OptimusPrime4 ago

As far as I can see, Q must have received other questions that were not shared or answered, of course Q is in control of which ones are posted, so I wouldn't find fault with the questions.

JohnQzCitizen ago

fair enough

Shiftworker1976 ago

Just think about it. 8 chan is opened up with Q/A session. Tons of questions. Q makes the call to answer the ones they choose. Disinformation is there downfall. The truth is in the answers, decoders are on board. Panic in DC. BOOM BIGLY

1southrising ago

Q is right/truth if he says what you him to say but if he tells you, JFKjr is dead(which he is), then he’s just putting out “misinformation” because everyone knows how fucking relevant JFKjr is to anything today. Oh yeah, and another big revelation from the classified secrets vault, the earth is spherical...and ET’s are fucking Sci-fi and not real. Of all these important issues of our day these are the questions these morons look to Q to for answers. If Q is who he said he is why not ask him something relevant instead of conspiracy entertainment bullshit.

If you don’t already know this kinda shit then Q is no help to your dumbass.

Truther65 ago

Q never said there are no ET's. He just said the earth is 'not flat'. They are two totally different things. You are reaching for things he did not say.

1southrising ago

1st Q - q&a He said, “consider the vastness of space.” Study Space-Time

Even if there were intelligent life not of this planet the probability that it could travel the distances necessary to come to earth from any other solar system is mathematically infintessimal to the point that it is impossible. ET’s are complete science fiction.

Real Science of space travel. Traveling over 35,000 miles per hour it will take V1 at least 40,000 years to reach the nearest star to our solar system.


Don’t be stupid.

DammitMan ago

What makes you so sure we are the most intelligent life anywhere? Just because we don't have the technology for interstellar travel doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that we haven't had visitors here.

1southrising ago

Alright. And just because you’ve never witnessed me jump and touch the moon doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened or that my brother hasn’t done before. I’m open minded but I also look for proof before I believe things. However, some things are simply impossible. Interstellar travel is not possible and myself nor anyone else will ever jump and touch the moon. None of the theories about warping space or time travel (and they are theories) have been proven. What I mean is, sure, on Star Trek the Enterprise “warps” space-time to bend space and jump from one place in space-time to another. However, the theory that this is based upon has not been proven to even be a correct theory.

It’s fun to imagine these things but they cannot be done. And consider this...if you were an ET that had somehow developed a technology that can defy the laws of time and space (some of which we do not know yet and others we do not understand) and you came to this planet, you’d pass it by like the roughest, dirtiest, most backwards trailer park/Deliverance movie you’d ever seen. We are dangerous and really not worth the time to investigate. Anyway, we can disagree and I swear I’d love for someone to prove me wrong - I mean, introduce me to an ET and give me a ride in the ship, etc. But that shit ain’t gonna happen. Until it does there’s no reason to give any credence to that belief.

Truther65 ago

In case you haven't figured it out yet, NASA is all fake news and Movie propaganda. All the space movies in Hollywood were paid for by the Military Industrial complex (black hats) to make us think its fantasy and sci-fi. Where do you think the 21 trillion missing at the Pentagon went to? It went into space programs. I hate to break this to you but you are the one buying into stupidity. They have you just where they want you, sheeple. Wake the hell up.

1southrising ago

Lol - your a hoot

Peace bro

jrobb03 ago

If you're ignorant enough to have "1southrising" as a username then its pretty pointless to listen to anything you have to say.. lol you southern democratic POS

1southrising ago

Not a Democrat.

And I guess with a username like “jrobb03” you are a cocksucking faggot.

Actually, what is ignorant, is to think you can know anything about me or anyone else in voatverse by their username. That’s the point.

You know what I mean cocksucker?!

jrobb03 ago

I know what you mean gay boy

"most" people who refer to the south rising are racists fags, amirite?

1southrising ago

I really do not know what your talking about.


jrobb03 ago

Touche' lol

awakeQ1 ago

he said we are not alone. ? are we alone? Q "No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space." drop 2222

JohnQzCitizen ago

yes, I was very disappointed in the quality of the questions, that the anons asked at Q & A, as well. However, if THAT was military intelligence? Then it fits the bumbling fools pattern of their history.... (Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Vietnam, UBL, US Cole, Blackhawk down, drug planes flying unimpeded across our southern border, spies at national labs, ....)

Kzintrooper2016 ago

The point of the Q&A was the cause a surge of traffic to stress test the 8chan server environment -- likely in preparation for big events.

So it did not matter what questions were chosen, just to get traffic.