julzee2 ago

I think you have the concept of who crapped on Trump or not wrong. I think Trump "wanted" the bill to pass therefor those who voted "for" it are the ones who sided eeith Trump's "plan"

rickki6 ago

At the 27:24 mark during the speech Friday POTUS said the order is signed and that he would sign the final papers as soon as he was done at the rose garden. Just FYI.

rickki6 ago

The most epic vid ever! Love it!

RedPillRuthie ago

Interesting that the dam's that voted Nay, all but one are running for president.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

On several occasions OP has made comments similar to one he made here

In this post >https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3040726/16821203/ OP said

PS: Q said Israel will be dealt with last, but they will be dealt with.

Q actually said

613193 We are saving Israel for last.

We are saving Israel for last is different from Israel will be dealt with last

Why misquote, OP ?


Q 916 !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 6:04:36 PM Anonymous 10 Mar 2018 - 6:02:22 PM


613129 What about Awan. Is Israel involved?

613193 We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

kneo24 ago

This is why it's important to point out the inconsistencies and outright false information from users who typically make the front page here. They tend to drive the narratives.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

They say it was veto proof but Trump probably green lighted it. Shutting down the airports etc is what was killing Trump / the shutdown. He could / should have just got a permanent extension for just that. He should also consider fixing it so future shutdowns have the airports etc paying for that.

MuckeyDuck ago

I saw the fullness, intelligence of this post and did not even need to look to know it was yours. Thanks

TurquoiseLover ago

It all depends on how President Trump wanted them to vote. He wanted a deal, they passed it (then he revealed how he really won bigly).

TurquoiseLover ago

I was wondering about that since it appears that's what he was doing. Good news!

Q20191776 ago

Who is Jeffery Byard and why is he important? Jeffrey Byard of Alabama, to be Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security.

Mr. Byard currently serves as Associate Administrator for Response and Recovery at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


G45Colt ago

Well, like every bill that makes it's way through congress, there is the Name of the bill (totally meaningless, but usually sounds nice), there is the main purpose of the bill, in this case to fund the government, and there are all the riders and amendments to the bill, which is where they hide much of the graft and corruption.

I think keeping the government open was crucial to the next phase of the Q plan. I was wondering how they could ID and remove useless government workers and departments on a 30 or 60 day notice. Not going to happen. The last shutdown should have provided information on what functions are required, and what isn't. It will take months to sift through the data and employee lists to figure out who is crucial, who isn't, and who actually tries to get work done. And they will want to figure out where to start.

It would be best to remove whole departments at a time, to minimize issues with unions and lawsuits in the courts. At the same time, those employees worth keeping are ID'd and given suggestions of other positions to apply for.

fuckmyreddit ago

I wonder if it would be possible to limit the length or the scope of a bill in future. I wonder how this limit could occur. Could it be done through an Executive Order or would it require the foxes in the governmental henhouse to somehow vote against their own interests? My guess is that an EO would not effect a different branch of government, however I'm no expert.

BonnieRic ago

Makes sense, only I thought Trump wrote an executive order nearly a year ago to determine which agencies, bureaus, and programs were redundant, corrupt, or wasteful. It allowed 6 months to investigate and 6 months to devise an implementation plan. So, I hope progress has already been made. Thanks.

G45Colt ago

I think we all thought the last shutdown would yield some fruit right away in a reduced government. But, maybe that was part of keeping the DS off guard while working on the things that matter right now.

One of the reasons for having a detailed plan is to keep the crucial things in focus, and avoid jumping at opportunities that could derail the overall goal.

fuckmyreddit ago

and avoid jumping at opportunities that could derail

I think that anyone with even a passing interest in chess would realize the wisdom of keeping crucial things in focus and not getting derailed by tangential opportunities.

G45Colt ago

Good analogy. And, apropos.

Invicta ago

First, thanks for this awesome post. As anyone can see, Trump didn't have the votes to sustain a veto. Still, the "plan" is in effect (yes, trust the plan).

mwoew8t5cs ago

Did twatter take down Trump's page? I only get this: Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

bulrush ago

No votes from Michigan? They're such huge tools I don't even bother to remember their names anymore.

starseedwakeup ago

This bill is literally giving millions to illegal immigrants meanwhile everyone in America is pushed to become a debt slave. How isn't more obvious to people that the deep state cabal is a real thing. I can imagine these people claiming the up coming confession videos are fake.

hamman365 ago

If by declaring the emergency before signing the bill negates the bill, then the votes dont matter and the premise of the article is only academic. I think the votes matter, they purposefully forced Presidents Trump's hand. it will be played out in the courts, and we cant trust Roberts.

DawnPendraig ago

I wonder if this whole thing isn't planned by POTUS to bring something big to Supreme Court and force attention on RBG

rickki6 ago

Anything is possible w POTUS.

hamman365 ago

I was wondering almost the same thing

Fishdo169 ago

The WH did not make one executive action today. In reality they made three, only one of which involved an emergency declaration. 2/ First the WH announced they would be funding $601 million in wall construction from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, relying on 31 U.S.C. § 9705. This does not require an emergency declaration. 3/ Second, the WH announced they would be funding $2.5 billion in wall construction under 10 U.S.C. § 284 (this is MilCon $ for combating drug trafficking). This does not require an emergency declaration. 4/ Finally, the WH announced they would be funding $3.6 billion under 10 U.S.C. § 2808. This money does require an emergency declaration. 5/ According to the WH this money will be spent sequentially so the § 9705 money will be spent first then the § 284 money then the § 2808 money. 6/ So depending on how fast they can begin construction, they will have to spend over $5 billion (including the $1.3 billion in fencing appropriations) before any of the emergency money is ever tapped 7/

Con Carroll

MolochHunter ago

good post

i figured Trump planned to use the military in place of ICE henceforth for deportations and arrests in any case. He's taking ICE out of the firing line

Phantom42 ago

It'd give our guys something to do.

Military: 99% boredom, 1% getting shot at for Israel.

BonnieRic ago

Will Trump be able to build the wall however he wants under national emergency, ignoring the new bill's restrictions if Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are indicted and convicted for taking Cartel bribes in exchange for open borders? Maybe those crimes will also give the legal ability to repeal the bill...because the bill was paid for with a bribe. I don't Know...just asking... Thanks El Chapo.

jbo5112 ago

It would give remaining members of Congress political capital and political pressure to fix what was passed. It would also put pressure to vote out the many members of Congress who voted to back the Mexican drug cartels. It might finally give significant traction to term limits.

