PatriotLady1 ago

The Left is no doubt pissed but won't dare fight this one openly.

Backlot ago

Since a State of Emergency is declared in this EO, I think that Martial law goes hand in hand with the EO. Am thinking Martial Law does not have to be declared.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that there is no legitimate national emergency being addressed by the government.

Reminder that no one is being arrested, tried, imprisoned, executed, or punished in any way.

Reminder that your hoax was proven false a year ago.

Hand_of_Node ago

UPDATE: Boy are the dumbed down "BABY" shills out tonight! Be sure to jot down their BABY handles, so you know to vote down anything and everything they post. THIS IS GOOD NEWS, BUT THE DUMBED DOWN BABY SHILLS, JUST DON'T GET IT! This post has sure attracted them and frightened the hell out of them....and so it should!!! They have been doing everything "they were told to do", by their Treasonous Puppet Masters, so you know what that means......they go down too with the SHIP!!! YOU AID AND ABET CRIMINALS, you go down with the CRIMINALS! YOU Aid and Abet TREASON, you are GUILTY OF TREASON TOO!!! Bye, Bye Shills!

OP appears to be retarded.

hurgona ago

When he signed that order I thought it was really smart of him.

I was thinking about it the other day - what good would it be if these people go to jail but keep all their money and power? There’s just gonna go out and continue doing the same stuff.

He’s really taking all their power this way and it’s brilliant.

Threeeyedeagle ago

Another boomer gets their hopes up

frankie2shoes ago

Every executive order gets extended like this. Same with the one from 9/11/01 he renewed a couple more ths ago.

bamadeplorable420 ago

I WANNA KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?????????The United States is committing billions of dollars toward development in Central America and Mexico as part of a plan to curb illegal immigration. What Happened to America First? (

submitted 3.2 hours ago by Kannibal to news (+84|-3)

bamadeplorable420 ago

WELL,,,,,,,,,,Q JUST MUST gematria me this in decode language....smh ...continuous discouragement. The United States is committing billions of dollars toward development in Central America and Mexico as part of a plan to curb illegal immigration. What Happened to America First? (

submitted 42 minutes ago by Kannibal to news (+16|-0)

ReadyToRide ago

This reply is my Upvote for this. (Voat says I’ve reached my limit of upvotes for the day already. I refuse to waste the precious few moments I have in the little time in my day I have catch up on Q, u all and the state of the Nation, the Constitution, We the People, World, and now Space and Beyond by spending time at another voat subreddit or whatever it’s fucking called here “buying” upvotes, wasting my time. (I understand Voat, but also fuck u Voat and lemme better participate in my Qanon World here!)

Trousersnake1488 ago

How will this get kikes out of politics, kill the muslim invaders, and deport blacks back to afric

NoRoyalty ago

Oops. You outed yourself, sand nigger.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Lol how??

Judd66 ago

Justice postponed another year!

NoRoyalty ago


Judd66 ago

Yep I agree, you are!

PacaGoat ago

California is on the list for "Marshall"😉law. It also extends his authority to use the military to build the wall.

NoRoyalty ago

God I want Commiefornia invaded so bad. Free the people!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wait, that link just says something about Virginia and some stupid hurricane.

AlphabeticalAnon ago means that nothing will happen this year?

MissleCopterStoped ago

I am not sure, but definitely sounds like another year of getting punched in the stomach and asked to turn the other cheek and forgive the enemy so they can eo it again.

On the other hand, I would have to say that we researched this ourselves because GodsAngel is a shill and plaguarizes the fuck out of fake news Sorcha Faal because that is where this shill gets most of their information.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's going into survival mode at this point. But a survival where wal-mart is still open. In this reality we're being exposed to some kind of energy from somewhere else, but the first waves of it is very dull. The saying is adjust, and two other things. I just can't remember right now.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Ok cool thanks.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I hear that tailpipes are fun.

MissleCopterStoped ago

IT MEANS YOU WILL BE POSTING FOR ANOTHER DAMN YEAR?!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NellerBean ago

Strange. You act like you don't have free will and didn't check the board yourself.

MissleCopterStoped ago

That was funny when you were crying to @srayzie how the GA isnt fair a month ago. How did that work out for you?

Qzenseeker ago

Thanks for this GA :) Best to be extra prepared for the holidays!!

dordiewithq ago

Yes, more waiting and “Being Patient”. Until after the 2020 election. Let’s not be to hasty and think emotionally.

redmanjbj ago

Good lord you're getting just bombarded here. Every single comment that I've read is attacking Q. Personally I thought it was an interesting post. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. Have a good evening.

PacaGoat ago

The shills have orders to step it up. POTUS and Q have thrown down the gauntlet and the cabal is throwing everything out to stop this. But.....

Nothing stops this. Nothing

NellerBean ago

The great thing about shills posting on GA is that you can see who they are and block them.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Well I can at least appreciate that you agree that OP is a shill.

GodsAngell ago

Looks like MissleCopterStoped, got an F in reading Comprehension.
BIG WORDS I know. Sound them out, and look up the definition and then crawl back into your "safe space".

Hand_of_Node ago

When did you graduate from shill school?

