Sallywuffs ago

Could be. I just got taken out after 10 days. Couldn't get a password reset and had to re-register, back to square one on my posts and points.

srayzie ago

I think David Brock and Media Matters has shills working in all Q subs. That just means we’re doing something right. Deep state is scared.

Boysrback07 ago

They are talking to the hand anymore same old tired BS. Just like MSM.

Geoff1337 ago

Media Matters is bad news.

Paid Shills...ofc we knew they were coming.

Divisional tactics don't work on hardened memers/old goats.

Call them out...or drown them in silence....

Still they will try and money is their root in cause.

A shame really...stupid people will fall for their tactics and they know it.

Ps. I once heard David brock fit an entire 16 in deep dish pizza up his ass after the pizzagate info leaked...only to have a heartattack shortly after Trump won.

We will win and keep winning...Bigly

sallywoofs ago

They are really dangerous. Not just about shilling. They talk about targeting social media and forum YOU and ME...and they got classified intel stuff from the DNC to crack ids. Saw a purported transcript of one of their meetings that hinted they knew the deal on Seth Rich. Dangerous people

petevoat ago

Not a huge surprise. Let's hope he has another heart attack.

Q-sent-me ago

He also owns ShareBlue. I have started a response to that, /v/ShareRed, also at The idea is to share "blue" news which allows comments, so that we can spread truth to their audience.

Keneo77 ago

Well they're not learning anything watching Tranny porn all day.

GodBlessTrump ago

Ask yourself: Who just bought into voat? Two silent partners. Want to incorporate. Incorporation means profiteering, or no point. What profit on voat? Control of information.

0010110 ago

Yeah but they're obvious. It's easy to filter the signal through the noise.

Kirbyrambo ago

Watch out for catsfive

M2Q2 ago

They are here too. Gotta get the word out to down vote 'em out. Saturation level is rising.

Blacksmith21 ago

Downvoating and upvoating is critical.

M2Q2 ago


PacaGoat ago

Things are some better this week. It may be because shilling is down all over due to the enormous Q posts. Things are just about to crack.

As a side note, Q posted about people wanting things to happen now arrests now instead of being patient. However. Its getting hot over at DOJ. Best to stay tuned.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wanting arrests to happen now is actually well wanted. There are time windows for so many crimes. Only murder and treason have no limited time windows. And for those the victims of brutal Clinton-backed crimes because of how corrupt all her minions are, who are in LE, judges and lawyers and all that, yeah, the time window is very important!

magavoices ago

Anonymous is the best. That stops the fame whore mongers who build their little worshiper followings.

Moderated is best, so nobody has to hear Jews and blacks disparaged every other post and comment.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

to be expected. dont feed the rats, downvote and ignore, unless you know of a way to get rid of them.

Paladin_Diver ago

My fault. I've been trolling Media Matters for years.

Norsky23 ago

QRV has indeed become Troll Central.

Scotanon29 ago

Came off QRV a few weeks ago. Was on it for a few months, not one upvoat. Been here 2 weeks, 143 upvoats.

Full of shills, racist name-calling, Q haters and doubters. Some good people on there, and some good posts, but it definitely got ruined by shills. Pity.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Same story with me, Was there for a month or so. Wasn't as active, just now and then. Then a fucking shill who's been deleted now, by the name of draaaaaaakkk whatever, had so many socks and shills to jump on anyone he targeted. And people wonder why I come out swinging. Anyway he made sure to silence anyone who was new for even remotely having that "Q" in their profile (although I didn't put it there but I certainly like that) and all I had to do was upvote a James Wood post about one of his tweets and agree with the OP who posted this James Wood thing. And that's all it took! For me to agree with the OP or defend the OP in any way.

Shills are fucking infantile morons who have no life or any intelligence to speak of.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @draaaak.

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draaaak ago

You dare to slander me behind my back?! You despicable wench!!! Did 711 just run out of your favorite daily box of Merlot? Tis a shame....