I don't think the cartel endorsed parts would automatically be fixed by arrests and convictions.

BonnieRic ago

Thanks. I like those outcomes!

Labourmix ago

Hold on, I’m from UK, so my knowledge of US politics is limited. So, the bill that everyone was worried about Trump signing is now nill and void because he declared the NE first? If that’s true that’s a stroke of pure genius.

Also why the hell would twitter be censoring a video from the commander in chief? Surely that’s taking this war on censorship up a notch?

justAnotherAnon ago

Even US citizens don't know this- it's a detail you have to dig to find (assuming it's true- I have read this before, from the last spending bill, but haven't verified it yet). Will post again with sauce if I can find it easily. Edited: just realized your video link has some information on the topic, watching it now, but still need real sauce to verify)

we_kill_creativity ago

why the hell would twitter be censoring a video from the commander in chief

He's just "Mr. President", a normal citizen in almost every way except for the powers the constitution gives him (which are immense, obviously, but still...). So, theoretically, he's just one of us. The beauty of the American system (in theory...)

As for the technicalities as to the timing of the National Emergency v. the spending bill...well, that's complicated and I don't claim to know the answer, but, sitting here in America, I've learned to let the details play out and realize that Trump and his team know details we don't.

Why would Trump declare a National Emergency to build the wall then sign a spending bill that prevents him from doing that? Short answer...he wouldn't.

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENMwYMtBGA8 (Mr. President)

Labourmix ago

Thanks for the reply anon. For me USA consituation and laws are very different to here so with the best of intent I find it difficult to wrap my brain round it some times, it’s a subject I find hugely fascinating though.

If Trump has done this in a way to avoid signing this dead fish of a bill then it’s a stroke of genius.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

Also why the hell would twitter be censoring a video from the commander in chief? Surely that’s taking this war on censorship up a notch?

Supposed copyright violation.

candtalan ago

Copyright is misused mostly. The time limits have been extended to gross values, a finger waved as 'copyright' is sufficient excuse for very abusive censorship. It is the one issue (in UK) which woke me up after the 'ACTA' stuff was roundly voted down in the UE parliament, yet the EU continued regardless... I was heavily pro EU previously, it then took a while. Censorship is very real, is used for unethical purposes. Wider corruption became more apparent to me, then Trump appeared... OMG I have hardly drawn a breath since I began unravelling the deep states sludgy knots! #WWG1WGA!

Revodude1 ago

I think that comes under fair use and parody laws. He is not making any money off of it either.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

US Copyright may be different. Fair use only applies after a certain time frame has elapsed in order for the "copyright holder" to recoup the benefits of its creation. Also the DMCA opened up a whole NEW can of worms with respect to copyright.

You want to see an UNFAIR copyright. Look at Disney (e.g. a certain mouse). By US law, this copyright should have expired, yet they finagled the courts to basically extend it.

bulrush ago

Fair use laws in the US only cover playing 30 seconds of a song and you won't get prosecuted, that 30 seconds might apply to video too. Did the video have more than 30 seconds of copyright material?

If the TPP that was signed under Obama is still in effect then fair use might have changed too for all signatories, which includes the US. Here's ch 18 of the TPP. I was involved in this since I was doing work for Project Gutenberg at the time and we were all worried about interpreting the TPP and how it would affect Gutenberg.

And supposedly the final draft that was passed of the TPP from Wikileaks.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

I do not have all the information on TPP, but if the past Administration supported it, I would be VERY wary of ANYTHING it.

Labourmix ago

Ah ok, I see that now. Still doesn’t detract on how petty it is doing this to POTIS.

candtalan ago

LOL it gives very high visibility to an abusive system of overbearing greed and control.

BonnieRic ago

Do you have a link that accurately describes why claiming national emergency before he signed the bill gives him more freedom to proceed in protecting our borders without adhering to their limiting rules? We are counting on him staying in national emergency to protect us properly until we have a new Congress and can repeal this open border bill.

TexasDeplorable1135 ago

But the bill is temporary, and there is this good news... DHS official: Border security bill does not contain ‘amnesty’ poison pills | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dhs-official-border-security-bill-does-not-contain-amnesty-poison-pills.amp?

Q 2737

Be careful who you follow.


NellerBean ago

The bill overrides separation of powers, which is a change to the Constitution which, technically, can only happen via Constitutional Convention. Everyone who voted for it is demonstrating that they don't even understand the basics of our Constitution. Or simply don't revere and respect our Constitutional Republic anymore.

BonnieRic ago

Horrible. Maybe there was a lot of deeper reasons we needed the national emergency. I am going to cross my fingers and watch for the plot to progress. Hopefully, we will like the surprise ending.

jbo5112 ago

How does the bill override separation of power? I just see it giving less discretion to the executive branch, after decades of giving it too much.

NellerBean ago


edit: even without the NE, mayors, etc. don't get to override the President's constitutional authority to protect the nation and secure its borders.

BonnieRic ago

I do hope the national emergency allows Trump to handle the wall and the incoming caravans however he chooses. Thanks so much for this post. I also was glad we have this list of GOP who voted for the poisonous bill. I just hope it won't be too long before GOP controls the House again, so we can amend or repeal it.

kneo24 ago

Winning would be not giving money to Israel by signing this deal. Winning would have been a shutdown and declaring a national emergency. Even if a Veto is ultimately pointless, it still sends a clear message. A veto is over ridden by a two thirds majority, but that over ridden part only comes into play once a veto is done and the bill goes back to be voted on. Do you not know how the government works?

Claiming that Warren, Booker, or Gillibrand isn't a part of the deep state is ludicrous.

Keep on shilling.

benjitsu ago

I don't think op is a shill...just legitimately fucking nuts

Hand_of_Node ago

OP has a history of bizarre posts, and "seemingly insane" theories.

benjitsu ago

and the BOLD, the crazy use of BOLD text :P

GodsAngell ago

Did you see Q's latest post?

New: Title TBD



!!mG7VJxZNCI 15 Feb 2019 - 5:43:14 PM


Be careful who you follow.