SpiritualPaper ago

I think POTUS has realized the Swamp is deeper than he realized.

GodsAngell ago


It was all realized at the outset, and masterfully planned.

Just because he put a one year expiration date on the Ex Order last year does not mean for a second, that they did not PLAN TO EXTEND it, one year at a time. Moves and counter moves!


SpiritualPaper ago

I think thats what I said.

NoRoyalty ago

GodsAngel may have a tiny bit of a God complex.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Take into consideration that the OP isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and most of their posts never gives credit to (Sorcha Faal) and plaguarizes the hell out of them.

GodsAngell ago

If you HATE my posts, WHY in the world are YOU still here???...and here every day???? Nothing else to do??? Too dumb to land a job???

Shill, I hear your Mommy calling, time for bed: Lights Out!

MissleCopterStoped ago

I hear your Mommy calling, time for bed: Lights Out

Only NPCs repeat the same canned response over and over similar to what mockingbird Enemy of the People MSM news says all day.

I will continue going in your posts to warn people of your fake news that you get from Sorcha Faal, because you are irresponsible and are exactly like the enemy we call MSM that is comprised of fear porn and fake news stories.

Moral of the statement:

You are not a Patriot but instead a fucking traitor because you lack integrity.


NellerBean ago

I kind of agree with you both; I think the CA Paradise fire where they burned the whole town alive in their homes totally caught them off guard.

sorosminion ago

Another day, another silly, shrill post by GodsAngell. He's a fucking lunatic, posts the dumbest shit.He's INSANE! A religious NUTCASE! This "EO" has nothing to do with FAKE "Q" predictions of the fiction of martial law, Trump dictatorship,l ARRESTS, or anything else! Gullible idiots, IT'S FAKE AND IS NEVER, NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

GodsAngell ago

Shill, sounds like you need a "time out" in your safe space!

sorosminion ago

LOL, what a fucking moron. any other idiot cliches only a shut in boomer believes? Safe space, what a fucking tool! What's next Old Gomer, "Where's the beef"??? LOL

buildingbetter ago

This executive order has been used to strip assets away from the people being charged with human trafficking. Human trafficking arrests have been going at a monumental rate. Amazing what happens when we have a president who is actually going after the criminals. Surely there will be many more pedo rings arrested for the next year. The large arrests are a separate matter. It could still be soon as the executive order serves more purposes than just martial law. Criminals do get paroled at some point, taking away their money to help our federal deficit permanently takes them out of commission.

WhitePaladin ago

Any source or you´re just bullshitting ?

GodsAngell ago

Yes, of course I thought everyone understood HALF the reason for last year's Exec Order was to STRIP the wealth of all those involved in Human Trafficking.....the other half of the TARGET is those involved in that takes in pretty much everyone involved in the Deep State!

They all woke up BROKE Dec 21, 2017. That's why everyone is writing lame books and going on desperate books tours, speaking tours, and black mail tours...ANYTHING to get money to cover their imminent MASSIVE Criminal Defense Legal Fees!

POTUS has just extended that Executive Order for another year. By the time this year long extension is over, these psychopaths will all be dead, and their illegally gotten wealth will be returned to the American People.

ADDITIONALLY, the Exec Order, also states clearly that POTUS has DECLARED A STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY, very precise words, which gives POTUS the authority to do a lot things, including declare Martial Law.

PacaGoat ago

The Insurrection act of 1807 and the Posse Comitatus act (as amended) extends emergency powers to the President. This EO makes iron clad the rights of the president.

benjitsu ago

But all the fags over in NEWS said nothing has happened and Trump is a stoopey head!

KyJane ago

That's not "news". That's story time for Democrats and liberal loons.

buildingbetter ago

It would have helped if we had a better education system years ago huh? All the zombie movies were a perfect analogy of people blindly following MSM.

redditbelowsme ago

If it means the same as the first one....

Absolutely nothing.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Hmmm rumor has penny Marshall aka laverne and shirley fame was killed by DS because she made a bad movie or two, we should all look into this and see what we can come up with, bwaaaahhhaaa I mean look at what DS did to Mcain and Bush sr, the government our government killed them with lethal injection bwaaaahhhaaa that's right, not DS but people in our government did this and nobody ever leaked this bwaaaahhhaaa

fireantsinyourpants ago

Make sure you analyze the gematria on that.

JohnQzCitizen ago

hmmmm.... not only can D.C. not make their budget deadlines? nor produce documents by deadlines, nor appear for subpoena deadlines, nor meet court ordered deadlines? Now POTUS can't make arrests in the 12 months before an emergency declaration expires. (nor seize the assets involved.)

NoRoyalty ago

Do you think those dirty rinos believe they're going to beat Trump?

JohnQzCitizen ago

only takes 17 more of them, to give Schumer 67 votes in the Senate.... to do just that, oust Trump.

NoRoyalty ago

They won't get that chance.

MystikMa ago

If House is shut down Fri. Anyone in Congress CAN be arrested...Not sitting member, not immune! So if the clock runs out... watch the sky

Morbo ago

MARTIAL LAW CAN be DECLARED ANYTIME FOR THE NEXT 365 DAYS!!! Something tells me it will be declared very soon too!

