Sorry, I haven’t been around for a couple of days guys. I’ve been sick. I’ll be back on again tomorrow. I wanted to post this tho, because I found out who’s been trying to dox me. NEON FAGGOT REVOLT... Here are 2 important things for you guys to know.
IMPORTANT: PROOF that “v/TheAwakening Mods were Retarded or actual Clowns”.** according to 8chan BO and BV’s.
This link is just from my Simplenote app. It lets you embed images and publish.
PROOF v/TheAwakening mods were corrupt removed!
Have a lot more to share in my next post.
Like, the only mods left on v/TheAwakening, are 2 Owners. High-Valyrian and GirlWonder. However, one is the alt of the other. There is only 1 owner. No mods. Out if 14 mods, nobody has posted or comment for over 4 months, except one, which was 2 months ago. In the above link, I showed where they made a comment about the cancer mods leaving.
Not even the current O has been around for 4 months. So, who’s really running v/TheAwakening?? Neon Revolt should know. He’s the one that endorsed them so hard, and has said since Sept 13th that v/GreatAwakening was likely infiltrated, and that deep state actors were here waiting for them. That’s why they chose to make a new sub. Fricken Pricless. I’m sure he’ll come up with some lie like usual.
The above links shows most. I have proof about the 2 Owner’s being 1 too. I will add it to my post that I will put out tomorrow. I will also show bad things the mods were doing. I’m sick of the corrupt fakes infiltrating Voat’s Q community. Neon Revolt is writing a book about Q. I can see it now. The next Jerome Corsi.
For weeks, someone has been making posts, asking to have me doxxed. They are usually Anons from QRV. Over time, they’ve become scary. It’s several times a day. Here are a couple of examples...
@srayzie @shizy I can’t promise you won’t be raped while you son is being killed. There are too many crazies on this board. Have some pepper spray.
Can you imagine being raped as you watch you son and pitbull die. Then your sons dead body is cut to pieces and you are forced to eat him. Then you have to shit your own son into a jar. The rape will make you pregnant so you can have another. @srayzie
They “found” my Twitter and Facebook. I was never hiding them. That’s why they all have the same username, Srayzie. It’s all for Q stuff. Facebook locked me out one day, and to get back in, I had to give them my “real name”. So I “picked” Rayann Jeffrey. He has taken my pictures and posted them all over social media, asking people to dox me. I’ve had their account restricted twice on Twitter.
Yes, I already know I was dumb to have profile pics. I didn’t know I would end up running a Q sub and becoming Neon Revolts obsession. But, I have no real life friends on any social media accounts. So, he didn’t find gold like he thinks he did.
So, I got a message from my friend Kevdude today. He’s known about the dox attempts and so does PuttItOut. Kevdude said...
I was fighting with someone in Anon. Then they replied to me after about two weeks. I threw out some bait and just called him by his name without pinging. He replied as himself talking about his book. Which means he was the one I was replying to. Which means he was the one doxing you.
Archived Links...
Who’s writing a book right now and talks about it constantly? Neon Faggot Revolt. Start reading from the 2nd comment down...
To show you that he’s writing a book, here are 2 conversations where he brings it up. You can also see he’s an arrogant power hungry Paytriot. Talk about a Name Fag!
Here, he is making a comment directed at the head mod of pizzagate, @Vindicator. He’s telling him what a shitty job he’s doing, and how he can do everything better, blah blah blah. The usual. He of course has to say he’s writing a book. Go down a little further past 3 more paragraphs of bragging and bullshit, to where I bolded it. You’ll see that he’s talking about making us look like shit in his book. I’m a pizzagate mod too. I told you he’s obsessed.
In case you want to see what a jerk this guy really is, I’ll give links it the whole conversation. Vindicator stood up to narcissistic prick. Neon Revolts 2nd reply is the one where he brings up the book.
Vindicator, I've got a book coming out in short order. It's literally going to be in bookstores nation-wide. My agent is huge and has multiple NYT best sellers under their belt. I don't intend to squander the opportunity.
Scroll down past 3 more paragraphs and bragging about himself, and then you get this...
So yeah, I'm poised to do more for this movement in a couple months than you've managed in entire years.
Up to you how you want Voat, and everything that's happened here, to be written about, though. Do you want Voat to be commemorated as a hive of repugnant, selfish toddlers who are only good at throwing temper tantrums, or as actual adults who could see beyond their bruised egos for once, and work toward some kind of noble goal.
Neon Revolt makes a comment to Vindicator
Vindicator replies
Neon replies back
Another time, Neon Revolt is commenting to Kevdude, and he brags about his book. You also get a bonus. Neon admits he’s had account for years on Voat. So then he should have known better and helped out the mods on v/TheAwakening when they had the The ccp restrictions set. More about all that when I post.
Neon makes a comment to Kevdude.
I’m sick of all this shit, and will be putting out a post in a probably in the morning. I‘m exposing the corrupt dividers of the Q movement. Neon is at the center of it. I always provide evidence, like I’m doing now. Neon hates me because he’s threatened by me. Why would he be if he has nothing to worry about?
Neon hates me because he’s butt hurt that I won’t let him get a way with deceiving good Patriots. I’ve been exposing a lot of stuff, which is why I am being targeted. It’s obviously triggered Neon Revolt. Me and some anons have been researching for months. I’ll be making my Neon Revolt post next. Among other things. Big things. Q needs to be aware of the fuckery going on.
In case anyone missed this...
view the rest of the comments →
MolochHunter ago
Hey everyone, @NeonRevolt isnt just coming out with a book - he's starring in a hollywood movieJPG !
srayzie ago
Omg!😂🤣😂🤣 Haha. I love it!
MolochHunter ago
should i go post it on QRV or is that just being mean?
srayzie ago
Lol. I don’t know. It’s up to you!
MolochHunter ago
let him burn
srayzie ago
They don’t look amused 😂