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Fancy451 ago

I can assure you that bakery had a couple of small propane torches laying around. Bakers use them to caramalize creme broule and other stupid french confections.

benjitsu ago

Have you seen the pictures? You can't seriously suggest a chef's torch is responsible? Also I am not sure but I think typically butane is used for that type of setting

GodsAngell ago

And these little propane torches did all this damage??? If you believe that, I've got a bridge for sale for you!

Posted Earlier, by Jim Stone, retired U.S. Intel Officer:

Paris car bombing blamed on gas leak?

They claim a gas leak in a bakery caused all the damage. It looks more to me like a car bomb did this damage.

How did more than one car get blown over and why is one blown up and burned to smithereens in this photo below? This looks to me like a LOT more than a gas leak, and it happened outside.

Hate to say it, but this looks like immigrant damage to me. If so, they'll never admit it.

The (probable) erroneous RT report is HERE.


The official story was that a bakery had a gas leak, and that blew everything up.

Looking at the damage, i knew it was a bomb or missile strike blamed on gas. Now we have the truth: The bakery owner is asking how a gas leak in his bakery caused the blast when all of his stoves are electric. BUSTED. Once again I called it right.

No doubt the French government did the bombing, and figured a bakery "gas explosion" would be good cover. If terrorists did that bombing, they'd have claimed credit. No one claiming credit means: Macron wanted someone at that location dead, and either bombed it from an aircraft, or with a cruise missile or something else. This proves my "gas explosion drone strike" theory to be bang on, and the French don't do their homework as well as the U.S. intelligence agencies do beforehand. BUSTED.

BONUS: Two days after the explosion, they still can't find the origin of the gas leak!!!HA HA, that's because the people doing the investigation don't know it was probably precision munitions.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Obviously this Jim Stone is letting you down. He has seen th report by th owner, and deliberately left out that the owner did have gas for heating. I'm sorry you can't see that he is unreliable.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

As an aside from the main submission

GreatAwakening is a "Qanon Research Sub..." not a place for wild unsubstantiated speculation.

If we allow wild speculation to take hold, we will surely be picked off as lunatics, and that works against Q and our goals.

Shizy ago

Well said!

Hand_of_Node ago

If we allow wild speculation to take hold, we will surely be picked off as lunatics,

One classic attack technique is to encourage wild speculation with false claims of unfounded events. Let's just say that not everyone is blessed with a logical mind, and not everyone can easily separate fact from obvious fiction though logical deduction. I don't know that OP, but watching accounts that post stuff like that might be something to consider.

DammitMan ago

OP reminds me of Chicken Little. Easily excitable. Runs around YELLING things that haven’t been verified. Then gets indignant when called on it. Even Chicken Little finally learned her lesson.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

OP strikes me as a good guy... angels are male except in pop songs, eh?

He wants to change the world, which means he's just like me...

I'm probably a bit older, and I like to take a bit of time...

he's probably younger, more enthusiastic, quicker off the mark..

Maybe I need more enthusiasm, like him...

Maybe he needs more grey hair and obstinacy, like me...


benjitsu ago

That's damned diplomatic of you but no, Op is a retard.

GodsAngell ago

Old enough not to be believe FAKE NEWS.....obvious cover stories to cover up yet another False Flag attack on innocent people by their own gov't. Happens all the time.

Anyone old enough to remember 911??? Yes the Fake News Cover Story was some ragheads stuck in the 5th century, living in cave, orchestrated this whole attack that took down buildings that were not even hit by any planes!


UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Hey cheer up..

I just said nice things about you.

I also said quite clearly in the submission that it might be an accident and it might be a false flag..

but you said NO GAS and that was WRONG

Your comment has nothing to do with a bakery being blown up, and more to do with you being embarrassed at jumping to the wrong conclusion...

I'm on your side, but are you on mine ?

Hand_of_Node ago

It's good to have optimism, but the reality is there's no hope for the world. Still, I can see how a certain amount of delusional optimism can be personally advantageous, and make one more likely to enjoy life. This came up yesterday, so I still have this tab open. As a UK bloke, perhaps you might appreciate it more.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


I loved that...

Takes me back a few years...

"And black Misfortune's baleful train!"

RightSideUp17and6 ago

For all the "wild speculation" that the MSM does, not to mention all the pseudo- journalism, how come they aint been "picked off" yet?? We could only hope. In other words, YES: our research and the product presented must be stellar. WE must be the measure of TRUE news. Sensationalism and bonkers speculation will not carry the day to win people over/wake them up. Who wants to be considered a loon?

wgpeters ago

Just a technical point.... natural gas rises being lighter than air, propane sinks being heavier.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx, I'm no good at that stuff, but would I be right in thinking that if it was mains gas, it would be natural gas, and rise, whereas if, perhaps for heating only, the bakery had some propane in tanks, then that would have sunk?

I'd have assumed that if natural gas was available from the mains, the bakery would prefer that, with electric being very much a second best. However for background heating, since a bakery might be hot enough from the ovens, a secondary propane system might be used ?

If both those are right, then a propane leak would pool somewhere like a basement, and what we saw, might be a result?

Still just guessing of course...

Hand_of_Node ago

If the leak were in the bakery and the doors were closed, then whatever type of gas it was would still remain within the bakery. (other than tiny amounts that might slip through gaps around the doors)

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Yes I see where you're coming from. I'm no expert, but I've lived in Paris for six weeks once, and go there fairly often, and I can say with hand on heart that just about every building has a basement, bearing in mind they have an extensive subway system, so building are well foundationed, and they have a desperate need for space....

There will have been a cellar door somewhere, and they probably keep flour etc down there. There might even be a sort of coal hole in the sidewalk, to drop the stuff straight in....

Propane sinks, so that's my best guess, but we will never really know....

Tangent-love ago

Good point.

derram ago :

Paris bakery 'gas explosion' kills three | World news | The Guardian

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Shizy ago

It was a six story building. The bakery was on the ground floor with apartments on the other floors above. It would be absurd to think there was no gas at all in that building with five levels of residences.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

It's not just the building, but possibly also what's underneath it...

You folk from the other side of the pond might not realize, but Paris has over 200 miles of underground tunnels..

Partly used to empty the city's cemeteries, relocating the skeletons of the dead underground, so they could release more land for buildings..

Partly used for smuggling, with exits out onto the Seine river..

During WW2 the Resistance made great use of them... a safer way to travel around in occupied Paris, rather than up on the streets, where they would have been asked for "papiren" (German is not my language..)

Good article and photos of skulls floor to ceiling