gogogogostop ago

I don't see any dissatisfaction or any reaction at all. I think you're suffering from wishful thinking.

G3rm4nF4g ago

German truther and journalist Oliver Janich speculates what was in the funeral envelopes:

"They all took only a quick glance and their faces froze. So it cannot be a big message or many sentences, and I guess it was simply a big fat Q."

Video in english: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTuGoMXnBgg

drmckoy ago

It was a photo of Michelle's penis.

SaveOurGrandChildren ago

Q’s 12/5/2017 post stated "Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc"- I wonder if what was in the envelopes were very incriminating pedo-related pictures of each person who received the envelope? Wonder if those pictures came from Weiner’s laptop. Huma actually stated that her husband “would be the death of her.” Interestingly, the Clinton’s introduced Weiner to Huma. Bill preformed the marriage. (How fitting!) Also, note of late, the ex-wife of Killary’s photographer stated her ex-husband took all the pedo pictures. I wonder if the photographer was a friend of Weiner. Dan Bongino says remember the names. These names keep recycling. Also, if Laura Bush asked Bush Jr are these for real & Bush Jr said yeah – this makes even more sense. Perhaps those who got envelopes had never seen the pictures until - as Trump twitted – this is not a funeral – but a the celebration.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MissleCopterStoped ago

Hahaha Manchelle!!! 😂😂😂😂

MadWorld ago

PGLiterati ago

This is a joke, yes? It's from a self-proclaimed parody account and the lighting is off--all fuzzy.

TrishaUK ago

Brilliant Thank You for sharing!! Loved it!

RakerKey ago

That blonde old woman behind - she got eyes everywhere swivelling all over the place to see whats happening whenever any of the front row crooks got their ' message '

Rhondaher ago

I noticed that too. I windered who she was. Maybe a handler or CIA

Fsumom ago

That is Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynn I believe

Rhondaher ago

I dont think so. Lynn Chaney is very petite and pretty. This woman lioks like a man. Ill check it out again, maybe she has aged badly without adrenochrome

DerivaUK ago

Rhondaher ago

That was funny. It needs to be in its own drop. Thanks for sharing

the_magic_man ago

What do you believe was in the envelope?

the_magic_man ago

So, something innocent, like an invite

TrishaUK ago

To Gitmo lol

NellerBean ago

You said it before I could! A subpoena could also be considered a type of invitation...

TrishaUK ago

True, but not the invitation they ever thought they would receive lol Remember "the never thought she would loose" still a great statement that is worth repeating! Looking forward to the movie, this is just the appetiser!

NellerBean ago

but not the invitation they ever thought they would receive

At least the club is still exclusive enough for them!!

PacaGoat ago

Think I may have an idea of what the note said.

From USAG Whittaker:

You have been indicted.

Arrest warrants are pending.

Now wouldn't that cause a stir.

DerivaUK ago

I just hate his cocky ‘chin raise’ and ‘head tilt’ pose. But it’s a great signaller for his being displeased or defiant. Should come in handy when the noose comes down, though.

VitGet ago

God I hope this pans out.

bamadeplorable420 ago

wonder why it took so long for this one to come out.....AND WHAT ABOUT THE PENCE WIFE CARD??? IS THAT WHY PENCE LOOKED SO DEAD AT THE ''''QUAINT TV (LOL) EVENT OUR VERY STABLE GENIUS PRESIDENT SET UP WITH nancy and chucky.??

eatyerpets ago

Pence looked like he was having a heart attack. Yeah, I'm thinking he's compromised. From how sick he looked, a blackmail set-up?

Fetalpig ago

Pence is a pedo crime boss. That guy is pure evil..

TrishaUK ago

I thought the same about his mind being somewhere else.

srayzie ago

Omg that was beautiful. Obama looked like he was really upset. I love how Hillary looked over at them like, ohhhh their screwed too

DerivaUK ago

Oh to be a fly on the wall at that after service gathering!

srayzie ago

Omg! 😂 Right?

brettco12 ago

a fly on obarrys face you mean.

MolochHunter ago

how come it took an extra week for this clip to come out? who's releasing this slow drip ? - it has to be orchestrated

HistoryQuest ago

Yes it's orchestrated. That's why there were cameras in exact positions to record the reactions of every person/couple who received one.

Quinceberry ago

True - also satisfies a teenie bit of our satisfaction to see their reactions to the inevitable

fullthrottle1949 ago

My guess is the author of the envelopes, he would know who's on the naughty list

Jimerican ago

"Manchelle" - that's some funny stuff right there.