Very soon but needs a 365 day extension? Yeah, sounds very soon...totally.

NoRoyalty ago

Did it occur to you that several short periods of martial law may have to be declared in different parts of the country at different times? Trump will want to keep the economy percolating while they clean house.

jdpent ago

I might have missed it but I did not see any end dates in Q's plan just starting dates, where adjustments needed to be made. Disinformation goes a long way,

GodsAngell ago

I think that means we will have Martial Law for 365 days, if its needed.

It might take that long to reprogram snow flakes.

NoRoyalty ago

No it doesn't mean that at all.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Your posts make q people look like idiots. It’s by design and I like it. Martial law🤣🤣🤣

GodsAngell ago

Shill, I hear your mommy calling you. Time for beddy bye!

JackPosobiec1 ago

How many of your stupid predictions have come to pass? Zero. You hurt the q movement.

Timedancer ago

Some good news today after all!

JohnQzCitizen ago

Basically, it means 52 more weeks of Q teasings: are your READY for the _________ (arrests, Boom, pain, declass, brings down the house, panic in _____, (rinse repeat for 2020, rinse repeat for next midterms, rinse repeat .... "these people are STUPID"-Q (at anons)) Hot tip: buy popcorn futures

NoRoyalty ago

Try a hot bath. Does wonders for terror attacks.

MissleCopterStoped ago

You pretty much nailed it.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I have no response to that.

Astonisher667 ago

The stupid ignorant trolls even downvoated a line from the movie you quoted! Talk about insane!

Omnicis ago

Sadly, this more than anything. If you ignore all of the previous specific predictions and dates because of NEW predictions and dates, you are going to eternally chase the carrot on the stick.

benjitsu ago

Are you being purposely retarded? Did you really mean to say "carrot on the stick"?

Omnicis ago

yes I did mean to say that

You can call me retarded all you want, keep burying your head in the sand hoping for the "hail mary" Q larp to come to fruition.

Whatever you do, just trust that the government will make everything OK. Trust the plan. Do not take matters into your own hands!

NoRoyalty ago

Do not take your dick into your own hand. "Hand" it over to the FBI.

benjitsu ago

The expression is "carrot and the stick" and it doesn't mean tying the 2 together

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Too late. Me and others have been taking matters into our own hands. And by that I mean, that it's not about going out and shooting people. We're more creative than that. Ever hear of what popcorn can be used for? Think places that might get hot and places where popcorn isn't supposed to be. Like certain machines. Lots of corrupt peeps use machines for a number of things. Imagine how jumpy they'd be to start hearing popcorn popping?

MissleCopterStoped ago

What machines are you speaking of? Sounds like a new hobby that is rather inexpensive for startup and very interesting to say the least.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well, it would only cost the amount of said popcorn. Maybe a darker clothing required, and a little gas money. You go to said places where the machines that have heat factors are located and you place the popcorn. And then get somewhere from a safe distance and watch. But there are many other things too. Besides that. Like I said, crazy people get guns and start shooting up things. But I say that they're not creative enough. They have the will. That's not the problem. It's how to go about things. Taking matters into our own hands can be fun and in the small ways of random poppings and random slimings, well, the sky's the limit.

NoRoyalty ago

I would say you are in deep doodoo but the puppet masters won't harm you so carry on.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

There's one thing about being a slave in their world, in their greed and psychosis to own everything...they overlook so much.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I will research this more, thanks for the tips. 👍

GodsAngell ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Yes, you're quite a shill. Your favorite activity is going around screaming SHILL! at anyone who disagrees, or points out your bizarre behavior.

ES-Trader ago

JohnQzCitizen: Basically, it means 52 more weeks of Q teasings: are your READY for the _________ (arrests, Boom, pain, declass, brings down the house, panic in _____? (rinse repeat for 2020, rinse repeat for next midterms, rinse repeat .... "these people are STUPID"-Q (at anons)) Hot tip: buy popcorn futures

MissleCopterStoped: You pretty much nailed it.

AlphabeticalAnon: I have no response to that.

GodsAngell: Shills.

That's a major indicator something has developed into a cult -- when absolutely no one can question anything the revered leader says. I don't think Q is a cult. I believe we can question things. Hasn't Q specifically said as much?

Just because some are starting to really question things doesn't make them shills!

I am now extremely skeptical -- and am asking tough questions -- does that now make me a shill too?

If you have answers to questions or specific counter-points, please consider making them. I start out by assuming everyone here is a fellow patriot, even though I know some aren't. If I disagree, I do so politely and by stating my point. I don't throw the "shill" label around when somebody questions -- or in this case, two (2) people did nothing more than agree with someone who questioned.

I took the time to look at their profiles and they have all contributed significantly -- and have been up-voated by the community for their contributions! They certainly don't appear to be shills to me.

NoRoyalty ago

I start out assuming every other poster is a shill. Some more sophisticated than others.

ironnickel ago

This sounds like shill talk

JohnQzCitizen ago

worked for 24 months? oughta work for 12 more.

DamnLiquor ago

calm the hell down

GodsAngell ago

Why don't you get a life, shill!