Lovecymru ago

Pi= 3.14 and the photo of the watch was at 3:14 and 40 sec.

BladesOfSteel2020 ago

You are mentally ill. I am a practitioner in the field of healthcare. You have classic schizophrenia, especially delusions of grandeur. I have been reading your illogical rantings since you were on the Reddit Great Awakening board. You seriously need professional help. Everyone needs to downvote this guy until he disappears. He makes the movement seem crazy. I would not be surprised if he turns out to be a Deep State Shill designed to make us look bad.

FortuneTeller_69 ago

Why so judgmental-following SB2 on Reddit, now reading his posts here...why? If you don’t see value in the posts, just go somewhere else. Questioning an anonymous persons state of mind seems extreme.

Do you keep following just to criticize? Why?

You can have whatever opinion you want, believe what you want...but we have enough division in this world. No need for more.

RakerKey ago

@ Fortune

yeah I agree - BladesofSteel seems a bit strange themselves (almost could one say a bit obsessed) about being critical of SB2.Dunno why people dont just move along if something isnt to their own particular taste.

GodAndGlory ago

I'm trying to follow.

Where did "POOR ME, PLANNED, and CHAOS" come from? How did you go from 3 numbers to 3 words?

asymptote_12 ago

I actually pieced a little of this together, though not enough to be willing to put my suppositions out there.

RE#345 little girl is creepy....