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GodsAngell ago

I was thinking perhaps she has Alzheimer's disease. That diagnosis going public would force her off the bench, so gotta keep it a secret. And who knows, getting the blood transfusions from innocent little children might keep slowing down the mental decline. Young blood transfusions might also be why she is now walking with her head up, instead of bent over all the time.

new4now ago

whatever it is, they most be jacking up Pelosi with it

Hillary and Bill must have been cut off or cut down on

suomy_the_nona ago

Alzheimer and/or some other dementia may be part of her health problems. But "slowing down the mental decline" alone doesn't explain sudden recovery. Maybe it's a combination of all their illegal drugs and treatments. The lack of oxygen would have explained some dementia like weakness. I'm looking forward for the SC audio file that will probably be released on friday.