Astonisher667 ago

Thanks for the input. Sorry about that piece of shit that seems to have a real problem with you.

fuckmyreddit ago

@GodsAngell, I find a lot of things you post to be boring redirection or just plain boring but

*I want to thank you

for this incredible post about Trump's Praetorian Guard.


This is the best evaluation of Trump and team I've ever seen. I will try to follow REX on QuodVerum and track down his other analyses. REX has confirmed my suspicions about Trump and his awesome powers, probably enhanced by his control of the spy agencies.

You are awesome for hooking us up to this info. Pray for Trump. Pray for Trump to gain possession of the artifact he is rumored to covet, be it fascese or other item. Trump seems like a good man overall. I hope he is because so many of us look up to him as a protective father or older brother. If he turns out to be nothing more than a minion of evil it would be heartbreaking. But I dont think Trump is evil as witnessed by his interactions with family.

rickki6 ago

Love articles from REX. Miss him on Twitter

kneo24 ago

I like how you make edits after I reply. You do this a lot. Why don't you just respond instead of making edits? Trying to save face, faggot shill?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

With all those links, don't you think maybe something needed editing? I couldn't get some of them to show up. Now they all show up. The links were fixed. Go suck at life at your pissy flakes shantey.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @kneo24.

Posted automatically (#25804) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Astonisher667 ago

That poster is a shit poster anyway. He has his little "army" and I have noticed that he sure loves to dish it out, but sure can't take it. When someone smacks back, he does lose his temper and starts with assuming shit about people personally. He's a nasty asswipe.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @kneo24.

Posted automatically (#25805) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Shizy ago

@kneo24 may ruffle feathers by asking questions, but he is most definitely not a shill.

Astonisher667 ago

He's a dick. He's an asshole. And I believe he is a shill. What did he do, ask you to be his mommy and help him with those big bad meanie Q peoples?

Give him a 8 x 15 glossy of Matt Lauer and a baby bottle. He is literally unrealistically insane over someone calling out his shitshow about some other person's edit with links. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Shizy ago

He didn't ask me to do anything. In fact, I have gone rounds with him in the past because he pissed me off. Yes he can be a dick and an asshole, but he's not a shill. That term is thrown around here too loosely.

Astonisher667 ago

Point taken. But you are right. He is a dick and an asshole. I have no bonds with that OP of another thread, the GodsAngels person but, damn, why go after people who might agree with him/her/it? It's all just so stupid.

Shizy ago

Yes, I get what you're saying. It definitely gets annoying seeing people just argue instead of being able to discuss the issue.

Astonisher667 ago

In this case however, there wasn't even an issue. He just flew off the handle over something that could have been worded in a way that would have made a point. Instead he used the opportunity to provoke nastiness and he was met with the same. Then went off on all these tangents.

kneo24 ago

Watch out, someone might accuse you of being a part of my sock army, whatever that is.

Shizy ago

Eh, I'm used to it. I get accused of everything!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well he's from that reddit bitch, so...

kneo24 ago

The only link that existed in his first reply was the foxnews one. His reply was more or less just the Q post. Perhaps you'd have been better off inquiring what happened first instead of looking like a fool.

Secondly, if you're going to post a lot of links, doesn't it make sense to ensure that they work first? You need to work on your critical thinking skills.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're really having such a fit over something that someone edited to make work. I couldn't get some of the fucking links to work, asshole! The OP probably saw that there was an issue with it. Triggered asshole who has a problem with anyone clicking on links now! Wow.

kneo24 ago

You need to read more books to fix your reading comprehension issues. Start with Dr. Seuss books if you need to, but start reading more none the less. My issue isn't with the broken links, my issue, as I just pointed out to you, is the massive additions of text and links.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And THAT'S exactly what I was pointing out about your pissy hissy fit over an edit! Within the damned links, one or two was broken. Then they were fixed to actually LEAD somewhere!

Why don't YOU read more books, start with "10 Ways to NOT Become a Psycho Serial Killer" and then come on back.

kneo24 ago

No, you were pointing out that I was somehow upset over broken links or the amount of them. If you're going to make a massive edit like that, it's best to respond instead of making the edit, so the discussion can continue. There's no point in continuing a discussion with someone if they're going to make massive changes like that. It's deceptive. If they indeed had so much to say, the smart thing to do would have been to not submit the post before you were done.

But you go ahead and keep doing what you're doing, sucking that dick. I hope you never breed.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The end part of your post proves my point about you having a hissy fit. OVER NOTHING!

You never breed because you're a faggot. I already have babies. And what I do with my husband is my own business and you can stay the fuck outta it.

kneo24 ago

The end part of your post proves my point about you having a hissy fit. OVER NOTHING!

This is like the pot calling the kettle black. When you make comments like that, but then continue to do the same thing you're accusing me of, you do so with this mindset that you're not upset, making you the hypocrite.

Let's also take notice that you have nothing further to say about how wrong you were about your own reading comprehension abilities. I for a second don't believe you're married or have kids. At best you're a stupid whore who spreads her legs, wishing she could have the trad life. At least the stupid part is right, as evidenced by your incessant need to respond which further digs yourself into a bigger hole.

At the end of the day, I'm not having a hissy fit over "nothing". I'm pointing out very obvious shill tactics that OP continuously engages in, and clearly, you can't help but make a fool out of yourself.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So when did you become so psycho crazy with your hissy fits that you babble on and on with utter projection and your self-loathing, asshole? I know you want women to be quiet so you suggest they are whores because that's how you treat them, then you fly off the handle when someone challenges you when you fly off the handle and then start with your lame ass "reading skills" intellectual bullshit. You're nothing more than a fat slob neck beard who had a hissy fit over someone making an edit! That's exactly what I saw you do. And NO MATTER how you try to paint me into some weird ass hyperbole of existence that you spew on about, none of what you say is even remotely the truth.

And YOU made a fool of yourself when you flew off the handle.

Here's what you could have said to the OP; I think maybe these edits wherein you do not reply to me with further links or continuing the convo is somewhat unnerving and I just wanted to point that out.

INSTEAD you went apeshit.

You are thus, the crack whore who engages in sucking dicks of orcs.

Hand_of_Node ago

Are you on drugs, or day-drinking?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh you forgot to switch accounts, desperate troll. Or are you trying to pretend to be someone else now?

