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Shiftworker1976 ago

COME ON MODES. I can get deleted for the truth. Godsangell can spew violence?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Let's be clear about @Shiftworker1976


  • Came here 4 months ago
  • Asked for upvotes on 1st day. New fags don't understand voting.

  • Has unluckily commented on 4 different deleted posts

  • two were different but had identical titles. Complaints ?

Submission title : Account Deleted By User

Extremely unusual title suggests complaint?

Submitted by 'Deleted'

Deleted by author at 9/26/2018 6:42:05 AM


Submission title : Account Deleted By User

Another identical unusual title suggests another complaint?

Submitted by 'Deleted'

deleted by : unknown


Submission title : The PLACEHOLDER Q drops: whatever happened to those zeroes? Anybody have updates?

Submitted by 'Deleted'

Deleted by author at 12/15/2018 1:01:27 AM


Submission title : Lots of "chatter" ........than John Brennan has either been "indicted or arrested" on charges related to pedophilia or child trafficking....just chatter, waiting for confirmation

Submitted by 'Deleted'

Deleted by author at 12/28/2018 1:46:57 PM


  • commented favourably on GodsAngell submission 27 days ago


  • Commented favourably on GodsAngell submission 10 days ago


  • @Shiftworker1976 Complains today

  • COME ON MODES I can get deleted for the truth. GodsAngell can spew violence?

My conclusions

This may be a user having one deleted submission, now trying to cause trouble.

May have posted the other 3 submissions, but that is also private and we will never know

Did deleted post(s) show signs of being a shill ? I cannot say !

Day 1 is asking for upvotes to be able to post submissions. This is suggestive of an experienced voat user, but not conclusive.

Commented on 4 later deleted submissions by unknown user(s).

Some of the deleted submissions have very confusing titles. Deliberate ?

Only ONE of the deleteds could have been deleted by a Mod.

Today complains about Moderators. Is this because he's been rumbled ?

Note. Moderators will not under any circumstances effectively dox the poster or posters of the deleted posts, and that is how it should be.

Today @Shiftworker1976 complains about @GodsAngell spewing violence, yet made previous favourable comments 10 & 27 days ago, and no negatives ? (Type three shill signs ?)

Also re complaint about Moderators, our Moderators have messaged Godsangell and although I have not seen the messages, I believe they were encouraging a calmer approach, using less unverified links.

I know from public comments since made that they have received no replies, so, in their usual calm unflustered way, they took the next step, which was to place an unverified sticky on posts by GodsAngell.

Our Moderators have been quietly trying to guide @GodsAngell and have moved step by step, and have now gone public, with the sticky, and this is a shining example of Moderators who care about and respect users.

I can not tell if this user has been deleted

This complaint is BOGUS

edit to ping mods. @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

gogogogostop ago

BULLSHIT. I learned about the voating system the first day I came here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, and I see no reason why someone who is new wouldn't ask to be given a few so they can post, even if it's to post what you consider to be complaints even though you haven't seen the posts.

I'm already being labelled a shill by the mods for responding to one of their own complaint posts with my opinions. I have good reason to wonder about how you and a few others target certain people this way. Why do you help them while kissing their asses?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

[–] gogogogostop -1 points (+0|-1) 1.1 days ago

BULLSHIT. I learned about the voating system the first day I came here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, and I see no reason why someone who is new wouldn't ask to be given a few so they can post, even if it's to post what you consider to be complaints even though you haven't seen the posts.

I'm already being labelled a shill by the mods for responding to one of their own complaint posts with my opinions. I have good reason to wonder about how you and a few others target certain people this way. Why do you help them while kissing their asses?

UKBA to GoGo. I will repaste sections of your comments below, and respond on each

[–] gogogogostop -1 points (+0|-1) 1.1 days ago

(GoGo) BULLSHIT. I learned about the voating system the first day I came here. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, and I see no reason why someone who is new wouldn't ask to be given a few so they can post,

UKBA to GoGo. Since you learned all about voat on your first day, you know that the voting system has minimum CCP levels set, to allow a new user to establish some credibility before they may submit posts. Asking for votes defeats the whole point.

I have expressed my opinion and you yours. This is voat. We do that!

(GoGo cont'd) even if it's to post what you consider to be complaints even though you haven't seen the posts.

UKBA to GoGo. I actually said

  • Has unluckily commented on 4 different deleted posts.
  • two were different but had identical titles. Complaints ?

UKBA to GoGo. You said "to post"

I assume you learned the difference between submitting posts, and commenting on them, on the first day you came here, as well?

I clearly said he commented, not that he posted.

My bullets refer to submitted posts, as evidenced by the words 'posts' and 'title'

We cannot know who submitted those posts, since they all say "submitted by deleted".

Therefore your suggestion he posted, is incorrect.

UKBA to GoGo "Complaints"

Turning to your words "what you consider to be complaints", you are referring to posts made by 'deleted', not by shiftworker, and then you say that IF shiftworker had posted, that I would consider them complaints. You are putting hypothetical words about hypothetical future posts into my mouth.

