srayzie ago

Posts about other users are not allowed. You are welcome to post this in the comment section, but not as a submission post.

Ddboomer ago

Of course!! And yes, we all have to stay vigilant!!! Thanks for the info!! I appreciate it!! Sometimes people latch onto a story and just want it to be true. You have to check and recheck. Patriots need to stick together!!

digital_minuteman321 ago

Agreed. Patriots need to hold each other accountable as well. We'll never learn from our mistakes if we constantly lash out and attack others with different opinions. We have to keep a level head during these times.

Fateswebb ago

Maybe she is just too deep man, we all know that there are a lot of shills, and so she felt like she had a good source and because at times it seems like everyone is a shill attacking you it can be hard to tell the difference... So maybe she just let it all get to her and lashed out. Some people have a hard time putting their tails between their legs and admitting they were incorrect. Also some people have a hard time debating and I'll admit it can be frustrating when you feel you have provided good proof of something and people still won't open their eyes.

It's hard to sometimes admit you were wrong. I know I have to do it sometimes (very very rare 😂) but yeah sometimes. And it's not easy to flip the switch and say you know what you opened my eyes and I have changed my opinions. Some have a hard time with that.

What I'm saying is I don't know if I'm convinced she is a shill, just that maybe it's hard for her to admit she was wrong..

Peace bro

digital_minuteman321 ago

I personally think she's just too emotional and scared to admit she was wrong as well, with others coming to that same conclusion. That's something a leftists would do, it's a damn shame one of our own is like that.

Fateswebb ago

Well we are presented with some of the most disgusting and horrible information, it's sure to cause break downs on the strongest of people.

Tracimariesimmons ago

Thank you!! Stand Strong!! #WWG1WGA

kneo24 ago

A couple things, first this post itself is a rule violation in this subverse. No posts about specific users.

Secondly, @Godsangell flips out often on people calling them out for posting unsubstantiated information. It looks like to me they're a user here to push a narrative. Beyond that, they will often go back and edit their posts, sometimes with lengthy edits after you have responded to them, with no indication of what their edits were.

All in all, their actions are shill like. If they're not a shill, they sure act like one. What is the effective difference at that point?

digital_minuteman321 ago

(In most cases) I'm just holding someone accountable for their actions. And it seems like there are others who had the same reaction from him/her as well. If she's just crazy, we can't have that kind of unhinge emotion attacking fellow Patriots. If he/she is a shill then they have no business being here.

grace8 ago

I tried guiding and educating for weeks on constant stating pundit opinions as facts in the title of posts and jumping to the "Its happening" every other week posts. He just responded with personal attacks and then goes into how persecuted he is. Eventually, This made me double down and I started showing up at all his posts and talking to everyone up voting his stuff about how it was not fact and how false hope is dangerous to Q movement. More personal attacks. I attempted to clarify for him that all he had to do was present opinion as opinion and not fact and not attack me personally but attack my argument, and try to be a bit more discerning on sites to trust. After 2 months of this, he seems to be doing better at presenting opinions as opinions rather than facts. His posts are often shorter and more factual recently. I think he is working on it. But change on his part is slow and one can only wonder at what is going on for him that he struggles to post appropriately. I've never been like this with any other poster. But his posts felt dangerous to me, and I am protective of Q.

Like OP, I wondered for a while if he was a shill here to sabotage through false hope but after sometime now I don't think so. He just has different strengths than others and some deficits, like all of us. Some ppl can't handle even constructive criticism without attacking. I imagine on some subs across the internet his behavior would not stick out much. The Q crowd has less troll personalities and ppl tend to be more respectful. Godsangel may not have figured that out. GA brings energy and dedication. Hope he learns to not attack ppl who disagree with the way he posts or that he learns to present opinion as opinion. He is an asset underneath his poor choices.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Well posted and I hope you're right. We're better than this, we must improve ourselves everyday and not lash out at others when they have a different opinion or tell us that we are in the wrong.


2 days ago he/she posted an "outrageous" article about El Chappo giving the Clinton foundation $15mil. The listed source was an odd ball site, and someone griped about godsangel not being trustworthy.

2 days later, I see other, more credible news outlets picking up the story. So I would rule out troll. Probably just gambles on odd sources more than the average poster. I don't have a problem with it.

kneo24 ago

That's how the mainstream media pushes bad news sources as well. They all do it. They will let some smaller source start an article, and then either reference that as a valid source, or merely mostly copy it with listing sources as anonymous. Sometimes articles will drop at the same and these places will reference each other as sources, making the whole thing circular.

My question is, did you dig deep enough to make sure this wasn't the case? Secondly, assuming they are just gambling with bad sources, why give them a free pass? It's dishonest, it lacks integrity. Most people don't read past the headline - ideas get cemented in their head that way. It's an easy way to steer an audience.