I am not wearing me socks right now, but before I venture off to labor in the sweat mines, I will don a pair of itchy mid-calf woolens, just for you ;)

If any of thee wish to witness the exchange about which this drunken whore doth speak, feast your eyes, and enjoyeth the magnificent lols:

PS: have a downvoat, you miserable, lonely, delusional cunt.

Scotanon29 ago

If people have a problem with me mention the dreaded r-word, too bad. I'm not someone who takes umbrage easily and I'm not offended, but all the nigger/kike slinging just got plain tiresome....

FatBruceWillis ago

The notion of racism is a communist construct. You are spreading communism.

Scotanon29 ago

Take your fishing rod and go home, little man.

Phantom42 ago


Another hostile spotted.

FreedBy45 ago

I still use both. I don't use either for the upvoats...just the news. Much is duplicated but still find unique info on spite of the shills.

MuckeyDuck ago

144 now

Scotanon29 ago

Thanks haha!

I'm not here for upvoats, btw - I do certainly appreciate them, specifically because it allows you to start a thread, so thanks!

FreedBy45 ago

You commented nicely so you got an upvoat from me. Good luck, Scotanon.

QPilledLib ago

There has been an uptick of racists shill postings here. I'm sure it is no accident.

Sallywuffs ago

Always an increase in distractive Jew and race baiting when things get close to the truth

Phantom42 ago


Enemy traitor spotted.

QPilledLib ago

Low effort attempt. Thanks for playing.

vonHugenbuben ago

While I agree with you that there are shills here, I have to tell you that most of those posts are probably just old Goats. They are the people who have been here for years and they enjoy redpilling others on matters of race. Some are just trying to be edgy, others really believe it. Fact of the matter is that the best thing you can do is downvoat and move on. Whether they are shills or not, it wont matter because their posts will go to the bottom.

QPilledLib ago

Oh, I totally agree that not everyone of these posts can be attributed to shills. Old goats, those that DGAF how people react as well as genuine racist pieces of shit are certainly here as well. But if you engage them for any amount of time it's usually possible to figure out which ones are the shills. The low effort, lacks a consistent argument and wants to just keep sliding the conversation posters are the shills. They dont have any personal beliefs to defend, they just want to create chaos, piss people off and turn the thread into a shit-show to make everyone look like an unhinged racist asshole.

CovfefeFan ago

At least we can identify them here since we can recognize names.

The mods here will confront them. I love these guys!

@MolochHunter and @srayzie are awesome!

Sallywuffs ago

I posted as Sallywoofs for ten days got over 500 upvotes, then got locked out and couldn't get an email reset. Starting over. Makes you suspicious.

srayzie ago

I’ve been really busy lately and am our of the loop on new shills.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah they do list them and there are new names to add to that list too!

MolochHunter ago

naww shux stahp it

MuckeyDuck ago

I thought on some level one could see the id behind even QRV post for the purpose of blocking abuse. Am I wrong?

Sallywuffs ago

It's a bad situation. Brock's team got NSA classified stuff from the DNC for working on net IDs and so on. They are really dangerous.

CovfefeFan ago

I don't know. That's above my pay grade.

pby1000 ago

No wonder those faggots wanted everyone to migrate to over there.

digital_minuteman321 ago

The anonymous factor encourages more shilling. The shills are pretty much just background noise at this point. They're the ones who are really crazy to keep going after all the proofs.

P3gasusActual ago

Thought it was supposed to be secure... Isn't that what they told us?

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Anonymous, not secure from shills.

Even 8CH still has shills.

P3gasusActual ago

Ate the mods there on top of things?

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Still doesn't mean they do not show up. Even Q steps in every once in awhile.

Survival of the FITTEST; Video of US Military Power 2018 #2811

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 19 Feb 2019 - 12:48:03 PM

Anonymous 19 Feb 2019 - 12:43:13 PM


In control of what?

NOTHING. That's what.


Are you ready, shill?

Survival of the FITTEST.