NellerBean ago

At first I thought "wait, isn't it Moochelle?" but now that she's not living so high off the taxpayers, Manchelle works just fine.

RakerKey ago

Yeah - that fugly creature has got a lower jaw like a Heavyweight Boxer

drmckoy ago


DamnLiquor ago

wife on wife crimes run rampant in the soetoro family

DamnLiquor ago

all your balls are belong to me

PacaGoat ago

Must be talking to mike. Barry has none

eleminnop ago

Uhh guys? I think I found something...

One year and one day before funeral:

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No.34081  📁
Dec 4 2017 22:01:07 (EST)

Wife connection?
What is a pattern?
Follow the wives.
Keep watching the news this week.
Future proves past.
Re-read crumbs.
Bombs away. 
Merry Christmas.

(I cut out some of the drop because it's a long drop)

Link to 8ch: https://8ch.net/cbts/res/33992.html#34081

GodsAngell ago

Oh, very good, I hadn't seen michael opening the envelope before this.

Yes, now that I think of it, it was ALL THE WIVES that got the envelopes! Bush's wife, Laura got an envelope, Hildabeast got an envelope, Pence's wife got the envelope, and now Obummer's "wife"? got one. Not sure about Biden's wife, but it makes sense because Biden's wife is reacting heavily to the envelope, so much so Hildabeast had to turn around and talk to them.

Wow, this is a great post, both of them

Quinceberry ago

Good one! And interesting that the wives opened the envelopes. Follow the wives.

eleminnop ago

That's what I thought! Funny this thread got slid down and was replaced by the "Manchelle" comment, which is funny, I'll admit, but yet again, the thread with actual substance is bumped down from the top.


Quinceberry ago

There is some buzz now about Pence's wife getting one too - and of Pence's demeanor at the Pelosi/Schumer comedy show - a possible connection to Flynn and an attempt at a takeover after impeachment? I wonder if this is a case of keep your enemies closer?

eleminnop ago

I've always been on the fence about Pence. Supposedly he's related to child crimes, but I haven't done any digging of my own.

It would definitely make sense that he's dirty, and that he was intended to be Trump's deep state replacement "when" he gets indicted.

Quinceberry ago

Makes sense about on-the-fence Pence lol Q never vouched for Pence and there is Q725 to reconsider which could be interpreted in more than one way, especially if he were there for nefarious reasons

eleminnop ago

Hmm, just read #725. Do you know what Q means by "why is the 'sister' w/ Pence"?

Quinceberry ago

I can only speculate. When I read it then, I interpreted it by the line that follows it : "Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?" and assumed the sister was seeking safety and stepped out into the public with Pence at that time. But who knows? Maybe Pence was the one Q was talking about? I have no idea, but it would be worth a lot of digging to find out!

amarQ144 ago

quite a few drops off by a year...crono still getting dialed in

eleminnop ago

Can you clarify what you're trying to say?

amarQ144 ago

We break out the popcorn and watch the show...just the final cut. For every hour of the final movie there may be hundreds of hours that were cut. Scenes that were removed...some scenes shot a dozen times...scenes filmed in a different order than final cut. Multiply the complexity 100x and likely getting close to this tech. Sometimes time lines get out of place. I'm surprised it's being controlled as well as it is.

CNOTE100 ago

I still want to know why Pence got one too?????????

digital_minuteman321 ago

Tory Smith made a number of videos about Pence before his untimely death. Also I remembered that Trump wanted Gingrich as a running mate and not Pence.

srayzie ago

He also believed in all kinds of crazy things. I think he was mentally ill or was several abused. Maybe MK-Ultra

PtCPt ago

Tory Smith is deep into the woods on some of his stuff, but comes across as believable and sincere. What he did say bothers me a lot. And, no man naturally wilts like he did.

CNOTE100 ago

Trumps choice in Pence has bothered me since day one. The day he chose him, I thought, "why would he choose another politician"? I blew it off as him wanting someone with political background. Gingrich would have been a AWESOME VP.

drmckoy ago

Recently, I've read terrible things about Pence re. child abuse, but I don't know if it's true or disinformation. Waiting to see What Q says....

TrishaUK ago

Yes me too, I have been a Pence defender, but the more I hear the worse it seems, but I HOPE it is DISINFORMATION! @srayzie @think-

srayzie ago

Hmmm I don’t like that. Thank you Trish. Going to Archive

think- ago

I've never really looked into him, tbh. Please keep me updated if you have any news, Trisha!

