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stormymonday ago

Go to 31:15 of the video, GTMO is a mess only can take 40 prisoners now and maybe 160 with more resources? Everything we have heard about GTMO on these conspiracy chat sites and all the bullshit with the great awakening, is WRONG nobody is going there. With all the bullshit out there you got to think its all crap including Q.

pinnochio_comey ago

Yep, all crap and bullshit.

I'm referring to your post, of course.

stormymonday ago

Why an opinion is bad?

pinnochio_comey ago

Excellent question. What is it exactly about me expressing my opinion regarding your post that hurt your feelings?

stormymonday ago

my exact question, if you can't speak freely then your not free, and a forum is not a forum it is a cult.

pinnochio_comey ago

Speaking freely carries with it the possibility that someone may very well disagree with what you're saying. You stated that anyone who thinks that perps are going to Gitmo are (in all caps no less) WRONG. I disagree with your statement. If that makes me a "cult member" in your eyes then so be it, I personally don't give a damn what you may think about me. But to brand everyone following the movement as "members of the Q cult" is a textbook example of a logical fallacy, and you'll get called out on it by anyone who recognizes it as such, as well you should.

stormymonday ago

Gitmo can only handle 40 more prisoners that is fact not opinion. Gitmo needs dire repairs and upgrades that is a fact not opinion. Trust Sessions. Trust Huber. Trust Wray, yea ok. Did it ever occur to you that Q may be the deep state to put us at ease so we don't need to be doing anything, I always look at things from 2 sides. I am about 50 50 on Q.