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13Buddha ago

It defies all medical logic IF the online info is correct that in the last 20 years she has survived colon cancer with subsequent chemotherapy and radiation for 4 months; cardiac surgery for coronary artery stent placement; pancreatic cancer which required a splenectomy and pancreatectomy; 2 separate episodes of fractured ribs; and the most recent December 2018 surgery for metastatic lung cancer. Nobody can convince me she survived these odds. It would be a f***ing miracle.

Guess away.

Blacksmith21 ago

Like Jimmy Carter (pancreatic cancer). Note Beau Biden, No Name, and Ted Kennedy died of the same very rare form of brain cancer (1/100,000).

GodsAngell ago

No Name was executed for his many crimes. The cancer was a cover story.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, but it was the same gioblastoma which afflicted Biden's son and Ted Kennedy. It only affects 1 in 100,000 people. What are the odds?