Jimmycog ago

Oh the leaf didnt fall far from the willow

Joe10jo ago

What ya wanna bet that everyone involved in the college scam are LIBERALS!!

CarefulNow ago

I wonder how good she is at rowing a yacht

borborygmus ago

This goes to the highest levels of the university. Heads are going to roll at USC.

Winred ago

Is this why so many celebrities children are the Top Billed Models today? Bella, Anwar and Gigi Hadid, daughter’s and son of Mohamed Hadid and Yolanda Hadid Kaia and Presley Gerber, daughter and son of Cindy Crawford Brandon Lee, son of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee Cordell Broadus, son of Snoop Dogg Sofia Richie, daughter of Lionel Richie Mathilda Gianopulous, daughter of Molly RingwalD Amelia Hamlin, daughter of Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna The list goes on and on.....

Mad_As_Helll ago

trevmon ago

probably I mean hot people are not that rare really so why do just some of them get to become super models.

brettco12 ago

can you imagine how much yachting Aston Kutcher did in his prime! I bet he was expensive and also is blown the fuck out by now!

Tracimariesimmons ago

I'm almost positive there will be a ton of other illegal activities being perpetrated by Hollywood that will come to light from this college scam BS!! I CANNOT WAIT!!!

NosebergShekelman ago

Her roast beef was floppin'!! oy vey

trevmon ago

gonna use her roast flaps as the sail

NosebergShekelman ago


Kirbyrambo ago

Daddy and Mommy are sooo proud of their little girl==look at all her accomplishments

brettco12 ago

its probably nice to get some strange and not the some old dad action every day!

Kirbyrambo ago


SuckaFree ago

Yeah, the pics on that girl's Instagram pg is chock full of Cabal symbolism, sex kitten stuff, etc. It's like she's just there to model, peddle her Sephora endorsement, and be used by the rich and influential staff at USC.

trevmon ago

guaranteed lori loughlin got on the casting couch back in her day.

Kirbyrambo ago

USC are spending more on their hookers than their athletics==athletics sucking==but the joos don't like athletics anyway. They can't play with their tiny squirrely bodies

love_light_truth ago

Georgetown University is deeply disappointed to learn that former Tennis Coach Gordon Ernst is alleged to have committed criminal acts against the University that constitute an unprecedented breach of trust,”

Rrright as if they didn't know what he was up to. I'd be willing to bet that his superiors now really wish they did not turn a blind eye to their seedy dealings.

I know one thing for sure, this is going to get bigger and bigger, sweeping up more high profile crooks.

pinnochio_comey ago

Lots of jib-hoisting, swabbing of the decks, and stroking the coxswain on das boot.

puggy ago

Kirbyrambo ago


Cloudrdr ago

Oy! These people are, to coin a BEAUTIFUL phrase, SICK!!!!

Watch them SCATTER when the LIGHT comes on. Phun!!!

NosebergShekelman ago

You do understand thaT many pointed out the sick hollywood bunch back in the mid eighties?

Cloudrdr ago

Gollleeee, Sgt Carter. You mean them picture people ain't decent American folk?

Gollleeee, we been fooled.


ChiefMAGA ago

Yacht girl is correct. Boom bam!

Odius1 ago

Let me guess out in international waters huh?

120050HH ago

How the fuck does a college official afford a ya....oh right.

RakerKey ago

They all do Self-Pimping on Instagram and SnapChat

RakerKey ago

Instagram and SnapChat is their pimps