Shiftworker1976 ago

Bolthole closed. Arlington screams for JUSTICE. Fire can be good?

Deusgest ago

too bad it didn't burn to the ground and take the rest of the neighborhood with it. I hate that I hope for things like this, but once you go deep enough down the rabbit hole you realize some things need to be killed with fire and extreme prejudice.

dundundunnnnn ago

Evidence collection FIRST

Deusgest ago

Let's be real here, when evidence is collected against these people, it's normally to destroy it. Unless you mean a citizens arrest sorta thing. Either way, kill it with the holy fire of a million suns.

srayzie ago

I get you

16369714? ago

Its funny how they keep saying this is where Pizzagate originated.

srayzie ago

Well, that’s what most people think. I know there’s the Trump story and all too. I’m just trying to make it known to newbies why Comet Ping Pong is worthy of a post.

Vindicator ago

You missed one of the most important points. The weird server subdomains trolling us were created January 3, the very same day we had a post on Alefantis' ex-business partner Carol Greenwood -- the one whose son came on the board and claimed Alefantis raped him. Now the fire. The links to everything are in my comment in darkknight's thread on our board about the fire.

srayzie ago

Hi how one? This one?

srayzie ago

I fixed it again

srayzie ago

I fixed it!

Shizy ago

How else can James Alefantis keep playing the victim card if he isn't being attacked with shootings and arson at his fine restaurant?

srayzie ago

Fine restaurant 😂

OriginalRealityCheck ago

Fire destroys DNA.

srayzie ago

That is true

Elfchiro ago

Property was damaged by a suspicious fire. Fire martial needs to go in and inspect the entire property. Just doing my job sir. ;)

srayzie ago

This is a possibility. I never thought of this...

@Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter @Darkknight111 @Think-

MolochHunter ago

there'd have to be an inspection regardless, or he cant claim insurance

srayzie ago

Well good! I wonder if there is a way to see if there was an inspection

MolochHunter ago

imagine doing forensics at Comet Ping Pong?


srayzie ago

Oh gosh 😰

srayzie ago

Oh that is a good thought! Like the fire at the Clinton’s!

calfag ago

Jewish lighting.