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Concernicus ago

Don't pretend any of you give a damn about these foreign children. You merely use the human trafficking angle to make immigrants and asylum seekers appear tainted.

If you cared about children you'd be for universal healthcare, foodstamps, welfare, reproductive rights etc and wouldn't refer to the people at the border as 'beaners' or 'baked beans'

None of you give a shit about those kids. You certainly wouldn't want them to grow up in Venezuela, Honduras, or Mexico if you did.


Hey retard. It was our CIA sponsored governments that destroyed their cultures and economies. This is all a planned crisis.

HighEnergyLife ago

For example, Africa had one semi functional country, Libya. Gaddafi even warned hillary that destroying his country would open the floodgates of invaders into Europe. She did it with zeal. Fuck anyone who voted for that bitch