UKBA to GoGo. You mention me not having seen posts. Indeed I have not seen any posts made by shiftworker, but as I have shown, I was not talking about shift worker. Nor have I seen the posts by deleted, since they were by definition deleted. You are back to future hypotheticals here

You are misrepresenting my simple question, made not about shift worker, but about whoever 'deleted' was, which I made while discussing the submitted posts entitled 'Account Deleted by User', when I quite reasonably wondered if those posts were complaints by asking the rhetorical one word question, "Complaints?"

The words "clearly consider to be complaints" are refuted by me asking a question, clearly showing an uncertainty.

(GoGo) I'm already being labelled a shill by the mods for responding to one of their own complaint posts with my opinions. I have good reason to wonder about how you and a few others target certain people this way. Why do you help them while kissing their asses?

I have not labeled you as a shill in my comment, and you have a right to challenge mods, if you wish. You can also name a post made by mods as anything you choose, no matter how daft.

Your nonsense about "having good reason" and "targeting certain people" is puerile. I challenge people who I feel need challenging. If the mods choose to get involved that is up to them. It's not up to me, and not up to you. Our mods are doing a good job.

I consider you to be an impertinent time waster, with a chip on your shoulder about something that has happened in the past. That's me using my right to free speech.

gogogogostop ago

Not getting dragged into this sort of game. Try someone else.

argosciv ago

Okay, seeing as how you did put some effort in here and you're still keen on the 'types' I described, I'll go ahead and give you a response.

(Type three shill signs ?)

Kind of. More-so somewhere between a 2 and 3. Could, however, be a 4(not shill) or just a troll.

Not everyone with malicious intent, will fall strictly under the definitions for 1, 2 or 3 - that was just a basic rundown to give an idea of how disinfo seeding works and is then weaponized.

If you look closer at the rest of shiftworker's comments, most of them are utter garbage. In some of the comments, they are encouraging disinfo or unverified speculation, which is somewhat like a 2(playing dumb). This complaint here is somewhat like a 3; perhaps a result of the scam being discussed openly by myself, the mods and others.

Whether this user is a shill or not, remains to be seen. Their behavior does touch on 2 and 3, but, looking at their history suggests that they're not having much of an effect anyway - which itself suggests that possibly the user is just trolling and not part of a concerted effort; easily ignored for now.

If they continue causing a ruckus and taking jabs at the mods, it certainly won't look good for them.

On a more personal note regarding you and I, I'm sure it's become apparent that I'm a bit wary of you - hence not replying to your pm and then highlighting that thing with timezones and such... I'll be glad to be wrong about you but it'll take some time getting there.

My advice to you, moving forward, is don't try too hard to categorize everyone you're suspicious of right off the bat. You don't need to come out guns blazing every time; if a user is causing big problems they will eventually catch the eye of mods and/or others.

I'll hit you up about this a little more in a pm either shortly or in several hours.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx for that. Much appreciated...

I'm still internalizing how the disinformation seeding works, and I probably will never fully understand, but I can see that it's bound to be much more complex than 1 thru 5, which is a bit like a red pill for anons, is it not ? Gets us thinking that it's not always what's on the surface that we should be watching...

I hadn't got to grips with motive, which is important. If it is money, then it could just be a takeover bid for a board, with the payday being linked to monetarisation of posts, e.g. what I've heard of Neon..... or it could be a true political attack with folk paid by results, e.g. x$ per reply.... however, I had missed FUN as a third motive... some teenager sticks his oar in, for a laugh...

I had begun to face criticism from anons, for comments I had made to an anon I felt to be a 2, which I interpreted (as per your original comment) as type 4s, taken in by the disinformation, being 'loyal' to the 2.... I guess I saw myself as a weak 5, however it's just as possible that a sceptic, especially considering my recent arrival, could have labelled me as a 3..... I have decided I should learn to walk before trying the marathon... I might never get there...

I understand scepticism, and it's a very good policy...

The mods have been good to me, and I've been passing on the more obvious stuff I see...

Things like spotting a new donkey alt, I'm a pensioner, but 48 years ago, just before I left school, my Cervantes study came in handy...

A few other useful spots, but nothing hugely significant... mods always say thanks...

Shiftworker.. I suspected that it was really an alt of a poster who had had a deleted post... but troll seems more likely than shill.. ineffective as you say...

I will work on keeping my enthusiasm under check, and I hope that I continue to be a positive on voat.

☕️ 🧁

Shizy ago

This may be a user having one deleted submission, now trying to cause trouble.

I think you nailed it!

I did delete the following post, which can be found in the mod log under deleted submissions:

Shiftworker writes:

COME ON MODES I can get deleted for the truth. GodsAngell can spew violence?

If anyone clicks on his deleted post they can clearly see it was not deleted because of its "truth" but because it was a nothing post.

This is what these types do. They cause trouble and post garbage so that they can go around complaining about how terrible the mods are.

Thanks for pointing this all out UKBloke!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Thx @Shizy

☕️ 🧁

Shiftworker1976 ago

Sorry learned lesson here. Never let emotions drive your post. I am a true Patriot. WWG1WGA Never call out a Moderator. We are hear because of there good work.