Secondly, assuming they are just gambling with bad sources, why give them a free pass?

I don't mind people searching out obscure sources at all. In fact I encourage it.

I remember when people were questioning whether or not Judicial Watch was legit, back when the nearly unbelievable stuff they were finding hit the web.

digital_minuteman321 ago

Good point, though she shouldnt let her emotions go that out of control. Its shameful.

wokeasfook ago

Something disguised as a patriot for sure. I'm just not sure what yet.

DickTick ago

Preach brother, preach!

bamadeplorable420 ago

Q said beware of who you follow....

WhiteRonin ago

That includes Q himself!

Hastur77 ago

s/he posts too much with too much depth to be a troll/shill - s/he's a true believer - and its LOGIC that s/he needs and less reaction - s/he is pure emotion, albeit on the side of good/light - Q said stay UNITED - we cannot shun him/her - there must be a way but i'm not a psychologist

Fateswebb ago

I think this is the explanation.nshebis emotionally driven, and as such she can be a huge asset, or sometimes it can explode in her face.

digital_minuteman321 ago

I tried sending multiple private messages to her/him and try to reason and got completely ignored. You are probably right on crazy, her/his emotions are out of control.

Hastur77 ago

changing my mind on this one and others - at some point they gotta be kicked to the curb i reckon - tonights post is nuts

DawnPendraig ago

I don't check my PMs much. Might be this person doesn't either.

IMO he/she is rather a bit too passionate and impulsive, new to this... Reminds me of myself at 18 when I discovered email user groups for my favorite topics and wanted to share my ideas but didn't realize how arrogant and abrasive I appeared.

Hastur77 ago

true believers can be useful and/or dangerous to a cause, they should be guided

mark7 ago

We all make mistakes, but a wise person will admit such, and seek to apologize if things got heated, IMO. That said, I always thought GodsAngell jumped the gun on conclusions, and offered false hope, often. (Besides the irritating all caps!!). Thought the username a bit prideful as well. If she/he/ze/zim is a shill, it is the right time to flake out, as all the others are freaking, and exposing themselves. Either some of our fellow VOAT Patriots are missing does of Prozac, or they are DS assets. (Off topic, I was shocked to see UK Bloke Awoke on the naughty list, I always liked him, and didn't see any flaking). All of the trees are "Fruiting", only some are just nutz!! :)

digital_minuteman321 ago

I tried sending Godsangell multiple private messages to no avail. All she/him had to do was own up to the mistake but chose to double down and ignore. I'm leaning towards her/him being crazy, his/her emotions are out of control. We must use logic and reasoning when looking at information, not give into our emotions.

grace8 ago

GA just posted in his old style of assumptions and certainties promising Obama is getting arrested tomorrow. Shakes head sadly.

I spanked him. Attack incoming. I really hate being unkind but ugh!

Fateswebb ago

Maybe she doesn't even read the private messages, or maybe she is just too embarrassed to respond.

digital_minuteman321 ago

We're strangers on the internet, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've eaten crow plenty of times because of datefagging in the past and that was not pleasant, and apologized as well for sharing content that I thought was legit but turned out to be fake later on. Hopefully he/she saw my post (I assume they did because of the one downvote) and learn.

Fateswebb ago

Maybe someone downvoted it because it is a violation of the subs rules, or maybe it was her. I would think she would have replied in her defense of being called a shill if it was her.

digital_minuteman321 ago

I have yet to get a reply back from him/her so it's either shill or very emotional and weak.

Fateswebb ago

Well shills ALWAYS reply to being called shills. So it's probably the latter.

BulletMagnet879 ago

I was in on the original convo with godsangell. I called them out as well and got the typical shillbot response. I replied saying godsangell seems to have been compromised and then got nothing. Almost as if I had said the magic word or phrase that made them shut down.

Hastur77 ago

where's the naughty list?

digital_minuteman321 ago

Damn he never acted irrational on this board from what I could tell about the fellow. Better stay more vigilant I suppose.

mark7 ago

Vote manipulation? IDK... someone must have really pissed him off!!

Hastur77 ago

thanks, he mustve done a nasty somewhere, he's been ok here

mark7 ago


mark7 ago

It was VOAT wide, and a sticky at the top. Posted by Puttitout. It had usernames, and violations of site rules on a list. I will look for it a bit later!

Themooninthesky ago

I watched the exposed godsangell she posted the same answer and I made fun of her. No response. I’ll go find it and repost. She’s a bot shill or niggerfaggot.

drstrangegov ago

Isn't that Edie?

digital_minuteman321 ago

No idea. All I know is the behavior by Godsangell is not what a patriot should act like, let alone to double down and keep ignoring reason.