Hand_of_Node ago

Is it mental illness that directs your thoughts? You sound nuts.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Ah the projection of the crazy asshole who got butthurt. Orcs raped you and you're still crying about it.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is it mental illness that directs your thoughts? You sound nuts.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Repeating is an obsessive shill thing. It's like your alt tall shil ill.

kneo24 ago

So when did you become so psycho crazy with your hissy fits that you babble on and on with utter projection and your self-loathing, asshole?

Yes, please keep being a hypocrite.

I know you want women to be quiet so you suggest they are whores because that's how you treat them,

You know this? Please, provide the proof.

then you fly off the handle when someone challenges you when you fly off the handle and then start with your lame ass "reading skills" intellectual bullshit.

No one has actually challenged me. You're the one who started insulting me. Here are your words, you dumb cunt wannabe:

Go suck at life at your pissy flakes shantey.

Your posts are sheer hypocrisy and childish rantings of "no u". You continue to show you're here to waste time at this point. And furthermore, this just shows your lack of understanding and comprehension.

You're nothing more than a fat slob neck beard who had a hissy fit over someone making an edit!

This is another one of yours, "I'm going to fully insult you and pretend I'm not a hypocrite for it" moments. Keep glowing.

And NO MATTER how you try to paint me into some weird ass hyperbole of existence that you spew on about, none of what you say is even remotely the truth.

I see you're now denying objective reality. Keep going though.

And YOU made a fool of yourself when you flew off the handle.

Shills don't deserve civility. Lurk moar newfag.

Here's what you could have said to the OP; I think maybe these edits wherein you do not reply to me with further links or continuing the convo is somewhat unnerving and I just wanted to point that out.

INSTEAD you went apeshit.

You are thus, the crack whore who engages in sucking dicks of orcs.

More hypocrisy on your end. Please, hypocrite, respond again. What I ultimately find amusing is that if you really do have kids like you claim you do, you'd be a good parent who reads to their children. Parents who read to their children generally read themselves, thus you'd have the comprehension abilities to follow an argument. This indicates a high probability you're full of shit.

Go ahead, respond. I like making fools out of people who shill for shills.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Whackjob coward, keep projecting and thank you for amusing me when you wrote out all that drivel about how butthurt you are that I insulted you!

You are the biggest hypocrite because you see, you insulted the OP for no other reason than he/she/they posted some links to ADD to an already posted post. What a thing to get your ass all bent out of shape for!

But go ahead and respond to me again and I WILL continue to insult you and butthurt you and laugh at you since you suck orc dicks. You're crying and you're having a hissy fit STILL and then have the audacity to claim that you are doing something to me! HAHAHAHA! I have shills like you for breakfast, bitch! Oh and you might want to try reading instead of flipping out all over the place!

My GAWD it's not like the OP added some little esoteric text from Sanskrit to their post. They just added some fucking links! GET BENT!

kneo24 ago

I asked you to address your claims about me and you provided none. Noted that you're further engaging in shill tactics at this point.

Further noted that you're resorting to the tactic of "no u" by calling me a hypocrite, and then coming up with a lie about my level of hypocrisy. This shows you don't understand how to use the word properly. From there, one can deduce you don't read as often as you should, and if you did have kids like you claimed, are a terrible parent because it's clear you never read to them.

Lastly, it's amusing that you're pretending I'm upset about the addition of only links when I clearly explained to you what was going on. Tell us, how does the weather look outside of your window in Tel-Aviv?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

BWAHAHA! Little hissy fit troll trying to be a big scary he-bitch with his "your kids" and "reading" and blah blah blah! And yet you still cannot grasp that you have such an oppressive personality that you had a hissy over someone and their links or edits or whatever you're pissing yourself about.

I was GLAD the OP went and fixed the links without my having to ask! And here you come to kill my vibe. With your screamy whiny hissy fit.

Take my advice, if you're SO worried about this OP bitch, block them! It's really that fucking simple.

Tel-Aviv's weather the last time I checked was windy with the farts of a thousand giant hissy fitting kike bitches who gobbled up doggie treats and then commented how they taste just like dicky jerky from the poor babies they kill and eat. That's what the fucking weather is like. Get the goddamned app!

kneo24 ago

BWAHAHA! Little hissy fit troll trying to be a big scary he-bitch with his "your kids" and "reading" and blah blah blah! And yet you still cannot grasp that you have such an oppressive personality that you had a hissy over someone and their links or edits or whatever you're pissing yourself about.

Again, reading comprehension is an issue for you. It can not be explained more clearly and you refuse to understand the issue. By the sheer fact that you keep insisting on trying to waste time shows how much of a glowing nigger you are. The "alphabetical" in your handle gives you away.

I was GLAD the OP went and fixed the links without my having to ask! And here you come to kill my vibe. With your screamy whiny hissy fit.

Take my advice, if you're SO worried about this OP bitch, block them! It's really that fucking simple.

You complain about someone killing your vibe, but can't seem to take your own advice. How pathetic.

Tel-Aviv's weather the last time I checked was windy with the farts of a thousand giant hissy fitting kike bitches who gobbled up doggie treats and then commented how they taste just like dicky jerky from the poor babies they kill and eat. That's what the fucking weather is like. Get the goddamned app!

Again, more time wasting from you.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Just keep yapping little troll. You're a spastic, outraged and triggered asshole. Just like I said. I never waste my time, but go ahead and scurry gathering your little sock army to downvote and keep allowing me and others to dv you. As for reading comprehension - you lack it so bad, that all you can do is keep repeating it like a fool and a desperate one at that! Do you think I'm afraid of you? Well, you're going to find out that I will not take shit from anyone and if I call you an asshole, you can get over it and stop being an asshole. Or you can keep coming back here and throwing a hissy fit. Like you've been doing when called out! Come on, you wussy. Post more of the same laughable retorts since you got nothing new.

kneo24 ago

I enjoy wasting your time and stringing you along so you can't bother anyone else on here.

Here's the funny part, you need proof for:

but go ahead and scurry gathering your little sock army to downvote

Who exactly is part of my "sock army"?

As for reading comprehension - you lack it so bad, that all you can do is keep repeating it like a fool and a desperate one at that!

Prove it. You have yet to substantiate any of your claims about me.

