1Barefooter ago

I know pedo's exists and it needs to be a capitol (death) offense. It REALLY bothers me that you feel its necessary to post these pictures? What the hell is the matter with you?

Dauphin ago

If looking through research that people post BOTHERS you that much you are on the WRONG site bro. This is for research on some pretty grim topics. Don't think this is for you man. Shill talk man... these pictures of Brooke have been posted MANY times before on this site and these are the blurred/edited versions... Not sure why it REALLY bothers you though... kinda weird man.

1Barefooter ago

Please excuse my hyper-sensitivity regarding your post Brother. As a father, pedo-predators are a parents worst nightmare. The thought of pics of my daughter being used for shock and awe struck a nerve. What is weird about objecting the exploitation children (blurred or not)? I find that more weird. It's your post, rock on!

Dauphin ago

Sorry for being a lil sensitive as well... we have good intentions and I am SICK of seeing people get away with this... We need to know whats out there to fight it.

DickTick ago

They literally sold the original at Christie's auction from like 3.5 million dollars.. how in the actual fuck is that even legal, and no the original isn't blurred out... You can literally see it right there on Christie's website uncensored. Wtf.

RainDrops ago

"The original picture, for which Shields was paid $450, was taken by fashion photographer Garry Gross in 1975 for a Playboy publication titled Sugar and Spice. It was one of a dozen images of Shields designed, according to Gross, to reveal the not-so-latent sexuality of the prepubescent child."

The photos were re-photographed by Richard Prince.

"It shows a 10-year-old Shields, oiled and glistening, naked and made-up, posing in a marble bathtub with a seductive danger that belies her years. She has, in Prince’s description, “a body with two different sexes, maybe more, and a head that looks like it’s got a different birthday.”

So in other words, she has a woman's face on a prepubescent body with features of both sexes....a pedophile's dream. This is just disgusting and makes me sick to my stomach, and it's called "art"!

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Call it art and you can do anything-unless it's labeled anti-Semitic.

Invicta ago

I tend to believe that most of Bill Maher's visits to the Playboy Mansion were for the purpose of sharing is passion with prepubescent girls.

QPilledLib ago

There was a Crazy Days and Nights post that talked about a private stash of open and risque photography that was clearly a reference to Heffner. I dont doubt that there is a ton of embarrassing imagery of celebrities out there.

carnold03 ago

Bull. A creature like that wouldn't GIVE any government agency any dirty information they've got on politicians, especially if that politician could use those agencies against him. That's exactly how your @$$ disappears like Jimmy Hoffa or your head explodes like JFK. No, a monster like this procures a library of filth on as many people as he can, sits on it for decades, updates the format of the content and sends the johns a video return receipt to their office to remind them he's still got the dirt on them. He makes sure to keep the victims on a tight stipend to keep them quiet. CIA simply keeps an eye on the procurers entire operation, patiently waiting for the slip ups to pile up. International intel agencies set up their own overwatch hoping to catch what the CIA doesn't.

Then as the procurer reaches his death bed, he informs his loyal retainers to dispose of his library discretely. He knows if this is still around his family's lives are pretty much toast. He disposes of the media library in a way he knows the CIA will see. Burning photos, videos, film rolls, reels, audio tapes and documents in his backyard. The hard drives will be a bit tricky. Run the various software packages to clean them, then a few high power magnets, dismantle them and smash them to bits, before taking them out on the yacht, dumping them as far off the coast as possible. Die with a smile on your face knowing that despite your burning in hell for all eternity the entire worlds intelligence organ will be racing to get the remains to try and piece everything together.

WanderingTaurus ago

Hmmm sure you havent done that before because seems you have it all figured out

carnold03 ago

"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundless-ness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate." ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Pollycracker ago

The operation moved south to New Orleans according to CrazyDaysandNights.net.

Rudy_Paine ago

When Pam Anderson visited Julian Assange in London at the Ecuadorian embassy wasn't there some speculation that she possessed the tapes from the mansion and may have given them to Assange?

recon_johnny ago

WTF are those pictures of Shields? They weren't put into Playboy...

corrbrick ago

Movie, Pretty Baby.

recon_johnny ago

They showed her tits in that movie? Really? Fucking pedophiles.

Dismal_Swamp ago

Playboy Mansion probably had cameras set up in every room to blackmail everyone. Remember that post on CDAN about the giant vault under the house filled with blackmail pics and videos of everyone from musicians to actors to politicians. His son is sitting on a gold mine of blackmail. He’ll probably cash in on those tapes while those people are still alive.

GodBlessTrump ago

Hefner's son doesn't own Playboy.

The failing business was sold to Alwaleed bin Talal in 2011 through his fund manager, Rizvi Traverse Management.

Alwaleed acquired the vault of blackmail material.

FreedBy45 ago

Well, if we see a good old-fashioned fire like the one at Clinton's Chappaquiddick estate, stand up & cheer. Probably would mean the good guys went in to retrieve the evidence.

