grace8 ago

Op draws some conclusions here that may be wishful thinking. Q post could have been merely related to the movie glorifying RBG that just came out. Or just related to her surgery. Q's recent post discusses how RBG is getting secret and unavailable to the rest of us treatment. So Q is telling us to expect better than average prognosis.

I do not believe the present makeup of the court would vote against a SOE for the border. Just2 weeks ago they made a ruling friendly to the building of the wall when they refused to hear a case stating the wall was unconstitutional. I'm not sure if there are any other cases coming before it that would require the court to be more conservative at present than it already is. If so, I imagine that Trump can bring her into submission as he did members of Congress by threatening exposure of evidence. Q posted that some congressmen would vote as Trump required until they retired at the end of their term when he posted about congressmen forced to retire.

Jimipickle ago

Well done GodsAngell, thanks