Do you think I'm afraid of you? Well, you're going to find out that I will not take shit from anyone and if I call you an asshole, you can get over it and stop being an asshole. Or you can keep coming back here and throwing a hissy fit. Like you've been doing when called out! Come on, you wussy. Post more of the same laughable retorts since you got nothing new.

Weren't you the dumb cunt who told me that if I was so bothered by someone that I should use the block button? Oh, the irony.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You seem very bothered and obsessed with me, nigger. I don't have to do a goddamned thing but irritate the hell out of you, asshole. Also you dumb he-cunt, I never said I block trolls that I'm smashing, I said YOU could block me since I obviously have pushed all your buttons. To the point that you're literally going apeshit because I called you out over something that you were literally having a cow over! Someone made an edit! Oooooh! Call the emergency room right now! Kneo24 is on the verge of a major mental collapse! Someone didn't like him bitching about an edit and then he just could NOT. LIVE. WITH. IT!

Waste your time, creep fucko nigger soros sucker! I won't back down because I know how full of shit you are! I also suspect WHO you are! And you do have very severe mental illnesses.

kneo24 ago

You seem very bothered and obsessed with me, nigger.

Another "no u" comment.

I don't have to do a goddamned thing but irritate the hell out of you, asshole.

Gee, why are you throwing such a hissy fit? If you don't like it, you should use the block function.

Also you dumb he-cunt, I never said I block trolls that I'm smashing, I said YOU could block me since I obviously have pushed all your buttons.

Why are you having such a temper tantrum? If I bother you that much, use the block button. Why can't you take your own advice? And why do you resort to using leftist words for denigration?

I said YOU could block me since I obviously have pushed all your buttons. To the point that you're literally going apeshit because I called you out over something that you were literally having a cow over! Someone made an edit! Oooooh! Call the emergency room right now! Kneo24 is on the verge of a major mental collapse! Someone didn't like him bitching about an edit and then he just could NOT. LIVE. WITH. IT!

You rewrite history just like (((they))) do.

Waste your time, creep fucko nigger soros sucker!

Another "no u" statement.

I won't back down because I know how full of shit you are!

Ok, prove it.

I also suspect WHO you are! And you do have very severe mental illnesses.

Cool, who am I? No one ever answers this when they make this claim. And while we're at it, where is your proof?

AlphabeticalAnon ago


But look! At those flashing eyes, those flushed cheeks, those stompy feet! You know something, princess? You are ugly when you're angry.

LMAO! You soooo want me to block you so you can keep on obsessing! No can do! I will be here and I will combat your ass and make fun of you forever. That's what happens.

kneo24 ago

I see yet again you can't back up any of your claims. Go ahead, have another "hissy fit" for me pointing this out. Go ahead and deflect and divert. Your tactics are too obvious.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You do exactly what you say and accuse of! LMAO! You had a hissy fit, got all bibbibooboo over edits, and then cried about it! Then cried MORE! Hahahahahahaha!

kneo24 ago

I see you still refuse to back up any of your claims like I've asked. There you are, deflecting and diverting. You're a coward.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I see you still refuse to own up! Let alone back up your claims about me, floor oozer. There you are deflecting, reflecting, rebelching, reobifllerizing and being a general wussy coward.

kneo24 ago

Yes, more "no u" and typical shill tactics.

So answer this, what is this, "sock army" that I have that you speak of? Who am I? You keep making outlandish claims and you refuse to answer for them. Keep on being a coward though.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO! Seriously fuckwit, you are such a dickweed. You got mad over OP's edit link thing, then really lost your shit. Went on a downvoting binge, went on and on about kikes and niggers and what all and you're still here and I'm laughing harder and harder with each non-creative reply by you! BWAHAHA!

Psst, I can also claim that you have a noodle for a backbone and a beanbag sack for an ass! And you're ugly.

kneo24 ago

Still no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well why don't you cry about it? 1 2 3 Cry! 1 2 3 Cry! Look for it up Mike's ass in a canoe.

kneo24 ago

Still no proof. Sad.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are sad. Yes.

kneo24 ago

Still waiting for that proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Still waiting for you to admit to being unrealistically unhinged over a big nothing.

kneo24 ago

That's a lot of words to admit you have no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's a lot of words to keep hiding behind your butthurt that I caused you.

kneo24 ago

Still no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Still butthurt and repeats itself thinking it's gaining something. Nobody knows what. Proof enough of your butthurt.

kneo24 ago

So far we've seen no proof. I'm glad you and your "friend" are having fun with the circle jerk. Brigading is against the site wide rules, you know.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Aww widdle baby bwaby still all butthurt. You scream and complain and jump up and down and then have the nerve to come back with some snark. Get over yourself, hissyfitter.

kneo24 ago

As usual, you glow in the dark types provide no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Nobody needs to prove you flip out. You do that all on your own.

kneo24 ago

I see you throw stones in that glass house of yours. That's not even what I asked you to prove. Improve your reading deficiencies and reread the conversation.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I see you throw stones at your own reflection, loser. You're mentally ill and wanted to "wear me down" as you stated and then went off on other tangents about "distracting" me to not enjoy smashing other idiots like you, and nope. It didn't work! I will reply to everything you post at me. I don't back down. Be prepared to have your ass handed to you everyday from now on. As long as you're going to carry on and on and on over me calling your ass out on something you flipped out over and then had the biggest major meltdown ever over me insulting you (rightfully so) I will be here all year. And the year after that. I ain't going nowhere. This isn't twatter where you can run and cry to Jack and remain unchallenged.

You might want to slow down on your projections. They're so laughable as it is now. I'm made of cast iron. You don't have the upper hand. You don't have the upper ground. I know your weaknesses. All I have to do is post something and edit it and you will explode.

kneo24 ago

Whoa, glow in the dark nigger, no need to throw a hissy fit over me calling you out for having no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Except there is proof LOL! You flipped out over OP edit, then I called you out, cause you're a dumb nigger, then here you are just going on and on and on and on...

