webster_warrior ago

Democrats are also the party of the disadvantaged who pretend they have something in common with the working white middle class.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

I see your victimhood and raise you another disempowerment

Stonenchizel ago

Hahahahahaa! , Now that was a good laugh @ghost_of_aswart , Hey I've been meaning to ask you, " Is your tag name a kind of Hogwartz type of thing ? "

Q-sent-me ago

I can answer that, look up Aaron Swartz, a dead journalist.

Aramisorwell ago

Shes fairly savage.

Scroobius ago

she is black

SearchVoatBot ago

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Invicta ago

Love Candace's sense of real history: how the crooked Democrats turned their love of slavery into a new kind of slavery called the "means tested welfare state." They simply incentivized the fatherless black family. As most of us know children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison. Thus are blacks kept under educated and welfare dependent hoping their master will not take their welfare and section 8 housing away.

Stonenchizel ago

That's so right @Invicta Also that's another reason Bill Clinton created the Three Strikes Law in hopes of throwing more African American's into prison for life sentences. This way the Black's would no longer be a problem in society , therefore keeping the Welfare State alive and a way to keep the Black's in essence Slaves to the Democrat Party which have made it seem like they are keeping Social Service's to keep helping these same African American Families that they have voted to throw in prison for life with 3 Strikes Law. These Democrats are stupid & Thanks to President Donald Trump we are soon to pass a new Prison Reform Act Law into a law. You ever wonder why the Democrat's go bat shit crazy when Kanye West or Candace Owens or any African American that speaks out in public & in front of the News cameras? They are afraid the whole of African American's will leave the proverbial Slave Farm of the Democrat Party to follow and endorse a Republican , namely President Donald Trump.

Invicta ago

Candace is over the target in her B-17 as was Dr. Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams. The black crisis is a product of social engineering. Where the main custodial parent is a women (it doesn't matter black or white) you have a crisis on your hands which is not going to be resolved by some new means tested program aimed at women.

bushka ago

I wasn't aware the three strikes law was for blacks only. At what point after the 1st and 2nd strike would someone realize they should alter their behavior? Is there a good reason career or violent criminals should not be in prison?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Leisure time to hate US and protest in the streets, while the rest of us are at work, doing our part to support ourselves (and others with Communicrat handouts). These are the folks who have the upscale life, the higher level of education/indoctrination, and look down on us as "less then". Many of them make a helluva lot more money then i can even think of. And i serve in an ESSENTIAL role, which in this culture is very poorly paid. I've hung out with these people, and still do as it keeps me informed (and some are still my friends). They have not labored even the half of a regular worker(if at all), have not got their hands dirty (in the sense of real work). They have NO IDEA. Only on how to tell us how to live our lives. Yes, at times i am in the other camp in order if only to offer another view. Pretty scary that so many others listen to them...it's all they hear from the MSM, education, entertainment, et al. We gotta get the narrative back!

joeythew ago

When does Google stop allowing her name to be included in search results.

Stonenchizel ago

No idea Joey ....

PraiseIPU ago

There is an irony in Mit Romney NOT exloiting his half mexican herritage.

Seems like that would have been a great thing to mention against a half black.

Star_Trek_Q ago

Cultural appropriation to gain an advantage you don't deserve is bad enough. Unfairly appropriating money from the disadvantaged as a result adds injury to insult.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/tbVaW :

Candace Owens on Twitter: "Appropriation:

@SenWarren pretending to be a Native American.

@Ocasio2018 pretending she was raised in poverty.

@BetoORourke misrepresenting himself as Hispanic.

Democrats are the party of rich people who perpetual pretend to have things in common with the disadvantaged."

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