redtoe_skipper ago


Given the arguments about common law in Roe v Wade, I was interested in looking up what was considered abortion at the time.


srayzie ago

Oh that would be interesting. Feel free to share.

redtoe_skipper ago

In midwifery: the birth of a foetus before it has acquired a sufficient degree of perfection to enable it to perform respiration and the other vital functions.

I am on the move, so I have a limited ability to link. I refer here to the Roe v Wade decision where first an investigation into 18/ 19th century common law practice was entertained. In conclusion, based on common law both in UK and US there has never been a prohibition, although.certain limits to abortion were considered.

The whole discussion in this decision was about:

Whether abortion needs to be enumerated based on several ammendments to the constitution

the right.of the state to prescribe abortion or the state interest in limiting abortion for two reasons: health.of the mother and viability of the unborn.

Abortion was ruled to be an inherent right, a right reserved by the people, not needing of enumeration.

In the whole.abortion discussion this is often missed. For.those in favor, it must be a relief. For.those.against, there is not a mandatory push to rob any citizen of any rights.

The devil is in the details, as the state interest is interjected.

Eventually, the court held, though there exist a reasonable timeframe where abortion in consultation with the medical profession should be able to be.performed based on viability, the first semester was the timeframe.

After the first semester state interest becomes a heavier weight in the consideration. It basically also allows.for advancement in medical development. But I personally highly doubt, the court.would be swayed, on our current abilities, a late term abortion would be warranted. Rather the opposite....

The whole discussion now is whether the state should use taxpayer money to facilitate abortions. That was not under review. Yet, although I am vehemently against such brutal interjection of stateinterest in personal affairs, based on the same view as the esteemed justices have promulgated in their investigation of past held views, regulating the medical procedure is a state function, as it concerns the health of the mother. In my view that is more a facilitating matter to strike a balance between health of the mother and the way in which it is done.

It.leaves open the question of funding and private money instead of being used.

The quote from the 1771 eb, shows that abortions in them days were performed. And no one went to jail if.....

It also allows stillborn to be regarded as such, aborted by nature.

srayzie ago

Everything about abortion just breaks my heart 🥺

TheSubversives ago

Thank you for this! Is there a subvoat/other community where I could find more resources like this?

This is immensely fascinating and I'm slowly building a large archive of things like this, so it'd be nice to find more!

srayzie ago

Oh and there’s this too...

srayzie ago

This is a website I love. I don’t know if this is what you mean. It’s not old books. But, there’s tons of information of you like researching...

Let me know what you think!

TheSubversives ago

Thank you so much! I'll use wget to create offline archives of both of these sites! Much appreciated!

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. I’ve never heard of wget. I looked it up. I want to try it out!

TheSubversives ago

It's awesome! I use: wget -mkEp is just an example, you may use any website. Depending on the total size of the website, it might take a while to download. Most sites will be a couple hundred MB. The largest I've downloaded was David Wilcock's and that was 16GB.

These arguments allow you to create an offline mirror, it recursively follows all directories and downloads them. It also changes the links to the correct destination on your local copy instead of redirecting you to an online version when clicked. Wget works great for sites that are not extremely reliant on JavaScript features! You can look up what each argument does in the wget documentation if you're curious!

Just make sure to use or not use "www" depending on whether the website uses it. Took me a while to figure out why it wasn't working properly a few times because of that. EX: does not, neither does

srayzie ago

Wow thank you. That sounds awesome. I wish I knew this long ago!

USAMatters ago

Very interesting - thank you . . .

Scablifter ago

Wonderful, thank you.

madhatter67 ago

What's it got to say about Tartaria?

ChiCom ago

Interesting... Did you know the Papua New Guine language Komnzo remains largely unchanged from Antediluvian times and that kabefefe still means "the true people?"

srayzie ago

No. Interesting!

jeffros1911 ago

Yes, and that the more modern rendering of "kabefefe" is covfefe... :-) Meaning has slightly chamged. Now means "the true Q people." (heh-heh...)

HuFlungDung ago

Please excuse me for asking Patriot but i find this very interesting, the whole covfefe thing,yet i have no idea what you guys are talking about.You are saying this society in Papua has a word covfefe that means Q?

jeffros1911 ago

Only if you say it with your tongue firmly planted in your cheek... ;-)

SmellMyFinger ago


salbida ago

Very nifty, going onto the iPad!

MrShekelstein ago

thanks for this, ill try and go through as much of it as i can.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome! :)

G45Colt ago

Very cool. A little tough to read, but it starts to make sense after a few paragraphs.

PatEldo5 ago

Before computers, I spent my life immersed in encyclopedias. I find this fascinating and wish I had time to peruse this relic...

DawnPendraig ago

Me too!

B-------D ago

If you like that type of stuff, look into old maps as well. Piri Riese (sp?) is a fun one. It shows Antarctica (discovered in the 1800s) but was made in the 1500s from ... get this... older maps. Inquiring minds want to know.

srayzie ago

Really? It’s interesting how it shows the actual book.

SearchVoatBot ago

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