Now reply again with more crying! I will keep smashing you, little manchild.

kneo24 ago

That's some interesting history revision you have going on. I'm still waiting on proofs of my sock army, of who you think I am, and all of the nasty things you said with no substantiation.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oooh cry cry cry, you do that all the time now with you and sock army! Now you're really gonna just keep on and on and on! Look loser, I know all about you. You're a nasty nigger kike faggot. That's already been established and going on to a week now, and I'm sure you will go on until you drop dead, I have plenty of substantiation but keep on digging, faggot.

kneo24 ago

Still no proof and more, "no u" from you.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Still in denial, aren't ya, loser nigger asshole?

kneo24 ago

Still no proof, more "no u". How many leftist "feelings" retorts can you come up with?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Look in the mirror now, since you are a leftist! Sore Ass at everyone who follows Q, and here to be a complete cunt. I know all about you. Thanks to some people who took the time to write to me. I have proof of your shit. Prepare of it to your pants.

kneo24 ago

no u no u no u no u

And still no proof. You won't even answer who I am.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Got the info. You can keep running on and on though. I'm here. Not going anywhere. While you look at that post that's been edited by the OP and then look at my post calling you out and then letting us all know how unhinged you are. And what's with your obsession with Matt Lauer? LOL! You faggot.

kneo24 ago

Still no proof. A lot of reaching on your end. Whoever sent you info got it wrong.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LOL! Matt Lauer, huh? You got a crush on him or something? LMAO!

kneo24 ago

Still waiting for that proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You should see how hard I'm laughing at you right now! Matt Lauer! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

kneo24 ago

I'm not sure why you keep beinging up Matt Lauer, and I still see no proof.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Aww poor baby, here, this will make you feel better!

kneo24 ago

Yup, no proof yet. Maybe you can manage to come up with some in your next post.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Are you still crying about me calling you out? You know I'm right and like the libtard you are, all you can do is throw a fit. Matt Lauer isn't going to save you.

kneo24 ago

I see you still offer no proof and and are unhinged with the "no u" comments.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I see you are STILL projecting and STILL have no life, asshole. OP made an edit whooo hoooo! And the Matt Lauer fancier just can't stand it, folks!

kneo24 ago

Where's the proof of your claims that I've asked for. Why do you keep bringing up Matt Lauer? If you had anything at this point, you would have provided it by now.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Suuuure. I'll keep this stuff handy. I was asked to anyway. Waste your time asshole. This war of yours is pathetic. You've already lost.

kneo24 ago

You won't provide any proof because you have none. Keep glowing, nigger.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Provide proof of glowing niggers, asshole. I'll wait while you edit some of your posts.

kneo24 ago

The very tactics you use are proof. I know you have a hard time comprehending that though. But again, no proof on your end.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The very tactics you use are proof of everything I know about you, obsessive and psycho. But then again, you're like that Annie Wilkes character in Misery. You suppose you know about something while the world laughs at you, but you think you're so high and elite-like that no one dares cross you, but that's just not reality, and the constant repeating of your retarded mantra is even more desperate. So in reality, the proof on my end is obvious of what you're doing and I am saving all this stuff. I rightfully insulted you, you became unhinged, you live you life now being concerned with anything I say. I live rent-free in your head.

What's not to comprehend about you. I covered pretty much everything, asshole freaky creep.

kneo24 ago

The very tactics you use are proof of everything I know about you, obsessive and psycho. But then again, you're like that Annie Wilkes character in Misery. You suppose you know about something while the world laughs at you, but you think you're so high and elite-like that no one dares cross you, but that's just not reality, and the constant repeating of your retarded mantra is even more desperate. So in reality, the proof on my end is obvious of what you're doing and I am saving all this stuff. I rightfully insulted you, you became unhinged, you live you life now being concerned with anything I say. I live rent-free in your head.

What's not to comprehend about you? I covered pretty much everything, asshole freaky creep.

Astonisher667 ago

He's also so triggered that he's dipping into his stash of accounts or getting his fellow butthurt shills to dv everything. lol!

kneo24 ago

Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill

So sayeth the retarded qoomers who are NPC's. Do you have anything new?

Astonisher667 ago

Are you talking about me or the group of people you're trying to silence? Hard to tell when you can't even form a coherent sentence. Do YOU have anything new? Really "Qoomers" is as old as the hills by now, gramps! Go take your meds and get back to your orthopedic chair!

kneo24 ago

Hard to tell when you can't even form a coherent sentence.

Tell me which of my sentences you found it so difficult to parse.

Astonisher667 ago

Putting words in mouths now, are ya?

Didn't say I found anything difficult to catch out of your dramatic posturing, just that you write like a petulant child. Go to bed, gramps!

kneo24 ago

There's a difference between coherency and "writing like a petulant child". See, you lot use words you don't even understand.

Astonisher667 ago

You "lot"?

Grow up, gramps. Long overdue.

kneo24 ago

You're a product of someone who skipped rudimentary classes. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Astonisher667 ago

That's the response of a petulant childish troll. Shame yourself. Oh wait, you already do, gramps.

kneo24 ago

Calling someone a "troll" is a leftist strategy. Thanks for outting yourself.

Astonisher667 ago

How precious of you to declare such ridiculous hyperbole. What's next, anyone who wears a hat is a Nazi?

Get lost gramps.

kneo24 ago

No, that would be from your camp.

Astonisher667 ago

Is that another "no u" quip you got there?

Why yes it is.

Grow up, gramps.

kneo24 ago

I know you're slower than some, but surely you understand that you trying to use the "no u" thing back at me doesn't work here since I was the one who called you out first. Or perhaps you are too dense to understand that.

Astonisher667 ago

Called me out about what exactly? Go take your meds, gramps. Nobody cares about your insane psycho drama.

kneo24 ago

Yup, too dense. Thanks for the confirmation.

Astonisher667 ago

Yup it's already been confirmed that you are insane and psycho and drama queen, gramps.

kneo24 ago

Gonna need some proof on that claim of yours. Of course, like your partner, you have none. Go ahead and prove the "gramps" part too.

Astonisher667 ago

Actually. moron. You're the only one who doesn't get it and never will. We know you're obsessed and can't stand anyone to mock or make fun of you. We've heard from other long time voaters as well, about you. Their profiles checked out, and you're a loser. Only you care about continuing on your ridiculous tantrum, gramps. Although I have many friends here, I suppose you're still obsessed with AA. And no, this "need" for proof of shit you damn well that you've done and are acting like the victim (read: sore loser) is just your infantile screaming for attention.

