elitch2 ago


You qfags are just beyond stupid.

Tallest_Skil ago

Will you kill yourself when nothing happens? Please do.

Divine_Intervention ago

We want to see you kill yourself first. Please go ahead. Do it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that your god is a proven jewish hoax and that no one is coming to save you.

Reminder that you have between 749 and 2210 days to see something happen, but since Trump isn't going to get a second term (because he has done nothing), it's only 749 days.

749 days is your maximum time limit. Tell us when something is going to happen in that timeframe. Give a date. I dare you.

proselaw ago

where is the photo for Gods sake?????????

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @GodsAngell.

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GodsAngell ago

Trump's public schedule has been completely wiped clean.....as in GONE!

What's up with that???


I heard someone say he was in Florida, but when I went to verify his schedule, it was gone!

Lots of odd things going on, makes me think "Its Happening" and thus extra precautions are being taken for POTUS's safety.

Divine_Intervention ago

@GodsAngell is a famefag. Never has original ideas or info, but hijacks threads others post. This effectively kills the thread in its original posting and redirects to @godsangell under same or new title. But the POS never interacts or gives feedback like the original poster would, leaving readers without vital information.

WanderingTaurus ago

I can't find the actual "Anons Ready" post on any of the threads at qresearch

bimbobrat ago

It's fake

MDS0341 ago

Brennan is on social media, lets just get ready to be lied to again.

If these niggas were really gonna get arrested, there pathetic motherfucking asses wouldn’t be propagating

Fuck Trump ( frustration ). What are you doing sir?

I stood over bodies for that for piece of shit Bush

You fucked with us for years now, you promised change


GodsAngell ago

Is it Jan 1, 2019 yet????

Exec Order doesn't go into effect until Jan 1, 2019,.

If they are arrested prior to Jan 1, 2019, the Military Tribunal Exec Order can not apply to them.

Red-Pill-NOW ago

WE will end this one way or another brother, stay patient a little longer to see what happens but stay proficient in case it doesn't.

MDS0341 ago

I’m fucking trying but they shouldn’t be allowed to propagate

It’s the one thing that makes me literally think we are being lied too

President Knows I would be skinned alive for him

But at some point, I can’t let the disappointment and anger build anymore

My faith is there, my hope in humanity isn’t

Red-Pill-NOW ago

I NEVER recommend one putting their hope in humanity, unless you crave disappointment. While I concede this is a complex operation, (and yes all indications point to a massive roll-up that puts all of their necks in a noose), it seems the good guys are doing in in a way that keeps the country from imploding....., but, what I'm saying that IF, (for what ever reason), the plan doesn't work out, then WE will be tasked to do the job. (Us doing it is the uglier, more painful fix, so we shouldn't wish for it, but we are plan B) I put my energy into 1.) praying for the safety and success of team-POTUS, and 2.) in 'plan B' preparation in case plan A. breaks down. Be well patriot.

NellerBean ago

I’m fucking trying but they shouldn’t be allowed to propagate

It’s the one thing that makes me literally think we are being lied too (to)

We're all safer when they feel free to keep being assholes right up to being arrested. Less chance of FFs, mass shootings, etc. that way.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Here here. Also how do we know if it's not Jack Dorkskey using his twatter site to post via their accounts?

DickTick ago

Jesus Christ how were you ever in the military being as impatient as you fucking obviously are..

We weren't given a certain date and as of just a few hours ago was the first logical date that things could start going down anyway.. So if you actually thought all the arrests were going to be announced the moment it ticked over to 2019 then you're even worse off than I initially assumed.

Quit trying to divide people. Either stay here or don't, either vote for him in a little over 1 year or don't..

of course you're going to say you're not trying to divide people "you're just frustrated", but what exactly are you frustrated about? Trump has accomplished more in two years than any other president I can possibly remember and has actually fulfilled more campaign promises than any president in history, that I'm aware of..

The ball is about to start rolling and people like you in this movement are going to look like idiots when everything actually starts happening, but you sat there and whined and bitched like he's done nothing at all in two years and that's absolute fucking bullshit. You should be ashamed.

FreedBy45 ago

Thank you for being an adult in the room. I have to listen to my kids whine all day - I don't need it here as well. If only the dividers could be put in time out - until the whole op is over.

MDS0341 ago

And A Q Map,

Can we get someone with balls in office to help the president remember why we voted him in

MDS0341 ago


We were told the boy who cried wolf story for a reason when we were kids

So we are ready for these same disappointing bs

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

We are ready sir...

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Ready to get manipulated by the JIDF? Because so far that's the only fucking thing you retarded neckbeards have accomplished. Even though it ends up being lie after lie after lie you still just fall in line and gobble it all up.

You people are the laughing stock of people who are actually aware of what's going on in the world. From one month to the next, it's always stories that are so completely full of shit that no one can grasp how you're all constantly hoodwinked by them. None of them ever end up being true.

Like honestly, what the fuck has Q actually been right about? Because so far the list of shit that he's wrong about is pages long, and I can't think of a single example of him being right.

You people should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.

Animal_Chin ago

That is an old picture. This is bullshit.

proselaw ago

can someone show me the photo please. I have looked everywhere.

swimkin ago

Click on the archive below. It has a picture of a plane route.

MDS0341 ago


DickTick ago

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the president or Q.. anyone can post an old picture.. now exactly why would that warrant you throwing a temper tantrum like you having this comment thread? Who fucking knows.. I can go post a picture of my dick on 8chan, are you suddenly going to magically think that's the president or Qs dick? I doub't it..

Get over yourself quit pulling this bullshit thinking you're just airing your grievances or seeing who agrees with you, because the only thing you can possibly do is cause division. Keep it up and we'll simply all assume that causing division is exactly your goal.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Another fine example of the average Qtard. Who the fuck are you yelling at? Buddy said "Exactly." and hasn't edited his post, so who was the rant actually directed at?

swimkin ago

Ok that is what I am asking for...... confirmation that it is real or BS. I dont go into 8chan so I have no idea if it is real or not. ThanQ for your confirmation.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Oh look I'm caught in another lie attempting to mislead people into apathetic silence. Ruh Roh, better come up with some bullshit!

JonnyDoe ago

POTUS just stated that he's sitting in the WH on Fox News live.

JaneQDoe ago

The segment played after midnight was a repeat of an earlier segment

derram ago

https://archive.fo/c9THh :

❌Jack Lee QFD shadow banned on Twitter: "POTUS appears to be aboard AF1, transponder is OFF. We got a mysterious message on 8chan, photo of desk in AF1, asking if the anons were ready, HELL YES, we are ready. o7

PanicInDC #Resist = SEDITION by any other name

QAnon #MAGA #Justice #WWG1WGA… t.co/qAMq7Li3w7"

This has been an automated message.

proselaw ago


drstrangegov ago

Stirring the pot. Emotional exhaustion when nothing happens. That is the goal.