84pm ago

DO IT Pres. Trump!

TheWitnessOfCacti ago

May God bless KEK! The Slayer of dragons and demons!

summerstormAK ago

Nonprofits' IRS 990 forms are publicly available online at www.guidestar.org. I haven't checked to see if the Clinton Foundation is on there, but it would be highly unusual if it was not.

Are_we_sure ago

Yeah it's insane to ask them to "Unmasked" or "Declassified".

This flat out nuts.

webster_warrior ago

Ever wonder why, if identity theft is one of America's most common crimes, why we rarely ever hear of an arrest and prosecution?

Arrvee ago

Here's what I have. I don't have the source.

Clinton Foundation Donors over $25 million

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada)
  • Frank Giustra, The Radcliffe Foundation
  • Fred Eychaner
  • Nationale Postcode Loterij
  • The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Arrvee ago

The Gates Foundation was one of the groups behind Common Core which originated in the Carnegie Corporation, whose board shares two members of the Qatar Foundation that planted Osama bin Laden's friend Jamal Khashoggi at the Washington Post.

Frank Giustra, a Canadian, is part of George Soros's International Crisis Group. Another key member is Wadah Khanfar, a Muslim Brotherhood recruiter who had just come off a stint as head of Qatari state media Al Jazeera.

Fred Eychaner, rich gay Chicago Jew, runs the Alphawood Foundation and donated to the Obama Foundation.

The National Postcode Lottery was founded by Boudewijn Poelmann of Novamedia, Simon Jelsma, Frank Leeman, and Herman de Jong, and is chaired by chair Cees Veerman and Pieter Winsemius. Simon Jelsma co-founded Oxfam Novib with Prince Bernhard.

The Children's Investment Fund is run by Chris Hohn of the UK. He is part of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition. A post on /r/conspiracy accuses them of money laundering.

This is a massive money laundering network with the bulk of the money being controlled by an American named Jamie Cooper, former wife of Sir Chris Hohn the billionaire under the guise of a non-profit called The Children's Investment Fund Foundation.

UNITAID is "a global health initiative to fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis that is financed mostly by a levy on airline tickets" that allowed the Clintons to embezzle from it.

CMAnon ago

The failure to recuse is a knife that can cut both ways. What if as Liz Crokin and others have said, the Mueller investigation is really involved with looking into the Russian connections to HRC? The theory is that Mueller flipped and is working to save himself. If that is true, then this revelation of Mueller and his team's involvement with Fidelity, etc. could be used by HRC and CF as a means of throwing any evidence they gathered out as fruit of the poisonous tree for failing to recuse. So, in reality, neither Trump et al, nor HRC et al can be harmed by this investigation. It's just spinning wheels with no traction? Unless, the rules of evidence are different for military tribunals and is permitted regardless of how it is obtained as long as it's probative.

archvile7 ago

If Mueller has flipped in an effort to save himself, then why does he keep indicting and arresting Trump associates?

CMAnon ago

To keep the DS and MSM thinking it's all going against Trump. Everyone arrested is low level process crime stuff without any real substance. Once DECLAS happens, it will be shown to be the opposite of what it seemed. The big raid on Stone was to all for show so when it actually happens against Brennen, HRC, etc. the MSM can't cry foul.

CMAnon ago

If this information is true, then the problem is what if Mueller is in truth a "white hat" working for his life, then the true subjects of his investigation, i.e. HRC could use the failure to recuse argument in their favor.

Lynnwiod ago

What online “contact form” did you sent it in on? LINK/Point us there - I for one will send it also. I will change it to “Make Public/UNREDACT” - Let’s Get It Done!

Warmoose76 ago

You dumb fucks need to stop saying "dear president trump" like he's actually going to read this and then do what you say. It makes you look retarded.

Pointyball ago

Don't interfere with the current AG Investigation of the Clinton Foundation.

B112 ago

Just to help clarify. “Confidential” is a classification. Confidential, Secret, Top, Secret are all classifications. You can also add to them SAR (Special Access Required).

PatriotLady1 ago


MrShekelstein ago

You can't force trumps hand.

GodsAngell ago

Yes, we need to remember there is a lot going on that we are not privy too. I believe Trump (and Q) were all set to declass everything last Sept, but something caused that to come to a screeching halt, and to date the subject has been dropped by Q. I have no doubt there was a very good reason not to go public with this info. I suspect the deep state still has some evil tricks up their sleeves, which they threatened to use, if the declass happened. The declass is only for the court of public opinion, which is not the most important court. The military tribunals will have all that info. Once these psychopaths have been locked up or executed, then it will be safe to expose the truth to the whole world. Until then we trust POTUS knows what he is doing. If he can handle all the relentless baseless attacks from the deep state and lames stream media, we certainly can.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I too wish they would make that 990 public, but I understand why they can’t, or shouldn’t, not right now anyway.

M2Q2 ago

"Trust the plan"

LionElTrump ago

Trust it!

Maybe once all the sound bites are saved and meme'd and it is exposed it was Hillary, Podesta, and Obama facing charges for colluding with Russia, China, Iran, and SA to swing an election, sell uranium, sell organs, and to traffic humans there is nothing the bolshevik media arm can do because they spent 4 years hypothesizing with their mob about Trump paying Russian hookers to piss on a bed Obama slept on and upset that Trump spent money on fast food for a college team while obama spent 65k tax payer dollars on hot dogs that they are toast. We just may live to see the collapse of CNN, NBC, ABC, and FNN and a new era of outlets like Epoch Times, OANN, and others finally inform the public of matters and not censor for the name of lobby.

Stay positive, and spread info! Trusting the Plan never mentioned compartmentalizing the information or becoming a Paytriot

M2Q2 ago

You are preachin to the choir ... FISA/FISC Declas opens it all up for the masses, Haiti release destroys any future hopes for the mockingbirds and puppet arms that repealed the Smith - Mundt act re-weaponizing propaganda against the American Citizenry, and when people start to understand what the Iran deal and all of those pallets of cash who/were actually for... that will be just the beginning.

krytter4 ago

Maybe it’s confidential because of the branch that is holding the info (IRS not a security branch) and their standard practices. The fact that it is held confidential only leans us further to the Huber investigations and the fact that they are digging deep into this, with endless investigators; lawyers & dollars at their fingertips.

While I would love to see it, I think the reason it’s kept as is is so they have a sealed case and can take the web down with the DOJ. One can hope anyways.

AlternateSelection ago

IF there was a JUSTICE system in this country and not just a bought and paid for "legal" system, something might be done. Laws only apply to us commoners.

ChiCom ago

Until the pitchforks

derram ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=BUG3H5dtVQA :

We've nailed Hillary and Mueller in the act!! UNBELIEVABLE. - YouTube

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