gogogogostop ago

Goddamn it! Those cells are too nice for these scum!!! They're just like regular cells!

I want them in cages like we see in the movies (Kumar and whatsisname Go To Gitmo)! With Bubba in the next cell serving cock salad before a game of in-your-assm for a few hours every afternoon.

sfscubarob ago

This is MSNBC “getting ahead of the story.” Intake this as validation they know something is coming. Pay attention to the commanders inflection, tone & misdirection.

Rhondaher ago

My best guess is the MSM knows there are sealed indictments and preps made to house their puppet masters and they are trying to get ahead of the news to get their fake version out before the public gets wind of the arrests.

HuFlungDung ago

Fake News.

herestothefuture ago

panic at nbc?

HelloDolly ago

"If they received a woman they would need a separate facility." Here's to hoping.

57005-177 ago

So Michael Obama wont be in the female dorm then? 😂

lifeduringwartime ago

No, he’ll be in the transient barracks.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

The 'trans' area.. 😂😂😂

HuFlungDung ago

Or they could put her in with a man.Then Execute her and no one would ever know.Hope fixed.

Derpfroot ago

Giving Gitmo residents multiple spinal surgeries? All paid for with your tax dollars.

57005-177 ago

It will be a lot cheaper than the USSS security detail these new inmates will no longer need in the future.

DammitMan ago

Whole video was really a big nothing burger. We learned nothing.

TheBRAINz ago

Other than the MSM is suddenly interested in and poking around GTMO. How often have they been onsite at GTMO in the last 5 years?

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Local commander, we just do as we are told, nobody tells us anything, send more money:)

Perfect for dealing with the media.

stormymonday ago

Go to 31:15 of the video, GTMO is a mess only can take 40 prisoners now and maybe 160 with more resources? Everything we have heard about GTMO on these conspiracy chat sites and all the bullshit with the great awakening, is WRONG nobody is going there. With all the bullshit out there you got to think its all crap including Q. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i76zXkgdJGg

DickTick ago

You spreading fake news is not an opinion...

pinnochio_comey ago

Yep, all crap and bullshit.

I'm referring to your post, of course.

stormymonday ago

Why an opinion is bad?

pinnochio_comey ago

Excellent question. What is it exactly about me expressing my opinion regarding your post that hurt your feelings?

stormymonday ago

my exact question, if you can't speak freely then your not free, and a forum is not a forum it is a cult.

pinnochio_comey ago

Speaking freely carries with it the possibility that someone may very well disagree with what you're saying. You stated that anyone who thinks that perps are going to Gitmo are (in all caps no less) WRONG. I disagree with your statement. If that makes me a "cult member" in your eyes then so be it, I personally don't give a damn what you may think about me. But to brand everyone following the movement as "members of the Q cult" is a textbook example of a logical fallacy, and you'll get called out on it by anyone who recognizes it as such, as well you should.

stormymonday ago

Gitmo can only handle 40 more prisoners that is fact not opinion. Gitmo needs dire repairs and upgrades that is a fact not opinion. Trust Sessions. Trust Huber. Trust Wray, yea ok. Did it ever occur to you that Q may be the deep state to put us at ease so we don't need to be doing anything, I always look at things from 2 sides. I am about 50 50 on Q.

Carltilders ago

I noticed that he said he was told to get ready for more guests, so that’s what he is doing. She asked about these guests and he claimed ignorance. Interesting too that she was there for 3 days. Seems like a tour and a bunch of questions and you’re easily done in one day. 🧐

DickTick ago

Even more so true when you look at other tours of gitmo on YouTube and understand that they hardly let you go anywhere and are outrageously fucking strict about what you can and can't say, can and can't see, can and can't do.

MSNBC is a bunch of fucking lying cucks. no one gets access like she claims to have had, just look up the other videos...

eatyerpets ago

And OF COURSE they all believe Q is a larp.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Definitely need several days.

Leeloo8me ago

Anons showed Ariel views of it revamped with additions. And I read T put 500 million into it. This is weird

DickTick ago

Because MSNBC are a bunch of lying faggots... just search other tours of gitmo on YouTube and see just how incredibly fucking strict they are and just how little they will actually let you see to this very day... they control what you can and can't see, can and can't say, can and can't do. This lying bitch trying to act like she had unlimited access is nothing but a fucking Jew dick warmer.

Q-sent-me ago

I'm reading "The Art of the Deal" and just read a piece about his pouring the concrete for the Wollman Rink (which was seen in Limitless when the lady got away from the killer using ice skates), and how there was a long line of concrete trucks and it was carried out with military precision.

The book was written in 1987. I think he has learned a lot of skills throughout his career to make him exactly the right person for this job. Thank you, God, for allowing me to witness.

PacaGoat ago

Fake news. Funding was approved. And also remember Q stated Gitmo was only one of three sites. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/03/28/when-it-comes-guantanamo-trump-truly-builder-chief.html

Hazzmat ago

Hey I'm on your side. Commander said he had problem getting the cash appropriations. Like left pocket paying right pocket.

Ir0nbellyCrypt0 ago

only thing i took from it was him saying "there ready", and funny they have her at gitmo. how often do you need to report from there to have and pay her to be there. they must be expecting some news to report is my guess. tells us more then the story did.

57005-177 ago

Agreed. Especially when MSM has those fancy green screens in their studios.

Adopted-Patriot ago

"they're ready"

Hazzmat ago

I agree was quite strange the whole thing.