Go ahead and bash the fuck outta me all you want. All you can accomplish is to prove my point about what you are, gramps. Go cry to your antifa obese bitches while you sit around and talk about reviving the careers of your favorite news personalities, gramps. Nobody cares what you think or say, gramps. And this is all the attention you'll get from me. Do know that I do laugh at you. I would pity you, but you're too pathetic for even that. Gramps.

kneo24 ago

Yup, just as I said, no proof.

Astonisher667 ago

Yup, just as I said, no life or proof of anything you whirl on over. Spin, gramps.

kneo24 ago

Nice ninja edit there. Your reply makes no sense either. Again, no proof.

Astonisher667 ago

Didn't edit anything other than a word "nash" to "bash" but of course that is exactly why you show up and fucking lose your mind all over the place about, isn't it, gramps? People making edits. Again, you have no proof of whatever you're fizzing yourself about but here and now, the proof of your ridiculous drama over editing is made very loud and clear.

Hyperbole: Ninja.

Reality: hardly ninja. Wasn't trying to change the message, gramps. Go take your psycho pills, gramps. You've been on this board all months arguing over something that normal people don't even get worked up about but you have dedicated your life to being about. That's asylum crazy right there, gramps.

kneo24 ago

No need to lie about the fact that you also removed the part where you said you were done with me, but yet continue to come back for some more.

Lastly, if "nobody cares", why do you exert so much effort? The minimal amount of effort is doing nothing. Truly, you care on some level.

Astonisher667 ago

I just caught you in another lie. I never edited any part where I said I was through giving you attention. That remains. I know you want so desperately to have the last word because you're mentally ill. But the fact is, you lie, you're a shill and you attack people and when they attack you back, you get even more hostile, gramps.

FWIW I don't care what you say about me, go ahead and flame away. It's all you got in your little bag of tricks, gramps. Other than complaining like a petulant child forever. I know my presence here really bothers you and you did accost me. You picked this fight and I pounded you, gramps. You're just spinning your wheels at this point. You need to also turn off your left signal, gramps.

kneo24 ago

I just caught you in another lie.

No you didn't. Neither of us have proof on what was written previously, which tells me I now need to start archiving what you write so you don't get away with these sneaky Jew tricks. This is why it's polite to write, "Edit:" when you're making changes. I'm not saying it's necessary, but my memory rarely fails me.

I never edited any part where I said I was through giving you attention.

You did, but's irrelevant since you like to claim "nobody cares" when you clearly do.

That remains. I know you want so desperately to have the last word because you're mentally ill.

Pot calling the kettle black. Your continued responses are you trying to get the last word. It's amusing how you and your partner never see your own hypocrisy.

But the fact is, you lie,

No proof provided. Seems like a projection on your part.

you're a shill

A "no u" statement, another projection

you attack people and when they attack you back, you get even more hostile,

AKA, "why don't you let those niggers keep hitting you, no need to defend yourself!" - I'm not even sure why you feeling defending yourself is wrong, but okay. I'm sure you take great issue when DJT does the same thing, right? You see, this is why I called you out for using leftist tricks. If it wasn't for the double standards you have, you would have none. It's right out of their playbook.


And again, I ask where's the proof for this?

FWIW I don't care what you say about me, go ahead and flame away.

I do more than just point out your cognitive shortfalls.

Other than complaining like a petulant child forever.

I see you don't understanding the meaning of the world complaining. The petulant child part is amusing though.

I know my presence here really bothers you

How do you know this? Why do you assume it bothers me?

and you did accost me

If you're talking about this discussion, only after you insulted me twice. Play the victim is a Jewish and a leftist thing. At least take the time to stop omitting facts of the situation. If you're really about this whole Q thing, you would see the issue with that since you're against the MSM for doing similar things. You see, it's that leftist double standard you're expressing here. I certainly don't recall seeing you anywhere else.

You picked this fight

A lie, as I've provided evidence on you attacking me first.

I pounded you

That's also a lie. For someone who keeps bringing up that I act like a petulant child, you sure do have a juvenile writing style here. "Pounded"? Seriously?


Again, no proof, and the more you do this "gramps" thing, the more it just looks like you're throwing stones in your glass house.

You're just spinning your wheels at this point.

Nah, this is too much fun. You have consistently shown how full of shit you are by never providing proof for anything better.

You need to also turn off your left signal, gramps.

I'm not even sure what this means. Is this another attempt to throw some dumb insult my way so you can continue to call me a petulant child?

Of course, we both know you won't provide proof for anything. You'll just come back, dancing to the same tune. Dance for me. Do my bidding.

Astonisher667 ago

I didn't read your post because it's obvious you're butthurt, gramps. Dance around all you want. You saw me talking about you to someone else and then got all fucked up about it. You are still a liar and a shill. And belong in an insane asylum. We all know you think you own the place and that you hate Q peeps with a Washington Compost passion. Nothing you say about me or them is remotely close to reality but it's real to you. And only you, gramps. Go take your meds now, gramps. It's very concerning that you keep missing days where you need to be taking your meds, gramps.

kneo24 ago

Yup, no proof like I said would happen, more of you dancing for me. Keep it up.

Astonisher667 ago

You strike as you cry about being called out, gramps. Where's your proof that no shill, gramps? That's what I thought. You have none except by calling people names like Qtards and Qoomers and other infantile garbage and your best friend is gabara. Nuff said.

gabara ago

You're mad that Trump won? Fuck you MYG.

Astonisher667 ago

You're mad because your boyfriend wanted to do a Loreena Bobbit on you? Fuck you OAG.

SearchVoatBot ago

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kneo24 ago

Look at that, still zero proof on your end. And you keep dancing to the tune I want you to dance to. @Gabara and I will now skip and hold hands, and talk about the 1990 wars.

Astonisher667 ago

You're a one trick pony and one line ass. Go take your meds, gramps.

kneo24 ago

Isn't it interesting how you have provided zero proof through all of this? But of course, I already knew that. It's why it's so easy to keep stringing you along. Had you anything substantial or relevant to share, you would have by now. You go ahead and keep doing what we have expected from you this whole time.