PGLiterati ago

Yes, I remember. In Chicago. The son has everything. No mention of Christy. She had taken over Playboy by 1999.

Snailracer ago

You gotta live to cash in.

ChiefMAGA ago

his eldest son, Maher?

Truther65 ago

Both Heffner and Epstein = CIA. Info for blackmailing people into submission.

THSenior ago

There’s no proof Epstein was CIA, only that he was an FBI informant as part of a plea deal.

ChiefMAGA ago

The most important thing to research is not the people in the news or in the front of things. We have to investigate the handlers. The names we do not know who are working their magic behind the scenes. We need to find them.

Truther65 ago

That is a difficult task.

TurquoiseLover ago

Brooke shields is a boy too.

FatLadySings ago

tranny from birth

Cloudrdr ago

Say it ain't so.

trevmon ago

that'd explain why michael jackson was into her

Veghead ago

The pictures are from the movie Pretty Baby. She was sold for her virginity in the story.


Fallout2019 ago

That issi twisted.

middlechild ago

You don't aquire that much wealth and public stats unless the cabal wants you to. I can't believe I was so naive. I really never even considered this kind of evil was real. I know now.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Same here. You don't see the sleight-of-hand because of your (I'm assuming) honest views.

GodsAngell ago

Epstein traps them on the east coast, while Hefner traps the politicians on the west coast.

No doubt the CIA first black mailed Hefner for under aged sex, like they did with Epstein.

Der_Untergang ago

You mean to tell me you never realized that kind of dude had that kind of status and wealth without something weird else going on?

middlechild ago

No. I'm 37 now, only about two years ago did I begin to accept that this evil exists, and not just underground, or in the mind of Hollywood directors. It's everywhere.

WanderingTaurus ago

Even more disgusting is how these wicked actors often play characters in movies/tv where they are saving children but in reality they are victimizing kids.

ChiefMAGA ago

I'm with you. I thought it was all a lie until i woke up one day. COuldn't believe the evil exists all around you. People at work too. Its like a mini-cabal at work.

TurquoiseLover ago

Yes, and he liked boys.

Murphman64 ago

Bill Maher's Dad. Prove me wrong.

fullthrottle1949 ago

I have no evidence to prove you wrong...on contrary, the resemblance is uncanny.

KaputtmacherNL ago

Can't prove you wrong, so I guess you're right?

Quinceberry ago

I can't say I disagree with your point but do you have any sauce?

Frequency33 ago

I searched/can't find anything on "william aloysius maher jr"... what's the story??

FatLadySings ago


KarlKastner ago


ChiefMAGA ago

ding ding ding. How about the underground tunnels? No one is saying a peep.

satisfyinghump ago

Wow... you're right. Definite resemblance. Any conspiracies about this?

trevmon ago

bill maher owns a movie production company, called kid love

talk about hiding out in the open

USAMatters ago

There was a scene in the Godfather where what appears to be a "mother" taking her "two daughters" from a bedroom into a hallway. The two daughters look dazed, frightened & confused. The scene gives the impression the "mother" brought the girls to one of the "bosses" for the girls to be used - now I realize for sexual activity.

When I first say the scene, many years ago, I could not figure out what was happening, but now it is very clear. The sexual abuse of young children within hollyweird has been going on for decades.

Dauphin ago

Watch old Shirley Temple movies... Holy fuck is it so obvious right in our faces... baby burlesque... come on!

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Makes me fucking sick. Poor kids....

Yuke ago

Godfather 1?

USAMatters ago

Not sure which Godfather. Don't really want to go back & find the scene at this time. Really fed up with hollyweird.

USAMatters ago

Q always says projection. Upon reviewing these posts, does Putin have videos of people peeing on the clintons, obama's, shift & others????

davemcgowanwasright ago

I wouldn't be surprised if there are videos of Big Mike booty busting Barry with Big Mike's 10 inch shlong.

DickTick ago

Cock... 10 inch black cock.

USAMatters ago

with 10 inches - he probably did porn as well

pby1000 ago

Siberian rain shower.

VicariousJambi ago

Does it even rain in russia

Davelon ago

It actually pisses down.

pby1000 ago

Haha! Like Golden Showers.

USAMatters ago

Gross - but thanks for the actual name.

pby1000 ago


TurquoiseLover ago

Of course he does.

Stunnned ago

All these connections. Here's another potential. Kinda makes me think they may be related...


Thatsthewayitwas ago

Have to say they look nothing alike.

SearchVoatBot ago

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BB-3 ago

They both look Jewish, but that's about it.

nmgoh2 ago

Literally what Putin does with his VIP guests for kompromat.

Stay in his hotel, and he'll arrange for your wildest fantasies to come true. The whole place is wired for sound and video, and he'll send you a copy to help remember that crazy night.

Then remind you that he has a copy and you should act in his best interests or else he'll be showing all of his friends.

godmonster ago

One would have to be pretty naive to fall for something like that.

Zevediah ago
