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OsoCovfefe ago

Violates my Rights, government can come gun me down in the name of hillary and satan.

I'm done with corrupt government, come at me and we'll count my ammo together.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

I am also concerned about all the rinos in the congress & senate.

1southofyou ago

There is no way to police this even if it were to pass. This is the D’s trying to get their own agenda on the plate for discussion in 2020.

R’s are ahead in that respect right now because of border security, abortion and blackface(ok blackface is an lol-but the other two are serious).

I say R’s but R’s are not the party of border security. That is an issue developed by the populist MAGA party.

That is the op...Whether it can be pulled off - idk? What op you say?

Well, instead of starting a 3rd party - too many built in disadvantages for 3rd parties(built in by R’s and D’s), instead, take over the R party (it’s only a shell anyway aside from the freedom caucus).

Revised ago

Third party run by Trump is guaranteed to bring back Illuminati approved POTUS.

MAGA took the R in some measure in 2016. More progress made in 2018. (got rid of many DS R like Bob Corker through "retirement") Still, the DS R are in the majority. There is a virtual certainty the DS D will impeach and a possibility they could get enough DS R in Senate to remove POTUS. Unless of course the threat of releasing DECLS SIAS and emails contains enough to bring down the DS government. DJT being removed from the White House before 2025 would be an unprecedented disaster for America.

The Senate is not safe. It is likely this legislation will pass both houses of Congress and the insane level of pressure the MSM and the Communist Party of America (formerly the Democrat Party) will bring on Trump may force him to sign it.

Doubt that? See: Syria.

1southofyou ago

Well there is at least two factions to the R party. The 100% MAGA. And the proWar/MAGA. To win in 2020 Truml needs both factions.

The pro war faction is on board for the agenda but not the removal of troops.

There is an open border faction but it has been reduced. They are lobbied heavily by the large donor industrialist tycoon types that want the illegal immigration that creates cheap labor by driving down wages. They are generally globalists.

Nationalism is a new turn. Globalism has been pushed since ww2. Even folks that see the benifit don’t like change.

Government always hates change.

Revised ago

It is very simple.

Globalists should not be allowed to hold public office.

IMO they should have their citizenship revoked and be expelled from the United States. I am not just talking about politicians. ALL of them.

nomoss ago

pdf"s don't work for me but its will out and about soon. Thanks for the link and keep up the good work. This is how it gets done.