Astonisher667 ago

Who's this we? Could that be your little sock army? Gramps, do yourself a favor, take that string that in your delusions, believe is doing something to me, and use it on a doorknob. All you do is flame and attack. So when it happens to you, maybe deal with it. Or don't. Die alone and bitter. Your choice, gramps.

kneo24 ago

We is you, me, and your "friend" who keeps upvoting your comments. I knew you'd question the "we" part. This is what I mean about it being so easy to string you along. I'd still like to know who or what this "sock army" is or what it entails, but again, that is just another thing you'll actually never answer. So, once again no proof, you keep dancing exactly the way you're expected to.

Astonisher667 ago

Same line, one trick pony. I had seen all the proof I need and your desperation is showing. And while you're sputtering on trying to deny your destructive nature, gramps, when you type "friend" like that, you indicate that person is not my friend or real, that's the language you intend to use -- so with that shit right there for the world to see, please do feel free to provide proof of your demented claims, gramps.

I'll be waiting. And you using other accounts to down vote me many times over, is just going to prove what I've already been told and seen with my own eyes. I expect this. I don't care what rage you'll fly into next, gramps. But I do know what's up.

kneo24 ago

The context in which you used "we" indicated you had your little army waiting or some shill shit like that.

Gonna need proof of some army there. But beyond that, like I said, this is how easy it is to get you going. For someone who tries to give off the impression that this is more or less a waste of time, you sure exert the effort to respond. You obviously care to some degree, and that to me, is hilarious.

How many accounts do you have, kneo24?

Just one. I do find it amusing how you always have at least one upvote here, this far along into the comment chain. Hmm, not suspicious at all.

End of your lame piss post: Same line, one trick pony.

Yeah, asking people for proof and then pointing out that they won't show it, and that you're easily manipulating them at this point is somehow a bad thing, I guess. I'm not sure what your point is here, not that you would actually explain yourself.

I had seen all the proof I need and your desperation is showing.

Yeah, I'm still waiting to see all of the evidence of this, which you conveniently won't share. Keep on using (((their))) tactics though. At this point it fits you.

And while you're sputtering on trying to deny your destructive nature,

More proof required.


Again, need proof of this.

when you type "friend" like that, you indicate that person is not my friend or real, that's the language you intend to use -- so with that shit right there for the world to see, please do feel free to provide proof of your demented claims, gramps.

As I explained earlier in this post, friend is used to indicate suspicious activity on your part. "Not real" wouldn't make sense in this context, but I've already pointed out before how you're incapable of using terminology correctly.

I'll be waiting. And you using other accounts to down vote me many times over, is just going to prove what I've already been told and seen with my own eyes.

Gonna need proof right here, again, not that you ever provide any. You don't even attempt to explain anything. It's lame insults. "Gramps, asshole, rotten bulbous butt, dick" and so on. That's how a leftist argues. They use pure emotive language, no facts, to make their argument. If you had any facts or proof, you would have provided it by now.

Astonisher667 ago

You need proof of your lies and deeds? That's hilarious, gramps.

kneo24 ago

And look at that. No proof again, just you dancing for me.

drstrangegov ago

reminisces fondly

AlphabeticalAnon ago

They get sooo worked up and then when anyone actually fights them back, they decide oooh let's get all together and down everything, that'll teach 'em to fear!

kneo24 ago

That actually doesn't address anything I wrote.

Basballdude ago

After eading all the banter with AA, i realized they just sucked a couple productive hours of your life that you can’t get back.

Just suggesting that you choose your battles wisely. Its too easy to get sucked in the vortex.

Not hating, just observing.

kneo24 ago

I know exactly what they're trying to do. My goal usually ends up being that I string them along enough so they continue to expose themselves for what they are so there can be no doubt. Besides, the "Alphabet" part of their name should be obvious to most around here.

Basballdude ago

Fair enough.

SearchVoatBot ago

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UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I get your idea, but I'm having difficulty believing none of the Dems who voted 'NAY' are Deep State.

This your list of Dems who voted 'nay'...

Booker (D-NJ), Nay

Gillibrand (D-NY), Nay

Harris (D-CA), Nay

Warren (D-MA), Nay

Markey (D-MA), Nay

Maybe they knew that the bill would pass, and used the chance to get publicity?

Didn't some of them say they will campaign for President in 2020 ?

Latinatrumplover ago

Yes, all except for Markey.

1scm ago

Right! All 5 are DS and running, absurd as it is, because their chances are nil. But we know why they are running.

J_D11 ago

4 of the 5 are in. They knew it would pass and used a NO vote to see which way the wind blows... they can use it to say they didnt think it went far enough for illegals or not enough security based on public reaction. Doubt itll work for these snakes

redtoe_skipper ago

There are 4 Repubs on the list at least that made no sense. Trump vouched for them.

Given mcSally reason for being in the Senate, I would suspect she is on a leash....

I wonder if Potus will regard this as a demonstration of disloyalty.

Somewhat amazed that Grassley is in the yea list.

Repub nay list: as expected! Freedom caucus.

Or, the yea voters knew, assurances, that Potus would declare a Nat.EM before signing, so it did not matter. In my view, it still means: weak to non existent backbone.

It should have passed below 66%. The bill is not even a compromise, but a sell out.

Latinatrumplover ago

What if Trump planned it this way? What if he wanted to make it look like Republicans were more concerned about another shutdown and its why they voted yay. The real reason was so he would have no choice but to call for a national emergency. I think this was no accident. it was the plan, we already knew that it was going to happen. He just needed a reason.

julzee2 ago

Exactly! Those who voted yes were backing Trump's plan, not backstabbing him. He's got the concept wrong here imo.

redtoe_skipper ago

Good point!

brit_yuvall ago

Did Jim Jordan refuse to vote?

G45Colt ago

There will other votes coming up that will be a better indication of who can't be trusted. Funding the government isn't necessarily one of them.

I would like to see them funding a smaller government, but I think that is not at the top of the priority list with traitors infiltrating all of DC.

redtoe_skipper ago


BonnieRic ago

That was my immediate thought, also. The deep state comment only applies to the Republicans who voted "Nay", since the Dems must have had a motive.

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm not re why we care about these clowns. I want to see info about people who own them. I find Congress an absurd soap opera shitshow. Actors and clowns all of them. With Paul being a POSSIBLE exception.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/AlHkZ :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "… "

https://archive.ph/ypFae :

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Twitter just censored this video from President Trump’s account. Be a shame if we made it viral again t.co/oh1B2tEU9L"

This has been an automated message.