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CovfefeFan ago

This has been the best opportunity for the #WalkAway movement in history. There was a small eye opener before the 2016 election. I wasn't even fully awake and didn't completely walk away yet. However, I'm wide awake now and ran as far away from that craziness as I could.

Tenebre ago

You would be an example of what this slow burn method accomplishes. You decided on your own to leave. I think that's what this movement in the purest sense is about.

CovfefeFan ago

That's true. It only takes a spark and it's the same with everyone who walked away. For me, it was knowing Hillary committed crimes having that server. I had a security clearance for 25 years, had to take the mandatory annual training. They drill the laws into you, so I KNEW. Then she was allowed to continue to even run for president! That means she wasn't the only criminal in the government. Then she OBVIOUSLY cheated Bernie. So, even more corruption! I didn't think Trump would win. Not because he wouldn't have enough, but because I was afraid she would cheat again.

Tenebre ago

And I think we kind of cheated the cheat to guarantee Trump would win. They had almost no idea it was possible

CovfefeFan ago

I know. Hillary was so confident. She knew she had it in the bag, so she didn't even try to win. She didn't campaign. She didn't even bother writing a speech in case she lost. That would be a waste of time for her, she thought.

I read somewhere that the white hats stopped the rigged election in three key states. They probably did it in the mid-terms too. They couldn't stop all of it, of course, it's so rampant, but they stopped those that mattered the most. We are getting voter ID for 2020, I'm sure of it.