TrishaUK ago

These are the only links I have re Pence:- I shared them in another post recently with srayzie. [–] TrishaUK 0 points (+1|-1) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago)

I have hoped and stood up for Mike Pence when people have rumoured that he is involved in pedogate, even going against my instincts when Abel Danger was 100% accused him, and I trust Field McConnell. However it is getting harder to believe he is not involved now that Karen Pence got an envelope at the GW FUNERAL! WOW Never saw the Joe Biden one until this video either! THIS IS GETTING EXCITING! The Mysterious Hidden Letter from Bush funeral Was also Given to few Others - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7poU0sUD40YouTube

[–] srayzie [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 days ago

I don’t think Pence is guilty. You think Trump would allow that?

[–] TrishaUK 0 points (+0|-0) 4 days ago

Still saying I HOPE NOT.

[–] TrishaUK 0 points (+0|-0) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago)

I do not want to believe it, but Field McConnell seems to be very credible, and although he rambles, my gut trust him. I also heard someone say, keep you enemy closer, explaining maybe this is Trumps stratagy: Still in the air, just that envelope and this video makes me question now: Mike Pence ( fast forward to 4:44 mins ) MIKE PENCE 11-2-2018 Gobsmack & Field McConnell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuFhU0x6yGE&t=378sYouTube At 2:35 mins he explains about his connection to his sister Marcy & Killarys Pedogate/Pedogate Gov. ( No.1 ) AV8 - 2017 - Field McConnell on Global P3dophilia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSuvyAIl0A&t=336sYouTube - ( No.2 ) The slides he used: AV8 5-20-2017 - Field McConnell's Slide Show (no audio) on Pedophilia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHx6uAI3OhMYouTube -------- Oh and Fiona Barnett testimony shows that even the highest level pastors are not what they portray to be :'( SADLY

think- ago

Thanks, Trisha.

Rhondaher ago

It might be part of the plan for Trump to choose Pence. If hes compromised Trump may have used him to draw out the deep state and their assiniation plans thinking they had one of their own in place to become President. Also Pence may have been shown his crimes before he was chosen and is working for a deal. Im anxious to know what gjves with Pence too

DerivaUK ago

That accusation about Pence has reared its head in a number of places. Too many to ignore.

CNOTE100 ago

yeah its interesting. Ive seen the same things. This may relate to Flynn too. Remember "supposedly" Flynn lied to Pence?

PtCPt ago

You're correct on this, re Flynn lying to P. That's what got him fired. Forgot about it, but now it may make sense. Trump also made it pretty clear in the beginning that he didn't know Pence well, indicating to me that he had some 'help' making that selection. I did figure even then that it was a committee selection of some sort. After all that, I'm hoping he's not as bad as it's beginning to sound, yet things are starting to add up.

CNOTE100 ago

Yes they are. I don't like what I am seeing either. But he got a letter at the funeral. And it makes me wonder more. My hunch is that Trump will probably choose another VP 2020.

Mad_As_Helll ago

At the very least he defended his pedo friend Dennis Hastert https://www.wthr.com/article/pence-defends-speaker-hastert

On_Fire ago

Q's counter was public, for all the world to see and...more importantly, enjoy. Priceless!!

brettco12 ago

how do we know who goes to mens jail and who goes to women's jail. we cant go by the roles being played by them.

Lauraingalls ago

Q said the envelopes contained "Our promise to "COUNTER." I'm GLAD the DEEP STATE knows they are LOSING. Q is clever. Since they were all together, it was easy to just let them ALL KNOW. Make sure they GOT the message. No middlemen needed. No postal service or UPS needed.

DamnLiquor ago

this could just be disinformation to cause more mistakes.

Calm down oprah

mark7 ago

But how come Barry didn't get the envelope, (like all the other wives)? Remember Q said, "Watch the wives". Hmm... (lol) On the other hand, I was hoping they got one too, took a while to come out, I guess. Still got that Pence "Elf on The Shelf" stuff rumbling around in my head as well. Very Strange funeral.

WeatherEye ago

Barry IS the wife :)

Lauraingalls ago


derram ago

https://archive.fo/47Kb7 :

❤️ Jared T Swift ❤️ on Twitter: "The Obama's got an envelope too. Tick tock 💥… "

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