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think- ago

Ever since Trump called him 'Adam Schitt' I cannot help laughing whenever I see his name. LOL.

17RedPills ago

WTF. Thanks for the dig. This is SO in your face.

MolochHunter ago

wow man that Zuma Dogg video in that article rocked

TimOsmon-911 ago

Has anyone else noticed the crazed, bug eyed, psychotic look he has ANYTIME he is on video? Who else has that same, Bat shit crazy look? Ocasio Cortez. Both Batshit crazy, psychotic idiots.

PygmyGoat ago

The infant massage company is just pure evil. Feeling up babies that can’t defend themselves. sIcK!!

KueAnaan ago

It is possible that the Schiff and Scherf bloodlines are linked.

MuckeyDuck ago

You post are the best!! I'm always intoxicated with delight when I see something coming in from you srayzie. I appreciate the intelligence, effort, and attention to thoroughness that you put in each post.

Merry Christmas

srayzie ago

Awww that’s so sweet of you. Thank you!
Merry Christmas to you too xo

sicntrd ago

He has has close ties to the Standard Hotel in LA. Just read that Macron could be Mengele's son?

think- ago

Just read that Macron could be Mengele's son?

Would you have the link? Macron clearly is a Rothschild asset, but in general, I doubt all the rumours that are being spread in the Pizzagate community regarding Mengele.

sicntrd ago

Sorry but a quick flash on a music video, do not remember where. Wanted to spark some research by the anons

think- ago

Well, it would certainly be interesting to look a bit more into Macron, that's for sure! Thanks.

JaneQDoe ago

I just found out Macron's wife was his TEACHER and is 27 years older than him...have read rumors she's his handler.

slwsnowman40 ago

You only just found that out? You have to be joking...

sicntrd ago

And Joseph Mengele might be his father

popcorn_time ago

Macron is certainly worse

harv ago

I just can't stand Adam Schiff. It is unbelievable that he has a voter base.

jadedgentleman ago

Regarding his voter base, I bet every one of them has the same, transfixed, wide-eyed combination of "deer in the headlights" and "just seen a ghost" look so common among the rabid left. Schiff, especially, always looks like he has just sat down on and was anally penetrated by an upright cactus.

lynnmar ago

I'm a firm believer that over half of the politicians (if not more) are in office related to voter fraud. California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, New York and most dems in Texas have stolen their way in for sure. Voter fraud has been going on for decades. I lived south of chicago and it was a standard joke with fraud. Everyone knew but nothing was done.

Really_Cool_Dude ago

It's his sexy eyes

Invicta ago

He is s demon.

ConstitutionalChris ago

MK Ultra Eyes

MuckeyDuck ago

It people like Adam Shit that make Capital Punishment worth keeping around.

GreatAwakeCoach ago

Ed Buck is a monster. I pray God puts him down like the dog he is.

RIP, Gemmel Moore.

Blacksmith21 ago

mark7 ago

Yep, he has (more than one) crossfire, about to hurricane his a&&! I would guess corruption, human trafficking, pedophilia, sedition, treason. Probably a clone of 'ol Jacob.

derram ago** :

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Batand ago

Great work, Patriot!

srayzie ago

Batand ago

I still appreciate the effort. Thank you!


But you bundled up all those heavy links, and delivered them here to us. That counts as work. Thank you!

srayzie ago


Blacksmith21 ago

And @srayzie did it all while wearing a little 2-piece bikini ; )

srayzie ago

Sure, in the winter!

Q-sent-me ago

Baby it's cold outside. Also, you seem to be a thermometer. VBG

srayzie ago

I looked it up. Is it one of these? 🤔


Very Big Grin
Very Bad Girl
Very Big Giggle

Q-sent-me ago

The first. :)

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

VBG? What does that mean?

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought you said that the Srayzie Hall mansion manager liked to keep your estate at a balmy 78 degrees?