Title Here

Da truff Mate.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Not my proudest fap

courtjester1111 ago

Not for the Fainthearted really.

ZyklonZ ago

Were are the police? NZ cops must be slow or lazy.

courtjester1111 ago

Whole affair was timed imo.

DrunqTanq ago

at the 11 min mark... damn

courtjester1111 ago


Cat_anon ago

Dude, this seems a lot realer than the video claiming shells are photoshopped.

I can see shells on the floor on this one. At what spot is the disappearing shells from?

Anti-Stupid ago

They don't disappear

KyJane ago

Yes, they do. Go check out @PoliticalTweetW videos on Twit. Also, pay attention to the barefoot guy (2nd guy shot) as shooter enters. Look at his feet when the shooter comes back out. Then there's the blank shots into his window shield. Sorry, the movie makers screwed up. No wonder they want to get rid of all of the videos of it now.

Anti-Stupid ago

I agree with it being a false flag in the sense that it was a planned event to stoke flames by (((them))). I also believe people really died.

jonnyquest ago

Outside on the sidewalk was the supposed spot.

dunklederf ago

listen nigger, i'll help you out here.

the 'its fake/doctored footage' posts are shills, it's done to poison the well of 'conspiracy'

the shooting DID happen, it's real, except it was a cia/mossad operation. specific note with the mossad spiy-ring uncovered a few days before, Podesta being there DAYS before, and half the kids of the school shooting from america having visited THAT EXACT SAME MOSQUE, as well as THAT EXACT mosque having been in news before for being specifically a mosque that radicalises people into terrorism for isis (isis is mossad)

the shooting DID happen, the footage is real (if the victims are real is debatable, half of them never moved in the first place, could have been props) and it's mainly just another tool that's being leveraged to force more gun control, blame whites, blame white nationalism, blame ALL the people that they dont like because they're redpilling people, casting aspersions ad pewdiepie, candace owens, ben shapiro, and spyro the dragon.

it's excellently dressed up, except for the part where the manifesto skirts around the jewish question ENTIRELY, but still supposedly has the 14 words etc as his guidance.

NO white nationalist is NOT aware of the jews push for mass migration of mudshits. mudshits are s symptom, jews are the problem.

The jewish playbook has always been to put whites and muslims against eachother, it's been in their whole 'plan for world war three' i forgot the actual name of the thing, morgenthau plan i believe (could be a different plan)

keep in mind that 'false flag' doesnt mean 'this didnt happen' it just means that it didnt happen BY THE PEOPLE YOURE SUPPOSED TO THINK.

it's soldiers taking off their country-patch, putting on another coutnries patch, and then 'leaving evidence of the other country doing it' setting someone else up to take the heat for it, causing whatever fallout they want to cause for that country; in this case, creating more hate between muslims and whites.

and because the media is MORE THAN HAPPY to play along with it, you know they're in on it.

DickTick ago

Hear hear! Spoken like a true faggot!

DeadFox ago

You idiot. His manifesto is going to be read by hundreds of thousands of magatards. What's the easiest way to lose sympathy of anti-muslim normie? Be "anti-Semitic". If you read his manifesto he clearly mentions Jews twice, the first time to day they are enemies only if they subvert his people(which most Jews do) and the second time was to clearly point out that they are to be removed from our lands. Magatards don't need to be hit with a full redpill about the Jewish hand, they just need to want to fire the guns. They will be taught.

DawnPendraig ago

Not all of us are shills. I saw the video and it was convincing. But I'm stuck with a small screen and I have had it explained the video compression could cause them to appear to disappear.

We are doing our best. We feel the wrongness of the lies but it's not easy for us to find exactly what the lies are or are not. By design of course. We can only learn and try to do better.

dunklederf ago

honestly, its unsurprising that most of you boomers can be convinced of 'some technobabble here' as any excuse for something getting explained in the digital realm. It's not a bad thing, to be able to admit to not being literate enough in some subject to be able to certainly say one or another thing, and just having to rely on others that are literate enough.

Just gotta be careful that you're aware of it happening, and you don't end up regurgitating literally shill-material, just because 'it seemed convincing enough to me'; that shouldn't be enough, you have to ask the questions as well.


What about the blue socks?

dunklederf ago

actor had cold feet and put them on?

The1stLantern ago

Fuck yes.

albatrosv15 ago

Thank you for this enlightening comment.

digital_minuteman321 ago

@GodsAngell This is for you, crazy lady.

brandnewset ago

This needs to be read by all the wannabe followers on the entire iinternet.

How the jew must laugh at us. We need to be on point for tricks$ Dig on his trip to Israel Nov 2016

dunklederf ago

feel free to turn it into copypasta, add some links etc.

i typed this up on the spot.

courtjester1111 ago

This is the real McCoy Fren.