WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

You have the playing field down and there are many more players. This is CIA ratlines at our border. These lines also exist wherever there is a war. Drugs, arms and human trafficking.

Trump is cutting off the heads of the snakes everywhere. Pulling out of Syria, Afghanistan etc.

new4now ago

so many players is right

it's been going for a long time in Mexico

ghost_of_aswartz ago

The deepstate are cowards. They are paying lowly third worlders to fight a ragtag army because they don't care about people

new4now ago

if that was all

There are the Cartels, ISIS, MS13, no telling really

The Deep State may be cowards, but their not stupid

may explain stalemate over wall

derram ago

https://archive.ph/QaWas :

Family Tree - Brothers | Murder Money & Mexico | FRONTLINE | PBS

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